Sunday 10 July 2016

The Overnight Cure For Cancer (OCC)


This treatment has not been evaluated by the FDA. The term "cure," as used in this article, is the alternative medicine definition of "cure," meaning the vast majority of the cancer cells are killed or reverted into normal cells.

General Warnings

This is an New Cancer Treatment
This cancer treatment is new. It is experimental, though it has been proven to be totally safe even for very advanced cancer patients. In other words, its safety is NOT experimental, only its effectiveness is experimental. This treatment is based heavily on a great deal of scientific evidence combined with solid cancer theory.
Be aware that chlorine dioxide is toxic in high doses. The doses chosen for this treatment have been chosen to be well within safe, non-toxic levels. However, do not assume significantly higher doses of chlorine dioxide will be safe. Stick within the safe doses of this treatment. Several people have already taken this treatment and no one has had the slightest complaint about the doses.
Also note that this treatment is spread out over 12 hours. This is also part of the safety of this treatment. Do not take the total daily doses in less time than the treatment prescribes!!
By the way, DMSO is far, far less toxic than chlorine dioxide, thus the doses of DMSO are simply not a factor. Earlier versions of this treatment used 25 tablespoons of DMSO without a single complaint. This treatment uses less than 4 tablespoons of DMSO during the entire treatment.
Because this is a new treatment, this article changes from time to time. It is important to read this article in its entirety just before starting the treatment (i.e. after you have obtained the necessary materials). This article is still changing as feedback is received from cancer patients who -read more

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