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Thursday, 31 January 2019

Possible article about Ghostman horror host

Well Carl I heard you have an interest in the genre of horror particularly less known horror movies and zombies.Well I like that as well but I have something a little different to tell you about its about a horror host podcast based in Holsworthy in the United kingdom or Blighty as I would say.The name of this podcast is called Ghostman horror host podcast uk and it came about after i.Mark Antony Raines aka Ghostman..a slightly odd ex Essex married man with eleven tattoos nd four earrings,appeared on a show with horror host Bobby Gammonster..yes that's his real name.on his internet show monster movie night.I helped to introduce a classic hammer house horror tales from the crypt .This came about after i interviewed Bobby gammonster or my podcast show Holsworthy Mark podcast show it is he most bizarre interview ever done..he had no Mike or video access so I asked him questions he typed the replies..yes it was that weird.Anyway back to the true story I was inspired to have  to at being a horror host but my video skills could be written on the back of a stamp and still have plenty of room.So I thought I can do a podcast cast version so I created an alter ego Ghostman horror host...a deranged clown with a creepy British accent .At first I performed other horror stories like black cat by eadger allen poe.,but I decided why not have a go at writing and performing my own horror stories so I do that.example...Puppet show by Ghostman horror host...Just getting ready everyone I hope you all enjoy my show tonight says shan e little boy of six with blonde hair and blue eyes.The audience await in silence,the curtain opens.A voice speaks thank you ladies and gentlemen tonight I bring you Dad .Slowing walking to the stage is a strange human like puppet with red legs and red arms dripping with a red substance a sickly red colour,attached to the limbs are thin long strips ,could it be flesh.The human puppet goes into a dance like a hanged man dancing from a tree.The puppet is placed on the floor and shane comes out to nothing but silence.Shane looks at his audience and creeps toward a small woman with brown hair and slightly overweight and whispers in her eyes it's your turn now mummy dearest to be my puppet.The other members of the audience stay Sat in silence ,what do expect dead people else to do...If your readers are thinking hey this sounds very interesting and cool where can I go to listen to this horror host podcast well here is the information bit.Podbean.Anchor Fm,Spotify,I heart radio,Google podcast,Apple podcast, also on Facebook look for Ghostman horror host and fans of Ghostman horror host.And if you want why not listen to my audio book Ghostman horror host a selection of stories written and performed by Ghostman horror host available on Apple store app and Google play app called Audiopub..this app is available on Apple store app and Google play app.Well this is the end of my article I hope you use it perhaps Ghostman horror host will enter your nightmares..manic laughing.this was written by Mark Antony Raines aka Ghostman.

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