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Saturday, 4 February 2017


Pornography or ‘porn’ usually means videos and photos showing naked people or people engaged in sexual acts. Some people might look at porn as a way to learn about sex but it can have a damaging effect on their lives and relationships if they think it’s realistic.
Does everybody watch porn?
No. Not everyone is watching porn, even if a lot of people say they are. It’s OK to not want to watch it. It’s definitely not something people have to do or feel pressured to do.
So what’s the problem?
Porn can make you feel under pressure to look or behave a certain way. Most people wouldn’t like it if you treated them the way people are treated in a porn film. Chances are, it wouldn’t score you points with your partner. Watching it can make you think what they’re doing is normal and that everyone would like it. But everyone is different, and what porn shows often isn’t what happens in healthy and happy relationships.


Rape is sex without consent. This means that rape isn’t just people being physically forced into a sexual act, it also includes pressure that makes someone feel like they had no choice but to have sex.
Most rape victims know their attacker, sometimes it is even the person they’re in a relationship with.
Anyone of any gender or sexual orientation can be a victim of rape and / or sexual assault. The most important bit to remember is that being pressured or forced to have sex or to do something sexual when you don’t want to is a crime. If you have been raped, or sexually assaulted, remember that it’s not your fault, you aren’t to blame and there are people who can help you.

Official film | Disrespect NoBody

Sunday, 29 January 2017

what is consent

  1. 1.
    permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
    "no change may be made without the consent of all the partners"
  1. 1.
    give permission for something to happen.
    "he consented to a search by a detective"
    synonyms:agree to, assent to, allow, give permission for, sanctionacceptapprove, acquiesce in, go along with, accede to, concede to, yield to, give in to, submit to, comply with, abide by, concur with, conform to
    "all the patients consented to surgery"

The first human-pig hybrid embryo has been created in the lab

For the first time, researchers have successfully grown human cells inside early-stage pig embryos in the lab, creating pig-human hybrids, which the researchers describe as interspecies chimeras.
While still early days, the experiment might one day lead to lab-grown human organs that can be transplanted into those who need them, potentially saving thousands of lives.In the experiment, researchers in the US injected human stem cells into early-stage pig embryos. These hybrid embryos were then transferred into surrogate sows and allowed to develop until the first trimester.
More than 150 of the embryos developed into chimeras, which meant that they had developed the precursors of organs including the heart and liver, but they contained a small amount of human cells - around one in 10,000 of the hybrids' cells were human.
This is a proof-of-concept experiment showing that human-pig hybrids are possible. The ultimate goal is to find a way to use these lab-grown human parts for transplants.
"Our findings may offer hope for advancing science and medicine by providing an unprecedented ability to study early embryo development and organ formation, as well as a potential new avenue for medical therapies," said team member Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, from the Salk Institute in California.
"We have shown that a precisely targeted technology can allow an organism from one species to produce a specific organ composed of cells from another species."-read more

Doomsday Clock ticks 30 seconds closer to midnight

Citing a rise in global nationalism and humanity’s failure to confront nuclear weapons and climate change, scientists today pushed the infamous Doomsday Clock 30 seconds closer to midnight—the symbolic moment humankind is supposed to annihilate itself. That pushes the planet from 3 minutes to destruction to a mere 2.5. Since the clock was launched in 1947, this is the closest we’ve come to the brink since 1953, when the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) moved the hand 2 minutes to midnight following the first testing of a hydrogen bomb.
One of the biggest reasons for the move, wrote BAS scientists in an op-ed in The New York Timeswas the ascent of U.S. President Donald Trump: “Never before has the Bulletin decided to advance the clock largely because of the statements of a single person,” they wrote. “But Mr. Trump’s statements and actions have been unsettling.”
Those include comments about the use of nuclear weapons during his campaign as well as during his transition to the White House. In a tweet in December 2016, Trump wrote, “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.” Politico reported he has since given mixed responses regarding the notion, saying “there is not going to be an arms race” but also noting -read more

Saturday is not for fighting.

No not a elton john reference but how in the form of karate i do i have too now and again do kumite or randori - which i do at gesar karate in holworhty as part of sports karate .I am not really a fighter and find it hard when we need to do as i dislike violence and i am not very good in a honest opinion of my self .So why do you practise you may ask well- enjoy learning how to push myself.

The 'almost human' gorilla who drank tea and went to school

John Daniel with the schoolchildren of Uley, Gloucestershire.John Daniel was no ordinary gorilla. For starters, he was called John Daniel. And he had his own bedroom, drank tea and cider, and could purportedly do his own washing up.
The extraordinary tale of the village that adopted its very own gorilla a century ago is told in a new local history book by a Gloucestershire historian.
Margaret Groom, an archivist at the Uley Society, unearthed a collection of photographs of John, which have been published in her book about the village’s history.The book recounts how villagers in Uley adopted the lowland gorilla after he was captured in Gabon by French soldiers who shot his parents. In 1917, he was spotted for sale in a London department store by Uley resident Maj Rupert Penny, who paid £300 (about £20,000 in today’s money), and named him John Daniel.
Penny’s sister, Alyce Cunningham, raised John as a human boy in the village and used to send John on regular walks with the children of Uley junior school, according to Groom.-READ MORE

Roman buildings found under Chichester park

Ground-penetrating radar scans of a park in Chichester city centre have revealed three near-complete Roman buildings.
Moving images of one scan have shown a large part of a townhouse with walls and floors and a freestanding building nearby.
Archaeologists were left stunned by their "remarkable degree of preservation", Chichester District Council said.
Further exploration will take place this year.see video

The Battle of Torrington, 1646

The Battle of Torrington, 1646

During the final months of 1645, General Fairfax and the New Model Army advanced slowly into the south-west of England. The Prince of Wales, Captain-General of the West, had withdrawn to Exeter after Lord Goring's defeat at Langport in July. As Fairfax began his advance into Devon in October 1645, the Prince moved further west to Truro in the loyal county of Cornwall where the Prince's Council struggled to hold the demoralised western army together. In early November, Lord Goring himself abandoned the Prince and fled to France.
In mid-October, Fairfax advanced to Tiverton and quickly overran the town. The Royalist garrison of 250 men took refuge in the castle. Parliamentarian siege guns proceeded to bombard the castle until, on 20 October, a lucky shot broke the chains holding up the drawbridge and the garrison promptly surrendered. With forces blockading the Royalist stronghold of Exeter, Fairfax's army quartered around Tiverton and Crediton. Lieutenant-General Cromwell arrived from his campaign in southern England on 24 October to bring the New Model Army back up to full strength.-read more


Every February 14, across the United States and in other places around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint, and where did these traditions come from? Find out about the history of this centuries-old holiday, from ancient Roman rituals to the customs of Victorian England.
The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated with this ancient rite?
The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.-read more

Polar bear gets fireman help.

For a dental examination Victor-18 year old ,80 stone polar bear and u.k s  oldest required the help of firefighters .The firefighters had the specialist  equipment to allow dentist to check a discoloured tooth and vets to x-ray and take blood samples for testing,Yorkshire wildlife park,donchester.

Badger -otter fossils found.

Fossils found in China were of badger-otter the size of wolves that roamed earth  6 million years ago.

V.C Found.

A medal found by an amateur treasure hunter may have belonged to Private John Byre who served in the Crimean War .The medal in question is a Victoria cross  and was 1 of 16 awarded after the Battle of Inkerman -november 5th 1854 and 1 of 2 inkerman v.c,s still unaccounted for .The problem is the v.c has date of battle but not recipients name on a suspender bar which is missing.

Betty the pole cat rescued after spending a whole DAY stuck on top of a pylon

A terrified cat was finally rescued after spending a whole day stuck on top of a 30ft electricity pole.
Betty the cat was spotted by a resident of the street in Cam, Glos., who phoned the RSPCA, who called in the retained fire service and Western Power DistributionA whole street had to have their power switched off so that firefighters could stage the rescue operation.
Betty the black and white moggy managed to scale the wooden structure but found herself stranded on the top and unable to get back down.
The electricity pole was at the bottom of a neighbour’s garden and it took a full rescue crew, electricity supply workers and an RSPCA officer to carry out the rescue on Friday.
The lovable cat was stuck up the pole for 24 hours and only rescued after neighbours heard her cries for help.
Utility firm Western Power Distribution switched off the power supply to the whole street in Cam, Gloucestershire., as a precaution-read more

Britain's first NAKED workout classes launched by personal trainer

A personal trainer has launched the UK's first ever nude workout classes.
Ten participants bared all to take part in the first Nude-ercise class on Saturday night.
Former recruitment consultant Helen Smith, 35, led the circuits-style workout, which included jumping-jacks, sit-ups, push-ups and partner work.

The hour-long class, which costs £8, is described as "gentle boot-camp style exercise with partner games and teamwork" suitable for all fitness levels.

People aged between 33 and 70-years-old to part in the first class in Southampton, Hants., but Helen welcomes adults of all ages to try the activity-read more

Moths instead of mice .

I do not think this is a good news as dislike animal experiment and do not understand why still required.Scientists are thinking of using moth larae instead of mice,rats and rabbits for experiments .


Saturday, 28 January 2017

Really weird science - the top 10 barmy theories boffins are researching

Does the Earth have a hidden second sun? Will we all become vampires?
It seems, as Einstein once said, “imagination is more important than knowledge” when it comes to science. So BBC Focus magazine looked at 10 of the most radical theories boffins are researching – and they read like science-fiction...

Mind-bending drugs are good

Researchers are testing for positive effects in many previously vilified drugs.
Of particular interest is the use of psychedelic drugs in treating mental illness. A team at Imperial College London has been studying how LSD can be used to combat depression.
And a single dose of psilocybin compound, from magic mushrooms, reduced anxiety and depression in cancer patients for six months.-read more

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Chair Saga.

This post s our account of problems that have occurred whilst using this chair.My wife Enid was given a reclining chair via loacl ot worker to help her rest legs and stand up.But the chair has caused her to get sores on back of leg and shering on her bottom which are being treated with creams and biatain on a daily basis and visited by community nurses once a week was twice .To you dear reader this may seem what is the problem well it has taken a long time to convince the nurses this was the case .Enid mental health was affected as got too point of not wishing to get up and parniod that noone else believed the phyiscal discomfort she was in and hates advice to go back to specialised bed -air mattress to prevent bed sores -as makes her fees isolated and does not wish to see family members like tis as feels like a hospital visit.Enid has been given a plastic step with handle as aid to help sit back better but itslips and she has nearly fallen a couple of times so does not use.We are getting as visit from the company involed that designed the chair and we now of one other person in holswortrhy that has a simlar problem so we suspect a design fault.I f we can make sugestions for improvement s here are our ideas.1 the bar that runs in front of chair needs extra padiing ,cahir needs to be less bak and deep and seting are needs extra padding.Enid is even wiling to trail new design and give back fedback to help others in the future..