Saturday 11 July 2020


I was told the following story one dark plutonium night Whilst  I was doing my bit for the economy during this current pandemic and having a holiday in holly old England.
So it going as exactly as I inspected,consent heavy rain,winds,tent had been erected but then taken down due to fact no one told me I put up inside out ,after a few mutterings and some very choice French words it was done correctly.
Then the kids started fighting as we had no wi fi so apparently we are the worst parents ever.
My wife decided to calm down the potential world war by suggesting we have a good on fashioned camp side story .
This is that story.

Whilst investigating the death of a local nurse, a brave private detective called Polly Connor uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, warped gun circulating throughout Kent. As soon as anyone uses the gun, he or she has exactly 29 days left to live.
The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look skeletal. 
A marked person feels like an industrial puppy to touch.
Polly gets hold of the gun, refusing to believe the superstition.
 A collage of images flash into her mind: a snooty donkey balancing on a spiky nurse, an old newspaper headline about a crocodile taming accident, a hooded toad ranting about toes and a drinking well located in a deserted place.
When Polly notices her arms have puppy-like properties, she realises that the curse of the warped gun is true and calls in her friend, a lawyer called Albert Olsson, to help.
Albert examines the gun and willingly submits himself to the curse.
 He finds that the same visions flash before his eyes. He finds the snooty donkey balancing on a spiky nurse particularly chilling.
 He joins the queue for a supernatural death.
Polly and Albert pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded toad. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?

The kids just put their hands in their heads and then walk away to get some air and leave the old farts to themselves for five minutes.

After about a hour,the two kids decide to go back,a as hungry,b a bit scared of the woods eerie atmosphere.
But they soon realised their lost and not in a good way,when suddenly they came upon a light shining like a lantern showing them a way to salvation.
 As their approach this camp they see people in rough and ready clothing and looking lovingly into a iron pot.
  Tom the boy child says 
 "I think these people are hermits"
Sally the girl child replies
 "Tom that not go to them   I didn't like the way they are looking at me"
Tom just laugh s
Tom goes right up to the hermit family a d cheeky asks
 "Excuse me have anything we can eat,and do you know the way back to our camp site"
 The oldest of the hermit family raises up for his seated position and welcomes them with open arms.
Both Tom and Sally join the feast of the clan around the iron pot and are both given all the food and drink they can can consume,which as you may know is a lot as most children have hallow legs.
Then the mother of their newly formed friends tell s then of how they are primarily a travelling branch of her family who survive I the pickings of the woods,and she was really grateful that the children found them as they were getting very very hungry.
At this the two children tried to run away as fast as their little legs would let them but due to the fact both were full to the brim they did not get far.
Then both got a hatchet through the skull and splitting them down the middle,as  then choose into manageable pieces for the iron pot,as unfortunately for the children the hermit family had a particularly strong craving for human meat.

Meanwhile back at the tent the mum and dad and not noticed how long Tom and Sally had been missing as just enjoyed some sexy time.
After having a quick drink of hot tea ,someone called out at the tent flap.

 "Excuse me you do know that After the sun goes down, most of the local town near by  turns into night walkers, feeding on the brains of those not yet affected. "
John the family father replies in a bit a sadistic way
 "We feeling perfectly normal thank you go and tell your camp site take to a more easily fooled persons,just go away"

Susan the mother of the children was getting worried about Tom and Sally as both had not come back yet.
Suddenly there is sound of people screaming,rustle of fallen tents,and a sickly sweet red liquid seeping in the tent.
John goes to look outside after much earache from Susan but is forced back into the tent by a raging,hungry zombie,not brains were eat,both no longer sorry about their children as only have brains on their minds.
"Yes that seems ridiculous to me"
Says officer Frank Turner,thick set,black rimmed glasses,slightly overweight of The Middleton Police Department.

Middleton was in the middle of its worst murder streak in history.
The problem is that the suspects are different for each murder with no known motives.
 However, each of the suspects has one thing in common. They each attended the same party supporting a local city hall candidate three nights before the murder began.

The suspect Graham Little,small balding,best goatie,dressed in so in black like an aged goth.

Graham "But has that got to me officer don't you up that am a world renowned hypnotist "
Officer Frank Turner
"That's just a lot of bunkum,you have a rigid employee spretending to be members of the audience "
Graham laughing
Then Graham picks up a plastic spoon and s ways  it back and forth like a pendulum,and counts very softly spoken 1- 2-3"
Officer Frank Turner is asleep his dream begins.
tale is one of terror that includes every one of the those still asleep.
Officer Frank Turner finds he is attending a empty house which unfortunately the previous owner  had said was broken into.
In the table he finds a note  s aying.
"Hi Frank
Thanks for letting me free it was fun knowing you I
thought it might be fun  to stay in this home. P.s  the house is booby-trapped, with no way to escape. They have 24 hrs to survive until the house is disarmed.
Graham "

Graham make s to to his cruise ship as part of its cabaret offering the passengers a week of scary fun in the high seas abroad a haunted ship.
Little do the passengers know, the real scares come when they sleep, and the ship shapes their dreams into nightmares so scary, some don’t wake up.
Also on board two recently released prisoners are offered freedom and a million pound to the winner of a competition to see who can murder the most people in 24hrs, with the entire thing filmed through a hacked video security system and streamed live ,so you see the ship is not haunted but each passenger is being murdered in the most exorbitant ways to see which of the prisoners can get the most points towards the million pound prize.
All this was just coming to an end when the church bell ring it was nearly dawn,and it was time for all good little vampires to go to bed.

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