Saturday, 22 March 2014

Shaun Histed-Todd Photographer at Photographer, Illustrator at Freelance Illustrator and Manager at BY MARK ANTONY RAINES

Hi Mark
Sorry its taken me so long to get this back to you. I have too many chores and not enough time :P
ok here's my answers hope they are ok.  Cheers

What inspires me ?

A: I find inspiration from many sources, Music - Nature - History - Politics - the supernatural. I'm always searching for something new.

What are my Aims ?

A: I always aim to be successful at what i'm doing or at least give it my best shot. With Wicked Spins Radio my aim are to make it the best online radio station for alternative music, catering for as many alternative genres we can bring in. With my art and photography i'm always aiming for a challenge.

What plans do I have for the future ?

A: I plan to enjoy life to the full - put on more live events for the radio station - meet plenty of interesting people - visit ancient sites especially places like Puma Punka in Peru. Erm   save the world from the corruption and war mongering of the elite ( Ok that last bit is fantasy lol) 

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