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Wednesday 7 October 2020


 Liliane Grace is a prize-winning author, inspirational speaker and writing coach specialising in ‘conscious living' messages for the whole family. Her unique ‘personal development’ novel, The Mastery Club® – See the Invisible, Hear the Silent, Do the Impossible, shows children and teens how to achieve their goals and dreams. Sequel, The Hidden Order, continues the story at a much more challenging level. Both books touch on mindset, health, relationships, natural laws, and many empowering and health-oriented philosophies. She is also the creator of The Mastery Club® 10 Lessons Program. A new novel for teens about financial literacy (Quest For Riches) is coming soon. Liliane has just published a romance novel for women (Wanted: Greener Grass) in a new genre Liliane is calling ‘conscious chick-lit’. She also teaches writing courses in both classroom, private and online formats and is a dynamic speaker. Why I write the way I do I've been interested in personal development, the mind and human potential since I was a teenager, and specifically in the power of language to influence our feelings and state of mind. I wrote The Mastery Club because I saw a gap in the market between?. youth fantasy literature (wizards, vampires, dragons) and reality literature (war, refugees, drugs), and I wanted to inspire kids to create magic in their real lives by realising their own life dreams. The Mastery Club was an utter joy to write because it brought together two of my favourite interests: writing fiction and living consciously. The program evolved out of the book. I'm really touched by the responses of students who have experienced it, and of their parents and teachers. You can view some student and teacher testimonials here here. I was delighted when people from around the world began to contact me also wanting to teach the program. There’s also been interest in a screen version. Hold the vision, folks! I’ve continued in the ‘teaching through story’ niche because (a) it’s surely the best way to learn - it’s certainly my favourite way! and (b) because I’m fascinated by the ideas and principles I share through my writing. Some literary experts reckon that writing shouldn’t be ‘didactic’ (have an ulterior motive to teach something), but I disagree. I believe that our purpose here on earth is to grow, to realise more of our potential, so it makes sense that our books and entertainment should support that outcome. Not all of it, of course, but 'entertaining education' is what interests me – definitely not in a tedious, moralistic way – it has to be enjoyable! [See my Hero’s Journey mini e-course that accompanies the new book, Wanted: Greener Grass.]

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