Thursday 26 March 2020

Dairy by Mark Antony Raines

Let's start with yet again by me self employed wow you got 2,500 a month to live on but still you moan,yet I and many like me only have average of a 1'000 a month to do the same and some even less but we are looked down on society as not bothered to look for work,disabled,elderly,carers looking after someone at home ,we survived on less way before you.
Equipment that people in various NHS are asking for yes it's important but be realistic the whole world is demanding it I sure the plaster items can be produced by getting it 3 d printed .
Tests I sure we could get hold of one reproduce ourselves and release after testing.
No I did not clap for the NHS as when I was in care I was just doing my job.
Still no joy trying to help people with Mental health problems but I will keep banging on .

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