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Showing posts with label Author. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 November 2021


Susan Laubach is an expert in personal finance and investing and can speak eloquently on that topic while entertaining your listeners. More specifically, we have outlined discussion/debate topics in the media kit. You can find the media kit will complete book and author details here. A sampling of these topics include:

- Being a Loaner vs. an Owner. There are many other forms of bonds with lesser-quality ratings than AAA: AA, A, BBB+, BBB, BB, etc. Only BBB+ and higher are considered “investment-worthy.” The remaining ratings are given to so-called riskier “junk” bonds, the interest and principal payments of which may not be paid due to potential financial problems for the issuer.

- Always Understand How a Company Makes its Money. Sometimes a company’s best-known product isn’t the one that’s profitable for that company. E.g. Some years ago, a restaurant chain was teeming with customers at all times but stock analysts reported that the company was losing money, not making it, as a visitor to its stores might have assumed.

- Beware Irrational Exuberance and Never Confuse Brains with a Bull Market. Never pay too much for shares of a company’s stock. A useful “formula” is the so-called “PEG ratio” which simply states that the company’s price divided by its estimated earnings per share (stated as “P/E “- the “/“ being a signal to “divide”) compared to its estimated growth rate in earnings per share should be equal to or less.