Friday 27 March 2020

#MentaHealthMatters-Dairy by Mark Antony Raines

Right if you going to talk about mental health problems it's best to be honest with yourself.
So to start the ball rolling and get you to seek help and talk I going to tell you about mine.
My name is Mark Antony Raines and I have mental health problems.
O.C.D/Anxiety Which no have had since I was a child it's a form of not liking change in my life,at my worse it gets I become Verbally Aggressive and Paranoid this makes my wife feel uneasy band worried what I might do.
I used to not deal with money as I was walking home from work with my wages some time ago in Bideford when i  felt like just throwing them in the river.
This is part maybe unsettling to most but it's important .
I have tried to commit suicide on two separate occasions,it was after the split with my first girlfriend which I took very badly.
The frist attempt I took a lot of painkillers and just had the feeling of I did not wish to be part of this world,I did ring an ambulance from a phone box and I was taken to a hospital in London where my stomach was pumped and i was On a drip for a couple of days .
The second time was yet again painkillers and I was taken to Southend Hospital due a friend being worried about me,I was given yet again a stomach pump.
Also during this bad period of my life I committed two accounts of criminal damage and was put on a one year probation,I was told by the court I was to receive medical help,I was told I had clinical depression,I had to go to a unit to talk about my problems.
For years on top of my medical records it had the word Suicidal on it it took a lot of effort to take that off.
So you see I not hear to judge ,I am just like you but I want bro give back
I worked in Mental Health Problems for over Ten Years at Woodtown House Bideford dealing with very ill people but as you got to know them you began to saw moments of clarity and I had many a good debate,yes their had their bad days but I always treated all as people frist and their issues second.
I was very proud when I got my NVQ 2 MENTAL HEALTH AND SPECIAL NEEDS that's the reason I what to give back and why I am trying to offer my help as if can help one person that person can help someone else.
Your s Mark Antony Raines

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