Thursday 19 March 2020

Dairy by Mark Antony Raines

Let's play the coronvirus bingo game,see how many times you hear these words in the media.
Italy,Coronvirus,Toilet paper,Shortages in supermarkets shelves,key workers,how am I going to live with less money,economy downturn,some expert repeating the same argument of I told you this would happen .
It's great to see local communities setting up groups asking for volunteer s but I found them very clickie,I'd if you are not a councillor,member of clergy,business owner,car driver your face does not fit.
Remember the unrecognised workers who seem never to get a mention but without them the rest could not do their jobs.
I predict due to high demand power cuts,downgraded internet connection,phone restrictions due to heavy demand of people at home.
Keep Safe

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