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Monday 27 May 2019

Weird World News magazine 29-05-2019 - Shared by The EGG
A lienᵒcene. Dan Mellamphy ⁽ 1⁾ A lienᵒcene would be a kainós, 2 a new age qua era, the ⁽ᵖʳᵉ⁾dominant character of which would be linked to links [[‘liens’ in the lingua franca]]: an era the ⁽ᵖʳᵉ⁾dom…
This post is by John A. DeLaughter, a Lovecraft eZine contributor. “You know, it takes profound art and profound insight into Nature to turn out stuff like Pickman’s. Any magazine-cover hack can spla…
Fantasy fiction - Fantasy can often be separated from other speculative fiction genres by the lack of scientific or macabre themes, but not always. It is set in a fictional universe, often without an…
In 1981, the world suddenly became obsessed with archaeology. That year, Raiders of the Lost Ark was released. An immediate hit, the film gave the world a new hero—the rakishly handsome adventurer an…
Call of Cthulhu was always the thinking person’s tabletop RPG; the one with less orc-slaying and chest-looting and more detective work, research and reading long-hidden texts until your sanity degrad…
Gothic films are at once very easy and very difficult to categorise. Within the wider context of the “horror” genre, gothic films are linked directly to the literary gothic of the eighteenth and nine…
Right about now you might be thinking, Well, if Vance is as good as Simmons and Chabon and Rhoads say he is, and if he refused to give in to the demands of the genres in which he worked, then maybe h…
Poland is a country with a strong reputation for producing bands that lean towards the darker end of the underground rock spectrum however the Eastern European country, that has given us monstrous gr…
“Alien Earth” by Edmond Hamilton first appeared in the April 1949 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories. It has seldom been reprinted. I just discovered it in an old copy of The Great SF Stories 11 (1949…
Hello, Boskar, and welcome to the ISFDB Wiki! I hope you like the place and decide to stay. Here are some pages that you might find helpful: Note: Image uploading isn't entirely automated. You're upl…

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