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Wednesday 29 May 2019

Cup of Tea by Mark Anthony Raines

    Gerald  could you make me  a cup of tea and put a few biscuits on a plate said Gerald,s Auntie Glenda. Gerald  is a middle aged men going bald on top ,glass  and fairly neatly  dressed. Auntie Glenda has long snow white  hair, a chunky  cardigan, pleated shirt and has a slight stoop due to her back  and does not  like  being  told  she  is elderly  she prefers  recycled teenager. Auntie Glenda lives in a quiet  cul de sac in a one bedroom bungalow  with  a front  garden  full of plants  and garden ornaments  which  give her great  pleasure  to  see people  walking by stop and take a look  and leave with a smile on their  face. Gerald  pours the steaming  water into  a couple of  cups puts in teabags then milk then some sweetness  for  Auntie; places a small  selection of biscuits  on a plate; some bourbons, custard creams;shortbread. Gerald  places the cups of tea and the plate selection  of  biscuits  on a tray;earlier  he had taken  out the  teabags and put them  in  the  bin,he had stirred the  tea and  was now preceeding  to the  front room  of the  bungalow. Gerald  places the tray on the coffee table and scans the  room. The  room  is full of ornaments, pictures  and his favorite poster  Keep Calm I am an Auntie  which  always  brought  a wry smile to  his face. Auntie Glenda and her nephew Gerald  suddenly  hear a massive  bang,glowing bright light  and then  a wave of intense heat. All that  is left  is the charred  remains  of two  bodies  and  many  more  whom once lived before  the  bomb. The End.

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