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Friday 9 October 2020



Just Released! Growth


Some years ago, my life was changed for the better. Just graduating from college and experiencing a season of inward turmoil, it was time to understand the direction I was meant to take. I began questioning the entire meaning of life and, more specifically, the meaning of my own. I scoured through an endless supply of philosophies for months, desperately hoping for answers with no solution in sight. Eventually, childhood memories of the Bible began resurfacing in my mind until I decided it was time to once again pick it up. From that day, everything I was searching for, everything I needed to get my life in order and on track was made abundantly clear in ways I never could have imagined. And now, it’s my turn to share the same wisdom with others in any way I can.

My Philosophy

What I promote will never be of my own creation, a montage of internet conspiracies, or false prophecies. I have dedicated my life to uncovering the true nature of the Bible’s philosophy and disproving the fallacies that exist. With what is uncovered, I will help develop a culture of personal investigation along with a practical application of spirituality according to the teachings of the Living God.

Living a life devoted to the living God’s spiritual understanding brings an abundance of health, clarity, and joy. No matter the subject at hand, whether it be math, science, humility, law, self-care or physiology, every morsel of instruction present in the Bible is relevant and applicable to creating a more productive person and personal devotion. I believe it is my calling to conduct a persistent and thorough examination of the Bible’s instruction and to pass on the findings to others so that we may all benefit from experiencing, independent of any man’s thoughts, a revelation of the living God’s will and wisdom to our hearts.

This opportunity to share His wisdom in writing, as it is an opportunity for those who have never had a glimpse of His goodness to discover a perspective otherwise unknown, is a true blessing. There will be difficulties and trials when learning how to practically apply His words, but God is prepared. He calls us to question and to challenge His promises so that He may provide the chance to make His own name worthy in our eyes; He wants to show up for you. As our Creator, He has not and will never leave our thoughts and feelings alone. “Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye Me," Isaiah 45:11, He says, which lets us know that when we truly feel weak, He is ready to be put to the test.

My belief, as a writer and counsellor of the Living God’s doctrine, is that everyone have the opportunity to intimately and intelligently believe on what He is actually saying. As I am a mouthpiece for His benevolence, I encourage every mind to say, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled," 1 John 1:1, and, "I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things," Ecclesiastes 7:25. But in order to open our hearts to His love, we must first better our mind.

With an open mind and prepared heart, we will be ready and willing to receive, care for, and live out the philosophy of “being” within the Bible. In time spent in deep connection with Him, our words, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions will shift to see and acknowledge the value of His intention, to love ourselves and others in the way that He does.

"We have received a commandment from the Father," 2 John 1:4, as the law of heaven-appointed and heaven-approved creation; this charge is vital to our personal and devotional success. Our assignment is to learn of and do "the law of the Spirit of life," Romans 8:2, and by our fellowship with His words, you will know that it is heaven's will to "purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God," Hebrews 9:14. 

It is the joy of my life to learn of and prove just what the living God "wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places," Ephesians 1:20. Every subject of study is made perfect by heaven's law and science of mental and spiritual redemption, and I will to do much in how we learn of and apply self to creation’s wisdom. 

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