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Friday 14 May 2021


 Before the dawn of the  dinosaurs we were around in the air ;inside the creatures  when the frist signs of life crawled from the darkest depths of the blue oceans.

We  were rogue able to do as we wished we even helped destroy the mightiest of the dinosaur s but history declared a different  ending  for them when that asteroid from outer space crashed into this planet known as earth. 

We watched as centuries,  pasted by to us in a blink of an eye then a strange event occurred to a species of primate their began to  mutant and  their  bodies altered as their lost their fur and stopped walking on all fours and adapted  to using two limbs  to walk and the others to build and use to make tools. 

We derived to see if we could inhabit their bodies but how was the problem as we did not know at frist and by using our collective hive minds we found our alternative by entering though  their hands and mouth and nostrils. 

When we entered we were attacked by deviant anti bodies and a long war broke out many were lost but soon we found a way pass and we started to spread this at frist  frustrating killed our hosts for we were new and too strong for them so we had to go back to  the drawing board. 

We  soon realised we had to modify our approach  so we we divergent derived  to get a bit weaker than instead of killing  the host we made them in and spread us among their races.

This system worked well but the primates primitive brains grow so did  intelligent and the apes gained knowledge and insight and became a new other of themselves by calling themselves Humans. 

We had more battles with humans  through the oncoming decades and when we thought the population was too many we increased our strength to kill them in their million s normally in a hundred year circles. 

Then we realised that this species called Human become complacent and thought thier life span was now a certain to live a long life so we became a super version of ourselves so we infected the population of the different countries on planet Earth so it would confused thier top specialist known as scientists. 

A variant  is a form of version of something  that differs in some respects from other forms of the same thing or standard  and we are here to the end of the known universal space and time that  planet Earth existing but we will travel with the solar winds to pastures new.

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