Thursday 9 July 2020


We see two man with sitting at a panic table in park.Placed on the table is a chess board and all it piece s ready to start a game.But this is no ordinary game of chess for ladies and gentlemen your about the world of The outer limits.

There is nothing wrong with your television set.Do not attempt to adjust the picture.We are controlling transmission.
We will control the horizontal.We will control the vertical.We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity.
George is an elderly looking man with shiny white hair and a long flowing white bread,dressed in a cardigan,flannel shirt,and black trousers and comfy black shoes .
Across the table is Samuel wearing a white t shirt,shorts showing off his extremely hairy legs,in his feet are some leather sandals exposing the fact Samuel needs to get his toenails cut at some part as they are getting quite long.
The chess board is made of walnut with black and white chequed pattern inlayed,in top of the board are chess pieces one in Red,the other White .
George "Who turn is it this time,it seems a and ago we last played please forgive me for my poor memory" Samuel "No problem old man,it was my turn to start this time around as you started last time"
Samuel "By  the way no cheating this time"
George" ok I promise "
The first move is made by Samuel
Pawn E4 To C5.

George "How s your little empire shaping up,last time I looked you seemed a little full"
Samuel "Thanks for caring,I had to build some major extension s ,and drum up a few more operators to do the menial tasks"

 Nf3 Nc6
 Both Knights contend to take control of the strategically important d4-square

 Samuel "How s at your end?"

 George "Be getting a few gripes about the requirement from the employee s  about have to  wear the uniform as some say it's very uncomfortable and revealing,some don't like the music as it not modern enough,so wish to have a refund,but all its seems ok"

 d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4

A mutually advantageous and time-honoured exchange. White gets a space advantage, while Black keeps both centre pawns and gets a half-open c-file to attack on.

Samuel "Recently I had to visit one of my science department s in China"
 George "Yes I know"
 Samuel "Yes I always forget that,anyways I had to shut them down as the virus their were working on for me got out,far earlier than I required as I wanted a full working one that did a better job than last time"


The trouble with the move is that it creates a backward d-pawn while Black also loses control of the d5-square Black would normally have exercised with the less ambitious 4...e6.

 George "Yes I had to do some very quick thinking,and I sent one of my best workers to do some last minute changs s to its D.N.A sequence to make sure it didn't infect everyone the same way"


And thus the game carries on back and forth in a battle of wits.For month upon month until the end of the year and the game of cat and mouse by George and Samuel was coming to exciting conclusion.


Red was threatening both 28...d3 and 28...Qe1+.I
  White ignores these threats and makes an essentially pointless move such as c7 in the pious hope of helping his pawn on to queen.
Then White  responds ..Qe1

Samuel "I see that you have decided not to interfere with your and my clients like you used to in days of old"
George "Yes I know I was being constantly harnessed to give them their right to free will,much as it pains me I should have made that point a bit clearer back in the garden"
 Samuel "I really miss that garden,I do believe you went too far by destroying it,it would have be great to finish this game in those lovely surroundings"
 George "Yes ,I was much more quick to get angry back then,I have mellow as time to on"

 d3 29. Rc3 Bxd7 30. cxd7 e4

d3 was threatening mate in 12 beginning ...dxc2. After 30...e4, the threat is ...Qe1 and mate

Samuel "I be doing my best to sign up new members with various incentives,but so many believe due the internet full of fake news,I suppose that was your doing to try stop me"
George "Actually you are wrong this time,it's down the potential new members for best of are getting a lot wiser"
Samuel "How I miss the time when their were in the dark"
 George "You would as that was the last time you won the game"

Qc8 Bd8

White tries a last-ditch attack, but Red just deflects it with his bishop. Red  could also have played 31...Rd8!? 32.Rcc1 d2
 The game is slowly coming to its conclusion ,the time for the winner to be decided is nigh.

.Rcd1 Qe1.

. Qc4 Qe1! 33. Rc1 d2 34. Qc5 Rg8 35. Rd1 e3

 George "I don't suppose you're going to ask for the usual execution to the end of the game"
 Samuel "I think only fair,I promise to have another game in a couple of million of years,are you going to rebuild in seven days again"
 George "No I going to wait that long I always liked how my creations play via game s,so I going to do a reset in one day,and this time no garden,and no people writing a book as it was used for purpose s it was not attend for"
 Samuel "Yeah and it made out to really hate each other,when we have been the best of enemies since that disagreement we had about me worshipping you say and night"
George "That's not go over the past,I have forgiven you"
 Samuel "Please don't"


This move allows what  "a truly magical finish".
 The timer dings
Qxd1! 37. Rxd1 e2

 red  has a forced mate  and White has
 A great red mist decends on The earth,four horse man are riding over the horizon,apocalypse

(the Apocalypse)

the complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation.
  Game resit
Round 665
George vs Samuel
Or you know them better as God and Satan

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