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Thursday 27 June 2019

PARKING by Mark Antony Raines

"John sit down it’s not worth getting yourself all sound about? says his long-suffering wife Sue of thirty years and counting,she thinks to herself it was like a prison sentence when John got into his full rant modes he was prone too ,she wished he was more  relaxed. “No Sue you don't understand I have to forever find a place to park my car other than out my front door,now there taking the mick by that bloody car alarm going off then to make it that bit worse it gets switched off by a remote because that lazy so-and-so can't be bothered to turn it off" Sue could physically see John face getting redder and his fists curl and uncurl,then the pacing begins,she knew she had to intervene before he became like the incredible hulk. "John just think of your blood pressure,try to calm down”John just gives a stare of blank eyes his red must had arrived,sue knew it was time to get out of his way, but she was too late. John pushed her to the ground and proceeds to kick her repeatedly,until she is no longer breathing. John walks in a stomping fashion to his shed,opens the door and picks up the axe used for chopping up firewood for the aga. John with as in hand awaits by the window,watching for that smug arsehole who always parks his car outside his house. The man across the  road gets of his front door to get into his car he parks just across from him for easier access when suddenly coming charging at him with an axe in his hand is his neighbour John ,before he can dodge out of the way the axe splits into his head,blood leaks out like a fountain on hyper drive. John carries on with blow after blow hacking away at this unsuspecting victim until all that is left is a hacked up body looking like a bad jigsaw puzzle. John is heard maniacally laughing as when the police arrived.

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