Wednesday 22 November 2023

The Dalek Invasion of Earth Original Airdate: 21 Nov, 1964

 The Dalek Invasion of Earth

Original Airdate: 21 Nov, 1964

Episode One - World's End


(A man wearing a nasty metal helmet staggers past a sign warning 'it is forbidden to dump bodies into the river'. He wrenches a metal collar off with a cry and walks down the steps into the water, where he drowns. Then the Tardis materialises.)


(The scanner is not working.)

DOCTOR: It's not clear. It's not clear at all. What has gone wrong?

IAN: Well, Doctor, where are we now, then.

BARBARA: Somewhere nice and quiet, I hope.

SUSAN: Oh, yes. Let's have a holiday.

DOCTOR: Take a look for yourselves.

BARBARA: Well, I can't see anything.

IAN: Neither can I.

DOCTOR: Well, it looks like moving water to me. It might be a river somewhere. I don't know. What's the reading, Susan?

SUSAN: Radiation nil, oxygen normal, pressure normal. Grandfather, it's an Earth reading.

DOCTOR: Well, I don't want to boast, but we might be somewhere in London, hmm?

IAN: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go and have a look.

BARBARA: Come on, open the doors.


(The warehouse and embankment along the river is definitely London)

IAN: Barbara, we made it. We're here!

DOCTOR: Well, there we are. Back home. Your planet.

IAN: You brought us a long way round, Doctor.

DOCTOR: More by good luck than judgment. What a horrible mess.

BARBARA: Are we down by the docks?

IAN: (shouts) Hello! Pretty deserted. Probably Sunday.

DOCTOR: It's uncanny. Wonder which era we've landed in?

IAN: What was that, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Oh, I'm just wondering about the time factor, my boy.

IAN: Oh, a year or two either way doesn't make much difference to us, you know.

DOCTOR: Well I hope for both your sakes we're near your time, but bear in mind we might have landed in the early 1900s or the 25th century.

BARBARA: Well, it's still London, anyway.

IAN: Yes. Hey, what are you doing?

SUSAN: I'm just having a look. Can't see much down there, can you.

DOCTOR: Yes, that's the word I was looking for, decay. It's most odd, most odd.

BARBARA: Doctor, what's worrying you?

DOCTOR: Well, you take this bridge, now. It isn't an easy task, is it? Look at all this neglect all over the place. It's been abandoned, all of it.

IAN: There's always a mess with construction work, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Perhaps, perhaps.

BARBARA: Oh, come on, Doctor. Stop spoiling everything.

DOCTOR: Oh my dear, now believe you me, I wouldn't spoil your homecoming for all the world.

SUSAN: (at the top of the wall) Still can't see much. There's not a sign of any people anywhere.

DOCTOR: Be careful, my child.

(too late, she falls)

IAN: Susan.

BARBARA: I think she's just shaken.

DOCTOR: Yes, you're always dashing about, aren't you. You're far too curious.

IAN: You're lucky it wasn't any worse.

SUSAN: My ankle.

IAN: Look out, this whole thing's going to go!

(they carry Susan away just as the bridge collapses onto the Tardis)

DOCTOR: The ship, Chesterton. The ship! Don't go to near, my boy, its not safe.

IAN: The whole bridge has collapsed.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, it's all crumbling.

IAN: We're going to need help to shift this.

DOCTOR: Yes, it's going to be very difficult, but remember we're in London.

IAN: What's that got to do with it?

DOCTOR: Well, the people, they'll all be curious. They'll want to know why we're trying to break into a police box.

IAN: Yes. If they don't ask what a police box is doing under a bridge in the first place.

DOCTOR: Yes, exactly.

IAN: You know, it's primarily this girder. What I need is an acetylene torch.

DOCTOR: Oh, my dear boy, you can't just whisk up men and material out of the thin air now, can you, hmm?

IAN: There's a warehouse over there, Doctor. I might be able to find a crowbar or something.

DOCTOR: You know, my dear boy, I never fail to be impressed by your optimism. You can't move that by sheer brute force. You were right, you need a cutting flame.

IAN: I know one thing for sure, Doctor. We'd better make sure we can get back into the ship before we start looking around, just in case there's trouble.

DOCTOR: It's intelligent. That's good. But you know, young man, I have a feeling, or call it intuition if you like. I don't believe we're anywhere near your time, the 1960's.

IAN: I hope it is only an intuition, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, ask yourself. Here we are, standing by the Thames and we've been here quite a while, how long? Quarter of an hour, twenty minute?

IAN: Easily, but what about it?

DOCTOR: Well, what have we heard? Nothing. Precisely nothing. No sound of birdsong, no voices, no sound of shipping, and not even the chimes of old Big Ben. It's uncanny. Uncanny.

SUSAN: I'm lucky, aren't I?

BARBARA: There are no bones broken, anyway.

SUSAN: Thank goodness. I'm sorry about what happened, Grandfather.

DOCTOR: Oh, so you're sitting up and taking notice again, are you?

SUSAN: Don't be angry with me, there's no real harm done was there? I just twisted my ankle.

DOCTOR: No, no harm done, child. No harm done, no. Do you realise we can't get into the ship? What's all this rubble then? Look at it.

SUSAN: I didn't pull the bridge down on purpose.

IAN: The Doctor and I are going to have a look in that warehouse over there.

BARBARA: Well, can't we all go?

IAN: Well, how's your ankle, Susan?

SUSAN: I'll try it.

(but she can't put her weight on it)

SUSAN: It's not very good, is it. It's awfully swollen.

IAN: Well, that settles it then. You need to stay here.

DOCTOR: We shall be as quick as we can. And you bathe that ankle. What you need is a jolly good smacked bottom! Come on.

(Ian and the Doctor leave)

BARBARA: Oh, Susan, it is swollen. Can you twiddle your toes?

SUSAN: Yes. That's all right.

BARBARA: You wait here then. I'll go and wet my handkerchief in the river.

SUSAN: I'm sorry, Barbara.

[Outside the warehouse]

(Crane chains creak in the breeze. It looks very like old Wapping to me. The Doctor and Ian go up an iron staircase)

DOCTOR: Let's take a snoop.

IAN: Careful, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I'm not a half-wit.


IAN: Hello, there!


(Barbara reads the notice, and worries)

BARBARA: You know, we're not in our time in London, Susan.

SUSAN: Why do you say that?

BARBARA: Well, I know London, and it isn't like this. The river's too quiet and there's no sound of traffic. There's a strange poster on the wall back there. It just doesn't make sense.

SUSAN: Well, off we go again. I'm sorry, Barbara. Is it selfish to want us all to stay together?

BARBARA: No, of course not. We ought to be able to hear something. It's ridiculous.

SUSAN: Things have to stay as they are, don't they. Can't change.

BARBARA: I suppose so. Anyway, maybe they've done away with noise altogether. How's your ankle feeling?

SUSAN: It's throbbing crazy.

BARBARA: I don't think this is wet enough. Hold on a minute.


(they're being watched)

DOCTOR: Chesterton, come here.

IAN: Empty.

DOCTOR: What a musty smell. This place hasn't been used in years.

IAN: (looking out of the window) Doctor, it's lost two chimneys.

DOCTOR: What's that monstrosity out there?

IAN: It's Battersea Power Station. I wonder what's happened to those two chimneys?

DOCTOR: What's happened to London, dear boy, is more to the point.

IAN: They must have gone over to nuclear power.

DOCTOR: What's this, then?

(the Doctor finds a calendar in a desk drawer)

DOCTOR: Ah, here, look. At least we know the century, dear boy. Look.

IAN: 2164.


(Barbara is soaking her handkerchief again when she sees the body of the suicide float past. She goes back to)

BARBARA: Susan? Susan!

(There's the sound of gunfire, and a man jumps down from the wall)

BARBARA: Who are you?

Do you want to get killed?

BARBARA: Where's Susan? What have you done with her?

You mean the girl? Tyler's got her. Come on, we've got to get out of here. Quick, follow me!



(Ian looks up at the sound of gunfire)

DOCTOR: There's so much rubbish. It's a jungle here.

(he knocks over a cardboard box, and a man wearing a metal helmet falls out)

IAN: What the? He's dead. What on earth is this?

DOCTOR: It looks like some sort of adornment, but what for?

IAN: I don't know. Do you think it could be some sort of medical aid? You know, if he'd fractured his skull, something to knit the bones together?

DOCTOR: No, I think there's something more to it than that. You know, I think that this is an extra ear, ideal for picking up high-frequency radio waves.

IAN: You mean these people have invented some form of personal communication?

DOCTOR: Yes, something like that.

IAN: What's this? A whip. Why.

DOCTOR: Well, whatever it is, I wouldn't like to meet one of these fellows, you know.

(something creaks, they stand and then see the knife in the back of the dead man)

DOCTOR: He was murdered!

(They go looking for the source of the creaking. Ian kicks down a door)

IAN: Storeroom. That noise came from up here.

(He kicks in another door, and falls outside. Ian manages to grab hold of an iron framework. The Doctor helps him back up and in)

DOCTOR: Right, dear boy, come on.

IAN: No one can get through that way.

DOCTOR: Except you. I think we'd better pause in this search and get back to the others. Come along.

IAN: All right, you lead on.

(Barbara follows the man through the overgrown White City Underground station while Tyler gently carries Susan down the steps. Meanwhile, Ian and the Doctor observe a flying saucer)


(Barbara knocks into an oil drum as she catches up with Tyler and Susan)

SUSAN: Careful, Barbara.

TYLER: Quickly, now.

SUSAN: What about Grandfather and my other friend?

TYLER: We'll do the best we can.

SUSAN: That's not what you said just now!

BARBARA: Look, you promised you'd find a way

TYLER: There isn't time to argue. We'll collect your friends later. Now, come on.


IAN: Barbara? Susan? Why? Why do they do it?

DOCTOR: It might have been something to do with that gunfire we heard across the river.

IAN: Yes, I suppose they might have hidden somewhere.

DOCTOR: Well, let's wait and see, hmm?

IAN: That body. You know, I want to get away from here.

DOCTOR: Yes, but aren't you even a bit curious? After all, it's your city, you know. Don't you want to know what's happened to it?

IAN: No. No, I don't want to know. Where the devil are those two?


TYLER: Hold on.

BARBARA: Is this is?

TYLER: Yes. (he puts Susan down) Now get back.

(He presses on a metal panel, a duct moves back)

DAVID [OC]: Tyler?


DAVID: Dortmun's on the rampage. And who have we got here?

TYLER: I found a couple of them down by the river. Open targets.

BARBARA: Well, we didn't know.

TYLER: I suppose you didn't, but you know now.

DAVID: Can you cook?

BARBARA: Yes, I can get by.

DAVID: Good, we need some cooks.

BARBARA: Listen, I

TYLER: All right, let's get down.

DAVID: Listen, I had a struggle with one of the Robomen.

TYLER: Well?

DAVID: Well, he was waiting for me! That means that we'll have to change the storehouse.

TYLER: All right, tell Dortmun. Have you just come from there?


TYLER: These have got a couple of friends down there they want us to bring back.

DAVID: Well I didn't see anyone there except that I was nearly caught by a couple... They didn't go into the old warehouse, did they, that's opposite the old power station?

SUSAN: Yes, I think they did.

DAVID: Yeah, and I thought they were enemies.

(a man in a wheelchair enters)

DORTMUN: Tyler, where have you been? What the devil have you been doing?

TYLER: They've landed a saucer at the heliport.

DORTMUN: Saucer?


DORTMUN: Ah, this time we'll be ready for them.

TYLER: You shouldn't be up here.

DORTMUN: I'm as active as anybody else.

TYLER: All right, Dortmun, I know.

DORTMUN: Two more pairs of hands. Good, we need

DAVID: She says she can cook.

DORTMUN: Oh, can you?

DAVID: And what do you do?

SUSAN: I eat.

DAVID: Look, I'll try and find the two friends and bring them back here.

SUSAN: Thank you.

DORTMUN: David, where are you going?

DAVID: Well, there's two more of them down by the warehouse.

DORTMUN: Men, are they?


DORTMUN: Good. Don't be too long away. I'm going through the attack plans with Tyler as soon as possible. I want you to be there.

DAVID: Right.

(David leaves)

SUSAN: What attack plans?

DORTMUN: Why are you sitting down?

SUSAN: I've hurt my ankle. What attack plans?

DORTMUN: Come along, Tyler, get these people below. That's the way. I'll stay here, on watch.

(Tyler carries Susan, and Dortmun closes the duct)


IAN: High tide.


IAN: High tide.

DOCTOR: Evening. Look how filthy that water is.

(Ian sees the poster)

IAN: Doctor. Doctor, come and have a look at this.

DOCTOR: Hmm? What?

IAN: Look.

DOCTOR: Huh, stupid.

IAN: Read it, read it.

DOCTOR: Well, I repeat, it's stupid. A stupid place to put a poster. Right under a bridge where nobody can read it or see it.

IAN: I don't know. If you have a body to get rid of, I should think it's a very good place to come to.

DOCTOR: A dead human body in the river? I should say that's near murder, isn't it, hmm?

IAN: Bring out your dead.


IAN: Plague?


(looking out of a window)

DAVID: There they are. That must be them. Argh.

(Two men in a metal helmets are patrolling the warehouse dock frontage. They move slowly and stiffly like automata)


DOCTOR: It's got me worried, very worried.

IAN: You know, Doctor, I reckon that flying saucer disappeared somewhere over the other side of the river, in the direction of Sloane Square. Somewhere over there, anyway.

DOCTOR: Yes, now, never mind about that flying saucer, my boy. That suggestion of yours about the plague. Supposing one of them's been in that water. They're bound to be contaminated with some sort of bacteria!

IAN: They're not likely to drink that, are they.

DOCTOR: No, the smell of it's enough. Anyway, let us go further afield. Come along, come along. Now I suggest that you go up that way then I go

(And they see the men in metal helmets, three of them now with more blocking of their escape route. From his hiding place by the poster, David mutters)

DAVID: Will you still run!

IAN: It's no use running.

DOCTOR: We can go back down there, hmm?

IAN: You mean swim?

DOCTOR: What else?

IAN: Hang on, we haven't tried talking yet. What do you want?


IAN: It's no good. Listen. When I give the word, turn and dive in the water.

(But unbeknownst to Ian, an over-grown pepperpot with a sink-plunger attachment is coming up out of the water)

IAN: Now!

(Ian and the Doctor turn and see - )

Episode Two - The Daleks


DALEK: Why have the human beings been allowed to get so near the river?

IAN: Doctor, that voice.

ROBOMAN 2: No explanation.

DALEK: Where is the Robo-control for this section?

ROBOMAN 1: Not known.

DALEK: You will take his place until he is found. The human beings are to be taken to landing area one.

IAN: Daleks on Earth! Doctor, how did this happen?

DOCTOR: Leave this to me, dear boy. I think you'd better let us go.

DALEK: We do not release prisoners. We are the masters of the Earth.

DOCTOR: Not for long.

DALEK: Obey us or die.

DOCTOR: Die? And just who are you to condemn us to death? (sotto) I think we'd better pit our wits against them and defeat them.

DALEK: Stop. I can hear you. I have heard many similar words from leaders of your different races. All of them were destroyed. I warn you, resistance is useless.

DOCTOR: Resistance is useless? Surely you don't expect all the people to welcome you with open arms?

DALEK: We have already conquered Earth.

DOCTOR: Conquered the Earth? You poor, pathetic creatures. Don't you realise? Before you attempt to conquer the Earth, you will have to destroy all living matter.

DALEK: Take them. Take them.

(Ian and the Doctor are manhandled away)

DALEK: We are the masters of Earth. We are the masters of Earth. We are the masters of Earth.

[Underground HQ]

DALEK [on radio]: Survivors of London, the Daleks are the masters of Earth. Surrender now and you will live. Those wishing to surrender must stand in the middle of the street, and obey orders received. Message ends.

DORTMUN: Obey motorised dustbins? We'll see. Tyler, I want a word with you.

TYLER: Jenny, see if you can find them some food, will you, and look after her ankle.

JENNY: All right.

TYLER: You'll keep your eyes open for David Campbell. He'll be back soon with news of your friends.

JENNY: Any messages from any other survivors?

MAN 2: No. The Africa group have faded out completely.

JENNY: Who's the one with the bad foot?


JENNY: Well, let's have a look then.

(She takes Susan's shoe off and flexes her foot)


JENNY: Hmm. There are no bones broken. Why didn't you put a wet bandage on it?

BARBARA: We've only just arrived.

JENNY: I see. Well, I'll see to this. You get the food. What are you waiting for?

BARBARA: Well, where do I get the food?

JENNY: Oh, over there. And while you're at it, sign both your names down for a work detail.

BARBARA: Susan can't work until her ankle's better.

JENNY: She can do something with her hands, sitting at a table, can't she?

[Dortmun's room]

(The two men are looking at maps)

DORTMUN: But look, look there. We must attack them, Tyler.

TYLER: That sounds fine, but how? We can find fifteen, perhaps twenty men.


TYLER: Oh what are you talking about, ample. A handful of unarmed men against Daleks?

DORTMUN: Sometimes I wonder about you, Tyler.

TYLER: This isn't the 20th century. Dortmun, when thousands of men with bayonets charged machine guns.

DORTMUN: Don't lecture me.

TYLER: Then don't ask the impossible. You've not been out there for ages. It would be suicide.

DORTMUN: Oh, yes, all right, I know. I'm in this wheelchair so I can't go myself.

TYLER: I didn't mean that. You know I didn't mean that. The new bomb?

(A classic round design with a fuse out of the top)

DORTMUN: Yes, it's finished.

TYLER: You haven't had it tested, I suppose?

DORTMUN: Tested? Don't be a fool, it doesn't need testing. It's all there in my formula. It's perfect. I tell you, this bomb will destroy the Daleks. I know it will work.

[Underground HQ]

DAVID: Apples. There are apples there for everyone. Jenny, you should be filling three of these.

[Dortmun's room]

DORTMUN: You've been down here so long that you're beginning to think like worms.

TYLER: We must have some chance of success.

DAVID: Campbell reporting in.

DORTMUN: Good. Tyler and I have been having a preliminary chat about the next attack. We'll be out soon.

DAVID: Well I've brought a box of apples. Incidentally, that department store's got plenty of stuff in it.

DORTMUN: Oh, right.

TYLER: And what about the two men?

DAVID: When I got down to the embankment I saw them being taken away, but I couldn't do anything.

DORTMUN: Oh, that's bad, that's very bad. We could have done with those two men.

DAVID: I'll tell the two women.

TYLER: Where were the men taken? Any idea?

DAVID: From the direction they went, I think the Daleks have taken them the saucer they landed at the heliport in Chelsea.

[Outside the saucer]

IAN: Doctor, I don't understand this at all. We saw the Daleks destroyed on Skaro. We were there.

DOCTOR: My dear boy, what in Skaro was a million years ahead of us in the future. What we're seeing now is about the middle history of the Daleks.

IAN: I see. They certainly look different, don't they.

DOCTOR: Look, they've taken some more prisoners. What is so different about the Daleks? Oh, I see. You mean the discs on their backs.

IAN: Yes. Perhaps that accounts for their increased mobility. Do you remember, on Skaro they could only move on metal.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, quite so. But remember, this is an invasion force, therefore they have to adapt themselves to the planet.

DALEK: Where are the other two from your patrol?

ROBOMAN: This man killed them both.

DALEK: For this you will be punished. Continue your patrol. The prisoners will fall in line.

CRADDOCK: There'll be no escape once they get us inside there.

MAN 3: They're not getting me. I'm going to try something. You with me?

CRADDOCK: Don't be a fool mate, you haven't got a chance.

MAN 3: They're not getting me back in that filthy mine.

DALEK 2: The prisoners will remain silent.

ROBOMAN: Forward.

(As the humans are herded up the ramp, the young man tries to break away, but a Dalek gets in his way. He circles round, and the Daleks gather. One has a black top and black side panels - and a very high-pitched voice)

IAN: Don't be a fool. You can't help him now.

MAN 3: Help me!

BLACK: Kill him.

(So they do)

BLACK: Any further resistance will be dealt with in the same way.

DALEK: The prisoners will proceed into the ship.

[Underground HQ]

(Susan hold the rifle steady while David cleans it)

DAVID: No, Susan, I don't think we should tell Barbara.

SUSAN: But David, I think we should.

DAVID: Now listen, Susan. We're going to make an attack on that saucer, so we'll put off telling her until afterwards.

SUSAN: You mean if the attack's successful, we'll find Ian and my grandfather anyway.

DAVID: Yes. And if it isn't, well then, they've just disappeared.

SUSAN: All right.

JENNY: You wanted to see these.

DAVID: Oh, yes.

JENNY: Well here you are then, take them. I've got better things to do.

(Hands over Robo-helmets)

DAVID: Oh, you're a model of charm and patience, aren't you.

JENNY: Well, I don't believe in wasting time and I don't believe in sentiment either.

BARBARA: (with apples) They asked me to give these out, Jenny.

JENNY: Oh, just put it down there.

BARBARA: Dessert.

SUSAN: Thank you.

DAVID: Thank you, Barbara.

BARBARA: Oh, what are these things?

SUSAN: Oh they're the Dalek's invention. They're called Robomen.

DAVID: No, Susan, I told you. You've got it wrong. We took these from dead human beings.

JENNY: There aren't that many Daleks on Earth. They needed helpers so they operated on some of their prisoners and turned them into robots.


DAVID: The transfer, as the Daleks call the operation, controls the human brain, well at least for a time.

SUSAN: What happens then?

BARBARA: Do they revert and become human again?

JENNY: No. They die.

DAVID: I've seen the Robos when they break down. They go insane. They smash their heads against walls, they throw themselves off buildings or into the river.

BARBARA: The river? That's what it was. Daleks. Everything they touch turns into a horrible sort of nightmare.

SUSAN: Are they still doing these transfer operations, David?

JENNY: Oh, yes. They keep up their numbers of Robomen. They got my brother last year. That's another reason why they saucers at the heliport. That's where the Daleks take the prisoners and operate on them. Once they've got you on board a saucer, there isn't a hope.

[Control centre]

DOCTOR: Yes, the work of a genius, dear boy.

IAN: Yes, pretty impressive. And absolutely escape-proof.

DOCTOR: Only on the surface, my friends.


DALEK: Halt. You will move one by one slowly into the prison cell.


(The Doctor goes another way)

DALEK: You. Reverse and move.

(The Doctor rejoins Ian and the man and they get locked in)

BLACK: Is that the one?

DALEK 2: Yes. He spoke of resistance.

BLACK: His words betray greater intelligence than normal in human beings.

DALEK 3: Give them the test.

[Prison cell]

DOCTOR: I had a good look into that corridor. Did you notice the television eyes round about?

IAN: Yes, I did. There aren't any in here.


IAN: I'll tell you what I did see, Doctor. What I took to be a loading bay door. Of course, it could be guarded outside.

CRADDOCK: It will be.

DOCTOR: Yes. Nevertheless, it has possibilities.

CRADDOCK: What for? You can't get the door open. There's no escape, I tell you.

DOCTOR: My young friend, don't be so pessimistic. What is your name, by the way?

CRADDOCK: Craddock, Jack Craddock.

DOCTOR: Well, Mister Jack Craddock, don't be such a defeatist. Our job is to try and get out of here, and quickly.

CRADDOCK: You're just fooling yourselves. You don't know the Daleks. Once they've got you inside a saucer, you're finished.

IAN: Craddock, tell us, how did it happen, the invasion of Earth? Everything.

CRADDOCK: Have you been on a moon station or something?

DOCTOR: Yes, quite so.

IAN: Yes.

CRADDOCK: Well, meteorites came first. The Earth was bombarded with them about ten years ago. A cosmic storm, the scientists called it. The meteorites stopped, everything settled down, and then people began to die of this new kind of plague.

DOCTOR: Yes, that explains your poster, dear boy. Germ bombs, hmm?

CRADDOCK: Yes. The Daleks were up in the sky just waiting for Earth to get weaker. Whole continents of people were wiped out. Asia, Africa, South America. They used to say the Earth had a smell of death about it.

IAN: Why, Craddock? What were the doctors and the scientists doing about it?

CRADDOCK: Oh, well, they came up with some new kind of drug but it was too late then.

IAN: Why?

[Underground HQ]

SUSAN: What happened next?

DAVID: Well, the plague had split the world into tiny little communities, too far apart to combine and fight, and too small individually to stand any chance against invasion.

BARBARA: Divide and conquer.

DAVID: Hmm. About six months after the meteorite fall, that's when the saucers landed. Cities were razed to the ground, others were simply occupied. Anyone who resisted was destroyed. Some people were captured and were turned into Robomen, the slaves of the Daleks. They caught other human beings and many of them were shipped to the vast mining areas. No one escapes. The Robomen see to that.

[Prison cell]

CRADDOCK: They were our own people, made to work against us, and the Daleks knew that, knew how they'd humiliated and degraded us. They are the masters of Earth.

IAN: But why, Craddock? That's the one thing you haven't told us. What is it that the Daleks want on Earth?

CRADDOCK: I don't know. Something under the ground. They've turned the whole of Bedfordshire into a gigantic mine area.

IAN: Why? What are they digging for?

CRADDOCK: I don't know.

DOCTOR: Suppose we forget all this blab about Bedfordshire. Have either of you seen this?

[Control centre]

DALEK: All radio waves bands are open.

BLACK: Rebels of London, this is our last offer. Our final warning. Leave your hiding places. Show yourselves in the open streets. You will be fed and watered. Work is needed from you but the Daleks offer you life.

[Underground HQ]

BLACK [OC]: Rebel against us and the Daleks will destroy London completely. You will all die, the males, the females and descendants. Rebels of London, come out of your hiding places. The Daleks offer you life.

DORTMUN: Come out of your hiding places. We'll come out of our hiding place with this! (the bomb) This bomb will shatter the casing of the Daleks. We don't need to run or hide any more. We'll make them run.

JENNY: At last we've got a weapon.

ALL: He's done it.

DORTMUN: Listen carefully. They've issued an ultimatum. We'll give our answer tonight. Tyler and I both agree that the best place for an attack is the heliport where they land the flying saucers.

JENNY: A frontal attack?

TYLER: Yes, a frontal attack.

DORTMUN: Of course, we have the superior weapon now. One success will give our people hope again. One victory will set this country, the whole of Europe, alight. That's all we need, one victory.


JENNY: At the heliport, how do we get within throwing range?

TYLER: The heliport's fringed with buildings. We're covered right up to the perimeter.

BAKER: The Daleks can fire at us long before we can use the bomb.

DORTMUN: It'll be a surprise attack.

BAKER: As soon as the first bomb is thrown, surprise is over and we shall be penned in the buildings, remember.

TYLER: All right, Baker, we know we'll have to get closer.

BARBARA: I know.

DORTMUN: Who was that? Well?

BARBARA: We could get right into the middle of the Daleks without them suspecting anything if we use this.


BARBARA: Some of your men could disguise themselves as Robomen. They could pretend to be escorting a batch of prisoners to the saucer, or something.

TYLER: It'll work.

DORTMUN: Yes, it'll work. We'll attack the saucer in one hour from now.

[Prison cell]

DOCTOR: What is that you've got there?

CRADDOCK: A magnifying glass. I just picked it up.

IAN: Hey, Doctor, come and look at this. Look. What do you make of this?

CRADDOCK: I wouldn't touch it.

(It is a block of perspex with seven vertical tubes cut into it and a piece of metal in the middle)

DOCTOR: Hmm. Let me have that bar up there for a moment, will you?

IAN: Is it glass or something?

DOCTOR: I should say it was more advanced than that. Well now, let's try a little experiment.

IAN: All right.

(As the Doctor holds the bar above the block, the metal piece inside moves along)

IAN: Hey!

DOCTOR: You see? It responds. Magnetised.

CRADDOCK: A profound discover, mister. Doesn't help us.

IAN: Why did the Daleks put it there in the first place?

DOCTOR: Now that's a very good question, dear boy. Suppose you were a Dalek and you found yourself locked up in this room. How would you get out?

CRADDOCK: Push the door open?

DOCTOR: My dear young man, the Daleks have only feelers, no hands, and they use their brains, not brute force.

IAN: You mean this is some sort of a key?

DOCTOR: Now that's the very word. A key in a crystal box. You open the box, take out the key and use it. That is precisely what the Dalek would do.

IAN: Yes, but what are we going to do, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Look at that little light up there.

IAN: Yes, I see. And the box is transparent.

DOCTOR: Quite. Let me have that thing, will you?

CRADDOCK: What, this?

DOCTOR: Yes, that. Thank you.

(He holds the magnifying glass above the box)

DOCTOR: Now, we have to make sure that we hit the correct refractive, otherwise we shall get showered with crystal glass.

CRADDOCK: Refractive rubbish! The Daleks don't leave things like this about for you to help yourselves.

DOCTOR: My dear boy, if they had to deal with a man of your talents, they need hardly fear, need they. Now do sit down and rest, please. Oh, dear, now where were we? Ah, yes, of course, yes, yes, yes. Now, X equals gamma, that means roughly two and a half percent, so that should give us a curve of around about eighty degrees. Oh by the way, did you take three dimensional graph geometry at your school, hmm?

IAN: No, Doctor, only Boyle's Law.

DOCTOR: What a pity. What a pity. We shall have to boil this down now, shan't we. Well, now then, let's see. We'll start third from the left and then I'll follow it from the right and straight over. All right? Now put that bar there, and watch your eyes because you know, it might be nasty. Are you ready?

(Ian holds the metal bar at the end of the box, where there is a hole)

CRADDOCK: And a great big pumpkin too.

(Then the metal shoots out of the box)

IAN: Hey, look at that.

DOCTOR: Hold that and shut up, will you. Pay attention. Let me have the bar, please.

IAN: You know, Doctor, sometimes you astound me.

DOCTOR: Only sometimes, dear boy? What's happened to your memory? Don't you remember we know that the Daleks can use static electricity?

IAN: Of course.

CRADDOCK: Hey, how do you know so much about them, the Daleks I mean.

IAN: We met them once before.

DOCTOR: Yes, and we happened to outwit them, too. Please go away, will you? Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear. Now, all we have to do is to slide this bar back here, and the self-same bar slides back into place here through electricity.

IAN: And it's held in place by magnetic force.

DOCTOR: Precisely. Now I want you to give him a hand in a minute. Just turn that pole under there, will you. There, you see?

IAN: I see what you mean. Like poles repel, eh?

DOCTOR: Yes, precisely. Now we've created a force field. Right, now turn the pole round. Give him a hand, quickly. Come on.

(It takes both men to handle the metal bar now)

DOCTOR: Come on.

(And the cell door opens)

IAN: You're a genius.

DOCTOR: Yes, there are very few of us left. Now, let's get out, and be crafty.

[Control room]

(They are immediately surrounded by Daleks and Robomen)

DALEKS: You have passed the escape test we set you. Take him.

DOCTOR: Let go of me! Take your hands off me!

(Ian and Craddock are pushed back into the cell)

DALEK: He will be robotised.

[Building opposite the saucer]

DAVID: There they are.

SUSAN: Now what do we do?

DAVID: Well, as soon as Tyler's attack group arrives, we start throwing these.


(Two Robomen are manhandling the Doctor)

DALEK: Our prisoner will move to the table.

DALEK 2: Take off his coat.

(they do so)

DALEK 2: Anaesthetize him.

DOCTOR: No, no, please, what are you doing? No. Let me go now. Let me go!

[Building opposite the saucer]

(Tyler and the men enter the heliport, disguised as Robomen with their prisoners)

DAVID: Stand by.

[Outside the saucer]

DALEK: Take the prisoners into the ship. Wait. In which sector were these prisoners taken?

BAKER: Sector four.

DALEK: No patrol has been ordered in sector four.

[Building opposite the saucer]


(They throw the little bombs)

[Outside the saucer]

DALEK: Warning!

DALEK 2: Attack!

DALEK: Warning!

DALEK 2: Attack!

DALEK: Get the prisoners inside.

[Building opposite the saucer]

DAVID: Get down.

(There's the sound of Dalek weaponry)

DAVID: All right, lets get a move on.

[Outside the saucer]

DALEK: Section five move forward. Seal off the area.


TYLER: Right, now spread out, and try and free the prisoner before you use those bombs.

(The resistance scatter, Tyler pulls a revolver and walks past the back of the table where the Doctor is lying)

DALEK [OC]: We are under attack. Report to main ramp. General alert. Report to main ramp.

(The Roboman starts to obey)

BLACK: Disregard. Commence the operation.

Episode Three - Day of Reckoning


(The disguised Baker waits until the Roboman's back is turned, then rips his fake helmet off and jumps him. The Roboman throws him, but Tyler stabs the Roboman in the back)

TYLER: Get that man off there.

BAKER: He's unconscious.

TYLER: Well, bring him round. Hurry.

DALEK [OC]: All Robomen reserve into action. Destroy invaders.

BAKER: We must get out of here.

TYLER: Carry him.

(The other resistance fighters are freeing prisoners and wrecking the place)

TYLER: Come on, get out. All right, now, let's go. Use the bombs.

[Outside the Saucer]

DAVID: Jenny! Jenny, over here. Jenny, look, take them back. I'm going to try and get Tyler out of there.

JENNY: Not on your own.

DAVID: Take them back.

JENNY: Well, come on, you know who is in there.

SUSAN: Shut up, Jenny!

JENNY: Your two friends.

BARBARA: Did you know this?

SUSAN: Yes, I was there. Barbara! Where are you going?

BARBARA: I'm going to help Tyler get them out.

SUSAN: Barbara, what are you going to do?

BARBARA: I don't know. Let go of me!

JENNY: Susan, this way. Come on.

(The resistance fighters and prisoners come down the ramp, throwing their bombs. Some grab Daleks and topple them over, but they get shot by other Daleks. Baker brings up the rear, carrying the Doctor. Tyler and David escape, then Ian runs out just as Barbara is about to throw a bomb.)

IAN: Barbara! Get back! Get back!

(She throws her bomb, Ian ducks back inside as the Black Dalek comes past and a Roboman goes down the ramp.)

TYLER: Clear out! Let's go!

DALEK: They are retreating. Take prisoners where possible. Do not kill.

DALEK 2: All exits to the square are blocked.

[Building opposite Saucer]

TYLER: No, over here!

(a man runs to join going down a drain, but gets shot)


BLACK: Has the attack been defeated?

DALEK: Yes. Most of the rebels were killed or wounded.

BLACK: Find every survivor. Destroy every one. Destroy them! Destroy every one of them! Destroy!

(Ian overhears this from his hiding place)

[Underground HQ]

(Susan rushes away, crying. Tyler enters)


JENNY: No, not now.


JENNY: No, no, no.

TYLER: Your bombs were useless, Dortmun.

DORTMUN: How many men were killed?

TYLER: We hadn't a chance.

DORTMUN: How many?

TYLER: I don't know. I think all of them.

BARBARA: The Doctor and Ian, they were in that saucer.

TYLER: Yes, well, there was an oldish man there. I nearly got him out.

BARBARA: Nearly?

TYLER: We got separated. We'll have to get out of London.

DORTMUN: What for? The Daleks will never look for us down here.

TYLER: They'll look everywhere now. They'll search every inch, they'll destroy every inch. We've made an attack on one of their machines. Your show of force.

DORTMUN: I must stay here and work on the bomb. It only needs work, Tyler.

TYLER: It's a waste of time.

DORTMUN: It's the only answer.

TYLER: Who's going to use it for you? Me? One man? These two? Use your intelligence.

JENNY: Tyler's right. London's going to be much too hot for us.

BARBARA: But we can't leave now. What if Susan comes back looking for us?

JENNY: We have a code system, letting people know where headquarters are moved.

BARBARA: But Susan doesn't know the code!

DORTMUN: Tyler, would you consider hanging on here for a short while longer? Just a few days.

TYLER: No, Dortmun, it's no use. I only came back here to warn you. I'm going out to see if I can find any more survivors from that raid, then I'm going north.

BARBARA: I'm coming with you.

TYLER: No, I want to move about on my own.

BARBARA: But you can't travel as you are. Look, your shoulder's still bleeding.

TYLER: I'll be all right. Good luck.

BARBARA: If you see any of my friends

(But Tyler is gone)

JENNY: It's no use. He won't come with us. We'll have to go without him.

DORTMUN: There is the other place. People will be gathering there. There'll be supplies, instruments. I shall be able to work on my bombs.

JENNY: Don't build on it.

DORTMUN: Yes, we'll go to the museum. I'll get my things together. It'll mean going over one of the bridges and across London.

BARBARA: I know. We'll go with you.

JENNY: We'd have much more chance on our own.

BARBARA: Well, he wouldn't have had any without us. You needn't stay if you don't want to.

JENNY: Well, Dortmun may be right. People may start collecting at the Civic Transport Museum.

DORTMUN: We'd better get going. It'll just be getting light.

BARBARA: Do you think we will find my friends there?

DORTMUN: Yes, yes, it's a possibility.


BLACK: Supreme Command have given orders for London to be destroyed by firebombs.

DALEK: Do you intend to stay here in the city?

BLACK: No. Order the saucer to take me to the mine workings in central England.

DALEK 2: Five, four, three, two, one. Lift off.

(Ian comes out of his hiding place near the operating table just as a Roboman is bringing another prisoner along)

IAN: Craddock!

CRADDOCK: You are to be robotised.

(Ian does a very tidy hip throw)

CRADDOCK: Robotised. Robotised. Robotised. Robotised.

(His putative prisoner disconnects him from his helmet and he falls against the machine which shorts him out)

IAN: Thanks.

LARRY: Thank you. I was hiding in the storeroom when he found me. I smuggled myself aboard.

IAN: You did what?

LARRY: The saucer's going to the mine workings in Bedfordshire and my brother's there. I'm going to find him.

IAN: You don't exactly choose the easiest or the safest way to travel, do you.

LARRY: It's the quickest. Where have you been hiding?

IAN: In the ramp housing, under there. What are we going to do with him?

LARRY: Most of these large rooms have what they call disposal chutes.

IAN: That?

LARRY: Yeah. Come on, I'll give you a hand.

IAN: We'd better get his feet first.

LARRY: Right.

(And they slide Craddock into the chute)

DALEK [OC]: Break on seventy two. Break on seventy two. Report zero five five Roboman. Fault.

(Ian and Larry go back into Ian's hiding place)


(David and Susan are running from a Dalek through a derelict building)

DAVID: Look. Careful. Behind that bush.

(The Dalek stops near them, then leaves again)

DAVID: They've gone. We'll give them a few minutes to get well clear, and then we'll move on.

SUSAN: Where to?

DAVID: I don't know. What we must do is we must try and find some other survivors.

SUSAN: David, David, do you think

DALEK [OC]: Stop! Stop! Stop!

MAN [OC]: Why?

DALEK [OC]: Stop!

MAN [OC]: Why? You killed my mother and my brothers!

DALEK [OC]: Stop!

MAN [OC]: Get away from me! No!

(We hear the Daleks kill him)

SUSAN: If only we could go to the ship and get away from here.

DAVID: Well, I couldn't go anyway.

SUSAN: David, David, perhaps you could. I could ask Grandfather. I'm sure he'd let you come. We could go to a place that had never even heard of Daleks.

DAVID: And what happens if there's something unpleasant in the new place?

SUSAN: We'll move on somewhere.

DAVID: No, Susan, that's not for me.

SUSAN: Why not?

DAVID: Look, things aren't made better by running away.

SUSAN: Well, it's suicide to stay here.

DAVID: This is my planet! I just can't run off and see what it's like on Venus!

SUSAN: I never felt there was any time or place that I belonged to. I've never had any real identity.

DAVID: One day you will. There will come a time when you're forced to stop travelling, and you'll arrive somewhere.

(A noise, off)

DAVID: Back over there.

SUSAN: Daleks?

DAVID: I don't know. It could be the Robomen.

SUSAN: It's coming closer.

DAVID: They're coming down here.

(he gets out his knife)

SUSAN: David, no.

DAVID: Now, look, just get in there and stay there.

(Susan hides, David goes up to see what is happening)

BAKER: David!

DAVID: Baker!

BAKER: I saw you heading his way so I followed you.

DAVID: Are you all right?

BAKER: Yes. It's him I'm worried about.

(He's still carrying the unconscious Doctor)

DAVID: Well, look, we're down here. I'll give you a hand.

SUSAN: Grandfather! What is it? Is he all right? He's not too badly hurt, is he?

BAKER: The Daleks drugged him.

DOCTOR: Susan.

BAKER: It's beginning to wear off.

DAVID: Put him down here. What about the others?

BAKER: Four or five got away. The rest dead or prisoners.

DAVID: Well, what are you going to do then? Do you want to stay here with us?

BAKER: A large group won't stand a chance. I thought I'd try on my own. I'll make for the Cornish coast. It's deserted down there. Not much for the Daleks.

DAVID: It's a good idea.

SUSAN: We must stay in London.

BAKER: Well I must be on my way.

DAVID: Look, Baker, here, take this hip flask. It's full.

BAKER: No, it's all right.

DAVID: Look, go on, man, take it. There's tons of food in London. You'll need all you can get where you're going.

BAKER: All right then, thanks. Good luck to you all. I hope you find your friends.

SUSAN: Be careful. Thank you.

DOCTOR: Goodbye, my friend. Goodbye.

(Baker goes off, straight into a pair of Daleks)

DALEK: Fire.

(The Daleks kill Baker)

(We see Barbara and Jenny wheeling Dortmun along a deserted Thames Embankment, and helping him with the steps. They duck down as Daleks trundle along Westminster Bridge. Another is patrolling across the river from the Houses of Parliament. They sprint up Whitehall to Trafalgar Square where the pigeons don't mind the Daleks at all. There are Daleks at the Albert Memorial too)


BARBARA: How's it coming?

DORTMUN: It's finished. The problem, you see, was the metal that the Daleks use in their outer casing. We don't know very much about it. We call it dalekenium.

BARBARA: Maybe that's what they're mining for up in Bedfordshire.

DORTMUN: Oh, no, no, no, no. The Daleks must have found dalekenium before they came to Earth.

BARBARA: What are they mining for then?

DORTMUN: I don't know, but it must be something that's only found very deep in our planet.

(Jenny enters)

JENNY: Not a sign of anybody. The Daleks have been here, and some of us.

BARBARA: How do you know?

JENNY: Well, look at these signs. (Vetoed, they all say) This means that some of our people have moved off to the south coast, and I don't blame them. The place is swarming with Daleks.

DORTMUN: Do you think another force has landed in London?

JENNY: Yes, I do. We were very lucky to get through the streets.


JENNY: We haven't got a chance in London, the way things are building up.

BARBARA: Well, what can we do? Where can we go? Anyway, what's the point in running away all the time?

JENNY: I'm not running, I'm surviving, that's all.

DORTMUN: You'll survive, all right. I've got the new formula.

BARBARA: Oh, I wish the Doctor were here.


BARBARA: But you don't know him.

DORTMUN: He's a man of science, you said.

BARBARA: He is. He's a very brilliant one. There's no sugar, I'm afraid.

DORTMUN: I should like to show the results of my experiments to another scientist. Where do you think he is?

BARBARA: Well, I've been trying to put myself in his place. I'm almost certain he'd head for that mine.

JENNY: If he's alive.

BARBARA: Well of course he's alive.

JENNY: Why? What's so special about the Doctor? He doesn't wear some sort of invisible shield, does he?

DORTMUN: Jenny, go outside and keep watch.

(Jenny leaves)

DORTMUN: She's not callous really, you know. When people fight, they have to fight the Daleks in their own way. Barbara, I should like you to find your friend the Doctor, and give him my notes.

BARBARA: But I thought you said you'd finished the bomb.

DORTMUN: I have.

BARBARA: Well, then, why can't you give it to him yourself?

DORTMUN: I can, I can. But, well, I'd like you to take care of them for me if you will. I'm not exactly mobile in this thing, am I.

BARBARA: I'm not leaving you.

DORTMUN: Very well. Let's make for the mine in Bedford.

BARBARA: We'll all be safer once we get away from the city.

DORTMUN: Just round up Jenny and we can make a start.

(Barbara leaves. Dortmun gathers up his walking sticks, and the box containing his bomb. He places his notebook on the mug on the table and wheels himself out by another exit)

JENNY: Daleks are all over the place. We're besieged.

BARBARA: Dortmun!

JENNY: Shh. Keep your voice down.

BARBARA: He couldn't have gone outside.

JENNY: He wouldn't be so stupid.

BARBARA: He's left his notes. Jenny, he's going to try it out for himself!

DORTMUN [OC]: Daleks!

(Outside, Dortmun levers himself up out of his wheelchair, and takes aim with his bomb just as the Daleks kill him. It makes a loud bang but does no other damage)

BARBARA: Come on, we must get away from them. Jenny! Jenny, come on!

(The women hide behind a milk float as the Dalek talks to a tailor's dummy)

DALEK: Who are you? Subcultural.


(The Doctor is trying to find his feet again)

SUSAN: Take it easy.

DOCTOR: This is a time I should have my stick.

SUSAN: Yes, I'll have to try and find you one.

(He sits down)

SUSAN: There you are.

DOCTOR: Oh, I think that's quite enough to start with. You know, I never realised that walking was so difficult, so exhausting.

SUSAN: How's the numbness? Is it wearing off?

DOCTOR: Yes, I think it is.

SUSAN: Oh, good.

DOCTOR: In quite a while, I might be able to travel.

SUSAN: That's good. David says we should head for the north. There's a resistance group up there. He says we should join up with them.

DOCTOR: I don't care what that young man says. I make the decisions here, my dear, and I think we should make our way back to the Tardis.

SUSAN: What's the good of that, Grandfather? We need someone to help us blast all that rubble. Besides, London's crawling with Daleks. We must go north.

DOCTOR: Do you question my authority, child?

SUSAN: No, Grandfather, it's not that at all. It's just that David says

DOCTOR: You seem to place more reliance on that young man's word than mine, don't you.

SUSAN: Oh, Grandfather, it's not that. It's simply that he lives in this time. He understands the situation.

(David comes rushing in)

DAVID: I've been down as far as the river, but they've got patrols on every bridge.

SUSAN: So what's our next move?

DAVID: Oh, I don't know. What would you suggest, sir?

DOCTOR: Ah. Hmm. Me?

DAVID: Well, you're the senior member of the party, sir, and I would be grateful for you help.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, er, yes, yes, of course, young man. Yes, well, I suggest that as soon as I'm able to walk again, we should travel north. Then we might be able to join up with the resistance party. Mark you, it's only a suggestion. I really should leave it to you, you know. Think it out for yourself.

SUSAN: It's a very good idea, Grandfather.


SUSAN: I said, it's a very good idea.

DOCTOR: Yes, I think it's a very good idea.


(Ian and Larry are in the hiding place)

LARRY: My brother Phil's working at the mine, and he said if we can find out what the Daleks are up to, we might be able to beat them.

IAN: Makes sense, doesn't it.

LARRY: His theory is that the Daleks want the magnetic core of Earth.

IAN: What?

LARRY: That's his idea, anyway.

BLACK: Lower ramp and disembark.

IAN: We're not still

LARRY: Yes, we've landed.

IAN: What's that?

LARRY: They're lowering the ramp.

(The Daleks trundle off, followed by the zombie Robomen and some prisoners)

LARRY: All clear. This is it.

(They climb up into the saucer proper)

IAN: All right. How do we get out of this place?

LARRY: The disposal chute. Once we get through the outer door, make for the nearest cover. It's our only chance.

IAN: All right. I say, what is out there?

LARRY: Your guess is as good as mine. I'll go first.


(Two Robomen are carrying a device between them)

DOCTOR: I think we should get on our way.

SUSAN: Grandfather, I think we should stay a bit longer, don't you? Because David looked just now and there were loads of Daleks.

DAVID: Maybe Susan's right. Perhaps we should wait just five minutes more?

(The Robomen put the device down quite close to their hiding place, then it starts ticking)

Episode Four - The End of Tomorrow



SUSAN: David, over there, look.

DAVID: It's one of their firebombs. The Robomen must have put it there.

(The Doctor collapses)

SUSAN: Grandfather! David, he's passed out.

DAVID: It must be the effect of those drugs.

(Susan joins David at the bomb)

SUSAN: He's out of sight. David, what about this bomb? Can you dismantle it? I only know about atomic devices.

DAVID: I don't know. I'll have to try.

SUSAN: What's this red mark here?

DAVID It's an ignition point, I think.

SUSAN: So when the needle touches the red point?

DAVID: That will be it. I'll have to take a chance. I'm going to try and prise the front off this thing.

(But his knife slips and cuts him)

SUSAN: David! Come on, let's run for it.

DAVID: Dortmun's bombs! The acid will burn its way through the casing.

SUSAN: It's our last chance. Look at the needle.

DAVID: Well get well back, Susan. Go on, back.

(He pours the acid onto the casing, which dissolves immediately, but the ticking continues)

SUSAN: It's burning through.

(David pushes the timer out from the inside and the ticking stops but the bomb does not explode)

SUSAN: Oh, you did it!

DAVID: Well, what do we do now? That's the point. We'll have to leave the old man here for a while.

SUSAN: Leave him?

DAVID: But we must. He can't travel, can he. What we'll do is this. We'll tell him to hide, and then you and I'll find a way out of London. What we'll do is go through the sewers. There's got to be a manhole cover around here somewhere.

SUSAN: I don't like the idea of leaving him.

DAVID: We'll come back for him. Look, the Daleks think this area's in flames, so he'll be safe for an hour.

SUSAN: David, we can't!

DAVID: It's the only way.


(Barbara is using a foot pump to inflate a tyre on a tanker)

JENNY: All right, I'll take a turn.

BARBARA: How's the engine look?

JENNY: Well, there's oil in it, and the fuel's coming through. The trouble's going to be when we try to start it. The noise'll bring every Dalek for miles.

BARBARA: Well, that's a risk we'll have to take.

JENNY: Yes, I know that.

BARBARA: I suppose they used this in parades and exhibitions.

JENNY: Yes. Most of the machines at the museum are operational.

BARBARA: It's a pity all the motor cars are on the upper floors.

JENNY: You realise we won't get far in this.

BARBARA: Probably.

JENNY: No probably about it. Do you know the route to Bedfordshire?

BARBARA: Yes, I used to.

JENNY: Used to? What does that mean?

BARBARA: It means I used to live. Well, we're not very sure how much damage the Daleks have done.

JENNY: You wait till you see what they've done to Bedfordshire.

[Bedfordshire mining area]

(Next to an enormous 7SO Earth Mover, there is the sound of drilling)

IAN: I don't know how you're going to find your brother here, Larry.

LARRY: I'll have a darned good try.

IAN: Even if you do find him, what are you going to do for him?

LARRY: Get him away. He's obsessed with whatever it is the Daleks are doing. Look!

(A team of slaves are hauling a railway truck along the track to the mine)

ROBOMAN: Forward! Forward!

(Cablecars carry rock back and forth across the massive open-cast pit)

DALEK [OC]: Report Beta section zero zero one. Parade for robotisation selection at hut thirty. End.

IAN: We'd better get back under cover.

LARRY: This thing could move at

WELLS: (proper yokel) Hoy. Who are you two? Aren't you on work detail? Escaped, have you? I suppose you know the Robomen are on the other side of this machine?


WELLS: Take these. (pickaxes) Leave the talking to me.

ROBOMAN: What are these two men doing here?

WELLS: I took them off work detail to help me pick up these tools.

ROBOMAN: Which work detail?

WELLS: Oh, I don't know. Over that way somewhere. I'll take 'em back with me.

ROBOMAN: No, they must come for selection. Why do you wait? Pick up the implements and walk ahead of me.

(Ian does)

ROBOMAN: You too.

(Larry moves off)

ROBOMAN: You. (he hits him) In future, refer all decisions to your masters.

WELLS: Oh, my head.

ROBOMAN: What are you doing?

IAN: We can't leave him here.

ROBOMAN: Do not resist orders.

IAN: Get new orders. Come on Larry, let's take him in here.

(They go inside the earth mover while the Roboman gets his new orders)

[Earth Mover]

WELLS: I'm all right. It was the only thing I could think of.

IAN: Good man. Get down here.

(The Roboman enters, and Ian hits him over the head)

IAN: I think that's taken care of him for a while.

WELLS: I'll take care of this. (the Roboman's rifle) You'll have to get out of here. The Daleks always seem to know when one of the Robomen's attacked.

IAN: Yes, it breaks the radio connection.

WELLS: Your best bet is to mingle in with the working parties.

IAN: What about you?

WELLS: I come here to meet Ashton.

LARRY: Ashton?

WELLS: The black marketeer. No one knows how he gets into the camp or out again, but he does, and smuggles in food as well.

IAN: Oh, does he.

LARRY: We don't want to hang about here, Ian.

WELLS: Wait till I'm clear then make a break for it. We'll meet again after dark.

IAN: That's a good idea. Listen, I'd like to meet this man Ashton. He could probably help me out of the camp. I need to get back to London.

WELLS: London?

LARRY: He's got friends there.

WELLS: I suppose you know they destroyed it?


JENNY: No Daleks about that I can see. They must have thought Dortmun was on his own.

BARBARA: I remembered to get his notes.

JENNY: Why did he do it?

BARBARA: Oh, many reasons. Mainly because he wouldn't give in.

JENNY: What's the point of that? He just threw his life away. It was so senseless.

BARBARA: It depends on how you look at it.

JENNY: You've got this romantic idea about resistance. There is nothing heroic about dying. There's no point in throwing lives away just to prove a principle.

BARBARA: If Dortmun hadn't thrown his life away, we would all be dead. He knew exactly what he was doing. He sacrificed himself so that you and I would have a chance. Come on, we're ready to go.

(Barbara climbs into the driving seat and starts up the Borough of Ealing rubbish cart)

BARBARA: Open the doors.

(Jenny climbs on and they drive away past Dortmun's body)


SUSAN: This smells like an old goat farm.

DAVID: I think we can rest here.

SUSAN: Good idea.

DAVID: Well. we're not like to be found down here.

SUSAN: Aren't we? Look at this, David. It's an old cartridge. Can't be the Daleks, can it. They don't use guns. David, could the Robomen get down here?

DAVID: No, I don't think so.

SUSAN: Well, it must be friends then.

DAVID: Not necessarily. Not all human beings are automatically allies. There are people who will kill for a few scraps of food.

SUSAN: Survive at all costs.

DAVID: Yes. (he checks his pistol) Four bullets. Of course, it's no use against the Daleks, but it will stop anyone else.

SUSAN: No spares?

DAVID: No. I found this gun and that's all that was in it.

SUSAN: David!

(Someone is pointing a gun at them)

[In the truck]

JENNY: Do you think that Dalek saw us back there?

BARBARA: It must have heard the noise.

JENNY: Then we're in for trouble.

BARBARA: Yes, they're sure to radio ahead. We may have to ditch this at any moment.

(round a corner and)

BARBARA: Jenny, there's a whole bunch of them ahead of us.

JENNY: Shall we jump for it?

BARBARA: No. I'm going through.

(She scatters them like skittles)

JENNY: We went straight through them! Straight through them!

BARBARA: Yeah, it wasn't bad, was it. I rather enjoyed that. We won't be able to stay in this much longer though. They'll be after us with a vengeance now.

[Control centre]

DALEK: Rebels travelling in motorised vehicle have attacked and passed Dalek outer London cordon.

DALEK 2: This is saucer Alpha Major. Am forty five miles south of mining area.

DALEK [OC]: Intercept rebels and destroy.

DALEK 2: Position of rebel vehicle? Give position.

DALEK [OC]: South east eight over three seven six. North, north, nine point eight.

[In the truck]

BARBARA: Jenny, what's that noise?

JENNY: It's a saucer overhead.

BARBARA: Jump for it!

(She pulls on the handbrake and they leap out just before the saucer blows the truck to pieces.


SUSAN: We're jolly lucky we (lost under other dialogue)

DAVID: Glad we ran into you down there, Tyler.

SUSAN: Hey, David, now that Tyler's here we can go and get Grandfather, can't we?

DAVID: That's a good idea.

TYLER: The Doctor, where is he?

DAVID: Well, we had to leave him by the old plague cemetery. We're trying to find a way out of this area.

TYLER: You don't know how lucky you were. At first I took you for scavengers. I met a couple down here already but this kept them off.

SUSAN: You shot at one of them, didn't you. I found this. (the cartridge case)

TYLER: I wasn't shooting at a man. These sewers are full of alligators.

SUSAN: Alligators? In the sewers of London?

TYLER: A lot of animals escaped from zoos during the plague. Most were killed but reptiles thrive down here.

DAVID: Well then, I think the quicker we get going, the better?

SUSAN: What's worse, the alligators down here or the Daleks up there?

DAVID: Tyler, will you give us a hand to collect the old man?

TYLER: I'll take you. You're going the wrong way anyway. Now, you take the back, behind Susan. That way we've got guns front and rear.

DAVID: Right, Tyler.

SUSAN: Oh, Tyler? Barbara and Ian, do you know where they are?

TYLER: I'm sorry, no. I'll go ahead now. You stay here til I call.

(Tyler leaves)

SUSAN: Why is he so abrupt?

DAVID: Tyler? He's afraid to make friends. He's known too much killing.

SUSAN: Well, I hope I'm never like that, pretending not to care.

DAVID: Bah. One day this will be all over. It'll mean a new start.

SUSAN: A new start? Rebuilding a planet from the very beginning. It's a wonderful idea.

DAVID: You could always help.


TYLER [OC]: All clear here. Come on now.

DAVID: Go on, Susan. I'll keep right behind you.


(In a terrace of bay-window fronted homes, by a nice traditional round post box)

BARBARA: It's all right, Jenny, it's clear.

JENNY: Any idea where we are?

BARBARA: Oh, somewhere between Edgware and Stanmore, I should think.

JENNY: We're on the road for St Alban's. Barbara, suppose we don't find your friends at the mine?

BARBARA: I'll think about that when we get there. Look, you don't have to stay with me if you don't want to. I can get there on my own.

JENNY: We might as well stay together.

BARBARA: All right, come on then.

[Bedfordshire mining area]

IAN: I tell you, I heard something. A sort of sliding noise.

LARRY: Which direction?

IAN: I don't know. I thought it was round here.

(Ian peers round the corner of an Earth Mover and something ugly slides away)

LARRY: What was it?

[Earth Mover]

(They take refuge in the Earth Mover and are met by a man pointing a gun at them)

ASHTON: Right, you can just turn around and go out again.

LARRY: What, with that thing out there?

ASHTON: It didn't see you come in. It needn't see you go out.

IAN: Are you Ashton?

ASHTON: How do you know?

LARRY: Wells told us. We've come here looking specially for you.

ASHTON: People tell all kinds of lies when they're starving.

(the creature outside roars over the next line)

IAN: We're hungry, but we're not starving. I want to go to London.

ASHTON: Why die there?

IAN: I don't intend to die anywhere.

ASHTON: Can you pay?

IAN: Pay? What are you talking about?

ASHTON: Are you one of these brotherhood of man kind of people?

IAN: You come in here. Is there any reason why you shouldn't take me out?

ASHTON: I can take you out, at the right price.

IAN: And what's that?

ASHTON: Gold, precious metals, jewels.

IAN: I don't have anything like that.

ASHTON: Then I hope you manage to avoid the Slyther as you leave.

IAN: I'm not leaving.


WELLS: (bursting in) Ashton!

(Wells hands over some jewellry)

WELLS: That's for the food. These two are friends of mine.

ASHTON: I see you managed to bring their character references just in time. Well, chaps, I suppose we ought to have something to eat.

WELLS: This bundle's mine. It's to be shared out amongst a lot of people and you aren't included.

ASHTON: I've got my own.

IAN: You know all the best people, don't you?

WELLS: He's our only source of proper food.

LARRY: What was that thing we saw out there?

WELLS: It's called a Slyther.

IAN: A Slyther? What's that?

ASHTON: Where do you come from, mate? Fairyland?

WELLS: The Black Dalek, he's the commandant of the camp, regards it as a sort of pet.

IAN: You mean it's on some sort of a guard duty?

WELLS: Yes, well, in a way. Mainly it roams the mine area at night in search of food.

LARRY: What sort of food?

ASHTON: People.


(At the bottom of a ladder)

SUSAN: Tyler!

DAVID: He can't have got so far ahead.

SUSAN: Perhaps our voices aren't carrying. These walls could deflect the sound, I suppose.

DAVID: There's a ladder there.


DAVID: Let's try up there.

SUSAN: Yes, all right. (goes up the steps) There's a tunnel through here.

DAVID: Careful, Susan.

SUSAN: I'm all right. Tyler? (comes to an edge with a ladder down) Tyler? Are you down there?

DAVID: Careful.

(As she starts to go down the ladder, it comes away from the wall at the top and she is left hanging onto a rung)

SUSAN: David! (scream) David!

(Below her, an alligator lines up in the hope its next meal is about to drop in, then a manhole cover opens above and a shot rings out. Tyler and David pull the ladder back to the wall and help Susan up)

DAVID: Steady. Are you all right?

SUSAN: Yes. Swinging.

DAVID: You'd have probably given him indigestion anyway.

SUSAN: Thank you.

TYLER: All right now, come on. I've found the Doctor. He's waiting for us up here.

DAVID: Okay, now take your time.

SUSAN: Where's Grandfather's stick?

DAVID: I'll bring it. Take your time.

[Earth Mover]

(Ashton uses a jewellers eye-piece to check his payment as the others eat)

ASHTON: You know, Wells, you're a fool. For all this stuff I'd have gladly taken you outside. There are plenty of small towns and villages that the Daleks have cleared of people and left intact. Food galore.

WELLS: I'll get out in my own good time.

ASHTON: Well, suit yourself. You people never learn, do you.

LARRY: (hands something to Wells) That's for the two of us. Thanks for ours.

WELLS: Right, I'll take it, if you don't mind. It'll help pay for the next lot from Ashton.

(Slyther roars, then there's a sound like a big heart beat. Suddenly, Slyther has managed to get into the Earth Mover. Ashton shoots at it)

WELLS: Get out!

[Bedfordshire mining area]

(Larry, Ian and Wells scramble out of the Earth Mover as Ashton is overpowered by the creature. They run to the edge of the mine)

LARRY: This way's no good. It's a sheer drop.

IAN: We'll have to go back.

LARRY: The Slyther, Ian! It's coming straight for us!

Episode Five - The Waking Ally

[Bedfordshire mining area]

(Larry slips at the edge)

IAN: Larry!


(Larry grabs the edge of a mining bucket. Ian leaps into the bucket itself)

IAN: Hold on, Larry!

(IAN hauls Larry up into the bucket.)

IAN: All right?

LARRY: Thanks.

IAN: It's still coming. I hope it can't jump.

LARRY: It's going to try!

(The Slyther grabs the edge of the bucket, so Ian grabs a rock and hits it until it falls. There's a satisfying crash at the bottom)

LARRY: Let's get out of here.

IAN: No. No, hang on a minute. Somebody might have heard us.

[Control centre]

BLACK: There is no work party in shaft nine. Why?

DALEK: The section is completed. The labour force is being assembled for clearing operations.

BLACK: Work must proceed to schedule. There must be no delays.

DALEK: All will be ready. The waste bucket in shaft nine is being lowered now.

[Mining bucket]

IAN: I think it's all clear now.

LARRY: Might as well take a chance. We can't stay here all night. What's happening?

IAN: We're going down!


DOCTOR: Oh, dear. Ghastly. Well I must say this is a nice state of affairs. We've barely covered a mile and here we are hiding down the sewers again.

DAVID: We're better to hide down here, Doctor, than be caught by those Robomen.

DAVID: Tyler, did they see us?

TYLER: Well, they were coming this way but they don't seem to know what they were going to do.

SUSAN: How many?

TYLER: Just two of them. Listen, I couldn't get that cover on. We'd better get under shelter. Doctor, Susan.

DOCTOR: You do realise, of course, we shall have to let them both come down before we decide to defend ourselves.

TYLER: Well, we can take them one at a time.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, just one. The other's bound to return and bring back reinforcements.

TYLER: If we stick together long enough, I'll learn to do what you say the first time.

(The Robomen peer down the manhole as David and Tyler check their ammunition. Then they both come down the ladder. Tyler's gun doesn't fire so he takes on the first Roboman hand to hand. Then David comes out of hiding.)

DAVID: Move Tyler, move!

(David's shot misses and they both end up struggling with the Robomen. Susan runs to help David.)

SUSAN: No! No!

(The Doctor hits Tyler's adversary over the head with his new walking stick. Tyler finishes him off.)

DAVID: Susan!

(The second Roboman starts back up the ladder. Tyler picks up David's gun and shoots him)

DOCTOR: Well, is everybody alright?


DAVID: Yes, Doctor.

(Tyler goes to shoot the other Roboman)

DOCTOR: No, Tyler, no. I never take life. Only when my own is immediately threatened. Now then, let us make our way to this mine and then we shall know how to deal with these Daleks. Leave this creature to his own devices and salvation. Come along. You lead the way, my boy. Come along.

[Outside a hut]

BARBARA: It's deserted, Jenny. With this storm coming, we'll be much better off inside.


WOMAN: Who's there? Who is it?

(Jenny and Barbara enter, and the girl screams)

WOMAN: What do you want?

BARBARA: We, we were looking for shelter.

WOMAN: Just the two of you? Tired, are you?

BARBARA: Yes. Yes, we are.

JENNY: Barbara, I think we should be moving on.

GIRL: Dogs'll catch you. Dogs in the forest.


WOMAN: Savage beasts. After the plague, they formed a pack. Where are you making for?

BARBARA: The mine. We have friends there. We're trying to find them.

GIRL: Nobody gets away from there. You'll be caught yourselves.

WOMAN: You're lucky to have got this far. The patrols pass here.

JENNY: Then how is it you're still free. They must know you're here?

WOMAN: Oh, they know all right. Yes, they know, but we can't harm them. Besides, we make clothes for the slave workers. We're more use to them doing that than we would be in the mine.

BARBARA: How do you manage? For food, I mean?

WOMAN: Oh, they give us some in return for the clothes. We're hungry most of the time though.

BARBARA: We have some food here. You're welcome to that.

WOMAN: Thank you, thank you. Get the table ready, child.

GIRL: Yes.

(The woman starts searching Barbara's rucksack)

WOMAN: More? Have you got any more in here? Oh yes.

(Barbara rescues the notebook and the woman pierces another can with a very large knife to check the contents)

WOMAN: In return you can sleep here for the night. You can make your bed out of this cloth. Come on, child. Come on. You'll be nice and comfortable there.

(she goes and whispers to the girl)

WOMAN: Now, you go and take these and go (unintelligible) there's a good girl. Go on, then, there's a good girl.

GIRL: I have to go out to deliver these clothes.

WOMAN: Your meal will be ready when you get back, child.

JENNY: Go out in this weather?

WOMAN: They're waiting for her.

BARBARA: What about those dogs you talked about?

WOMAN: Oh, she'll follow the patrols.

GIRL: I'll follow the patrols.

(The girl leaves)

WOMAN: She'll come to no harm. She's done it often enough. And when you 've done with your beds, shall you help me with the food?

{Mine bucket]

LARRY: Still no sign of the bottom.

IAN: No. How long do you think we've been going down now?

LARRY: Must be nearly twenty minutes. It's getting warmer, isn't it?

IAN: Yes. Pressure's increasing too. My ears are popping.

LARRY: I'd rather be dead than work down here.

IAN: Not a choice I'd like to face.

LARRY: It's stopping. We must be near the bottom. Yes, look. Lights!

IAN: Let's get out of here, Larry, before this bucket tips up.

LARRY: It's a bit of a drop, Ian.

IAN: Well, about twelve feet, that's all. Come on.

(Ian jumps first. Larry is still in the bucket when it starts to go along a rail. He falls badly when he jumps)


IAN: Larry, you all right?

LARRY: It's my kneecap. I caught it on the truck as I fell.

IAN: Put your weight on me. Stand up.

LARRY: It's no good.

IAN: No? if you can't move, we'd better get under cover. It's too light here. We'll go over there. Now, put your weight on me. That's it. Slowly.


WOMAN: I went to London once. It seems years ago now. You know, is it still the same?

JENNY: They've destroyed most of it.

WOMAN: Destroyed? Well I never. Oh, when I went it was beautiful. There was the moving pavements, and the shops, and the astronaut fair I went to and it was in the Chelsea heliport.

(The girl returns and runs to the woman)

DALEK: You will follow me, both of you. Do not try to escape or you will be exterminated. Move.

(Jenny and Barbara leave)

GIRL: Bread and oranges and sugar.

WOMAN: Oh, good, good. I knew they'd give us food if we told them. Oh, well. She'd have been captured anyway.


IAN: How're you feeling?

LARRY: Better. I don't think I'll be able to walk.

IAN: Don't worry. We'll stay here for a while. You know, Larry, this mine doesn't make sense to me. Where's all the modern machinery?

LARRY: The Daleks brought machinery from all over the world. All they seem to be shifting is rocks.

IAN: Yes. I suppose they could be processing it somewhere.

LARRY: Who knows what the Daleks are up to? I told you what my brother Phil said, all they want is the magnetic core of Earth.

IAN: Yes, but why find it in such an old-fashioned way?

LARRY: It's probably a clearance area. Perhaps we haven't found the main shaft yet.

IAN: You may be right at that. Larry, would you be all right if I went to have a look?

LARRY: Yeah, sure.

IAN: Good man.

(Ian hears someone coming and hides with Larry behind some baskets. Robomen lead in a work party who start taking the baskets)

WELLS: (spotting them) You'll have to move. They're clearing this whole section.

LARRY: Move? Where to?

IAN: Well, lets join them. Take a basket, Larry.

PHIL: (a Roboman) Halt!

LARRY: Phil! It's my brother. Ian, it's my brother.

PHIL: Too many in working party. Dalek Supreme Control recheck. Who are you?

LARRY: Phil? Phil, it's Larry. Your brother Larry. Think, Phil! Remember me!

PHIL: You are both runaways.

LARRY: Angela. Your wife, Angela! I'll take you to her.

PHIL: You must both be punished.

IAN: It's no good, Larry.

LARRY: No, no! No, Ian!

IAN: Come on!

LARRY: Ian, get clear. Run while you've got the chance! Run, Ian. Run.

(Larry throttles Phil while Phil shoots Larry)

LARRY: Run, Ian, run.

Phil: Larry.

(They die, and the alarm goes off)

DALEK [OC]: (behind next dialogue) Emergency! Emergency! Priority shaft nine. Close all exits! Emergency!

WELLS: Right, get these bodies clear. Get them down the shafts. Shaft seven, shaft eight! I'll take care of that. (the gun) Someone tell them what's happened. Run, quick as you like. Get those bodies out of here. Hurry!

(Ian runs down a side passage)

[Cliff top]

(Susan adds some seasoning to a saucepan cooking on a camp fire. David sneaks up behind her and dangles a fish in front of her face. She screams.)

DAVID: Some fresh fish! You want some fresh fish? I've got some!

SUSAN: David, you idiot. You idiot.

(They have a little wrestling match on the grass)

DAVID: Oh no, its not for me! I didn't want it! Not me!

SUSAN: Drop it!

(David takes Susan's hand)

DAVID: Your grandfather stood up to the journey fantastically well.

SUSAN: He's a pretty fantastic sort of man.

(They kiss, barely)

DOCTOR: Smells familiar round here.

SUSAN: Just in time for food.

DOCTOR: Ah, yes, my dear.

DAVID: Ah, we were just, er, well, I was just, er.

DOCTOR: Quite, quite. I can see something's cooking.

TYLER: What is that?

DAVID: That's rabbit.

SUSAN: It's pretty primitive. It's the best I could do though.

DOCTOR: Most useful.


(Tyler wraps his sleeve around his hand to pick up the saucepan and sample the meal)

DAVID: Hey, you've got a big piece there. Doctor, would you like some? Smells delicious.

DOCTOR: Susan's a very good cook.

DAVID: Yes. Tell me, Doctor.


DAVID: Now that you've seen the Dalek base, what do you think?

DOCTOR: Well it's quite obvious to me its the centre of their operations.

SUSAN + DAVID: Centre?

DOCTOR: Yes, quite. You know, you surprise me, Tyler. Why didn't you concentrate your efforts here?

TYLER: We've been fighting the Daleks everywhere. Well, the fact that they started mining operations didn't seem all that important.

DAVID: Yeah, well, we assumed that they were just digging for minerals, you know, something they could use to make

DOCTOR: No, I think perhaps it might be the answer to the question as to why the Daleks are here.

DAVID: But why, Doctor? Surely they've invaded us?

DOCTOR: Oh no, it goes much deeper than that. You see, man, to them, is just a work machine. An insignificant specimen that is not worth invading. Absolutely useless. It doesn't matter to them whether you live or die.

TYLER: Yeah, that's true enough.

DAVID: Well, what are they digging for?

DOCTOR: Well, at the moment, my boy, I'm not quite sure, but let us say something that this planet contains. Something that no planet has.

TYLER: And you think if it was something on the surface, they'd have just collected it and gone?

DOCTOR: Yes, quite, quite. Instead, there they are, burrowing like moles down and through the crust of the Earth.

TYLER: But isn't that impossible? I mean, without causing an eruption, a huge earthquake no one could survive.

DOCTOR: Not unless they know how to control the flow of living energy, hmm?

DAVID: Is that what it is? They dare to tamper with the forces of creation?

DOCTOR: Yes, they dare. And we have got to dare to stop them.

SUSAN: Grandfather?


SUSAN: It's getting cold. Look.


ROBOMAN [OC]: Keep moving.

(Ian hides as a work party goes past, including Barbara and Jenny)


IAN: Barbara! (A little way on)

ROBOMAN: Fill these buckets. Hurry!

(Baskets of rocks are emptied into a wagon on rails under the watch of a Dalek. Jenny can't lift the basket)

JENNY: We're beaten, Barbara. We'll never get out of here. Never.

BARBARA: Don't be silly, Jenny. That's no way to talk. Look, we wanted to get to the mine and we're here.

JENNY: Yes, but what can we do?

BARBARA: You can help me fill this basket again. We could try and find their main control room. I'm sure that's what the Doctor would do.

JENNY: And then what will happen?

BARBARA: Oh, I don't know, Jenny, I don't know, but look, we can try! If we get there and fail, well, all they'll do is send us back here.

DALEK: You. Take all buckets to the clearing section.

WELLS: Fine.

(Wells hands something to Jenny as he takes the basket, then heads down the passage to where he meets Ian)

IAN: Wells.

WELLS: Ian, I told you to get out of here.

IAN: That's easier said than done. Wells, that tall girl in the blue sweater. I know her. Tell her I'm here.

WELLS: Right, I'll try, but I've got to get rid if these first.

IAN: Yes, all right.

(Further on)

JENNY: Anyway, they'll never let us anywhere near the control room.

BARBARA: Dortmun's notes!

JENNY: What?

BARBARA: Jenny, I've still got Dortmun's notes!

JENNY: And a lot of good they are.

BARBARA: No, no, you don't understand, Oh, I haven't got time to explain. Jenny, come with me.

JENNY: Oh Barbara, do you know what you're doing?

DALEK: Get back to work.

BARBARA: I have some important information. Rebels are planning a revolution against the Daleks.

DALEK: There will be no revolution. The Daleks are masters of Earth.

BARBARA: But you don't understand. This is no ordinary uprising. They have scientists, men of learning working with them.

DALEK: You are lying. It is a trick.

BARBARA: No, I have proof of what I say.

DALEK: Proof? Let me see.

(She holds up the notes)

DALEK: Details of the acid bomb used in the unprovoked attack on the London saucer landing area.

BARBARA: There's more. I know places where they're hiding.

DALEK: Very well. Speak.

BARBARA: Well, it, it would be better if I spoke to someone in charge.

DALEK: That is impossible. Tell me your story.

BARBARA: But it's very complex and detailed. You would have to act immediately on what I told you. I must speak to someone in authority.

DALEK: The Black Dalek will see you, but if you are lying, you will be killed. Follow me.

(Barbara and Jenny follow the Dalek)

ROBOMAN: Continue your work.

(Along the passage)

WELLS: Right, step into line and follow me.

IAN: We're too late. The Daleks have just taken her.

WELLS: Pity. Oh well, there's an empty gallery behind us there. Lose yourself there.

IAN: Right.

[Control room]

BLACK: Give me your report.

DALEK: The main drills have penetrated the quartz strata. We are within four miles of the Earth's outer core.

BLACK: When will the final breakthrough occur?

DALEK: The slave parties are clearing the top of the fissure now.

BLACK: What remains to be done?

DALEK: Only to put into position the penetration explosive. The charge is in the fissure capsule now. When positioned, the charge will strike the fissure in the Earth's crust here.

BLACK: The fissure will expand, the molten core be released.

DALEK: We will then control the flow until all the gravitational and magnetic forces in the Earth's core are eliminated.

BLACK: Excellent. I will now announce to the Dalek Earth force, completion of Project Degravitate in two hours time.

DALEK [OC]: Attention.

[Capsule control]

DALEK [OC]: Attention all units. Stand by for an announcement by the Supreme Controller. (Ian hides in a capsule)

BLACK [OC]: This is the Supreme Controller. Our mission to Earth is nearly completed. We were sent here to remove the core of this planet.

[Control centre]

BLACK: Once the core is removed, we can replace it with a power system that will enable us to pilot the planet anywhere in the universe.

[Capsule control]

BLACK [OC]: All that remains is to put into position the penetration explosive. Daleks controlling device will now report.

DALEK: We are ready.

BLACK [OC]: Arm the device.

DALEK: Device now armed.

BLACK: Set capsule in motion.

(The other half of the capsule casing moves forward, trapping Ian inside)

DALEK: Hatch over control to closed position. Motor running.

DALEK 2: Capsule moving.

[Control centre]

BLACK: As soon as the capsule is in position over the fissure, release it.

(Inside the capsule, Ian searches for a way out of this literal cliff-hanger)

Episode Six - Flashpoint


(As the capsule slides down its guide rails, Ian is busy inside, fiddling with wires. He pulls some out and the capsule stops. So he continues to pull wires and twist them together)

[Capsule control]

(A team of Robomen are pulling on the rope attached to the top of the capsule)

ROBOMEN: Pull. Pull. Pull.

(As the capsule ascends and Ian messes with the wires, a trap door opens by his feet.)

ROBOMEN: Pull. Pull. Pull.

(Ian climbs down the rope out of the capsule)

[Control centre]

DALEK [OC]: Capsule now arrived at sub station.

BLACK: Ascertain extent of breakdown and then

DALEK [OC]: Man has been seen leaving capsule.

BLACK: Exterminate him! Exterminate him! Exterminate him!


DALEK: Stay where you are!

(The Dalek fires at the rope, which snaps and Ian slides down to a door at the top of the fissure proper. He is out cold)


JENNY: We must be getting near their control room, Barbara. What do you want me to do?

DALEK: Move.

BARBARA: Try to find the main control panel. Do as much damage as you can. I'll try and keep them occupied.

DALEK: Silence. You will only speak when you are ordered to do so.

[Control centre]

DALEK 2: Dalek reports human fallen down bomb shaft. Capsule is being repaired.

(Barbara and Jenny enter)

DALEK: Wait here.

BLACK: Every error must be corrected. The penetration explosive must strike the fissure correctly if we are to extract the molten core. Have all work tasks been completed?

DALEK 3: They have.

BLACK: Then arrange for the extermination of all human beings.

DALEK 4: Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

DALEK 5: The final solution! Clear up this planet!

BLACK: Alter the command frequencies to aural control to all Robomen. They are to herd humans down to the lower galleries.

DALEK 3: Immediately. Testing aural control. Testing aural control.


(A light flashes on a Roboman's helmet)

DALEK [OC]: Testing aural control. Testing aural control.

[Control centre]

BARBARA: Did you see that, Jenny? That's the way they control the Robomen.

DALEK 3: Herd all humans to galleries to nine, ten and fifteen.

JENNY: Perhaps we could put it out of action?

BARBARA: We could do better than that, we could give it new orders. Tell them to turn on the Daleks.

JENNY: Yes! That's a great idea.

DALEK: They are the prisoners that reported the imminent revolt.

BLACK: Speak!

BARBARA: (reading Dortmun's notes.) This bomb is the one with which

BLACK: We are not interested in the bomb. Give your information!

BARBARA: Right. This revolt is timed to start almost immediately. As in the case of the Indian mutiny, which I am sure

BLACK: Indian mutiny? We are the masters of India!

BARBARA: I was talking about Red Indians in disguise! The plan will run parallel with the Boston Tea Party. Naturally, you already have information about this.

BLACK: Wait! Why have I not been informed of this?

DALEK 2: There has been no information.

BARBARA: Good! That means the first part of the plan is a success. Now, I warn you, General Lee and the four, the fifth cavalry are already forming up to attack from the north side of the crater. The second wave, Hannibal's forces, will of course come in from the Southern Alps. The third wave

BLACK: Attention! Attention! Mobilise defence forces!

(Barbara dashes to the Robomen control panel)

BARBARA: Robomen, this order cannot be countermanded. You must

BLACK: Take them! They are lying! Take them! Take them! Take them!

DALEK 3: I will arrange for their extermination.

BLACK: No. Secure them. They will be killed in the explosion. The countdown must proceed to schedule.

(Barbara and Jenny are fastened by collars to a pillar.)

BARBARA: Sorry, Jenny.

JENNY: What for? It was a marvellous attempt and it nearly worked too.

BARBARA: Yes, it didn't and we won't get a second try. Look. That must be the bomb shaft.

[Cliff edge]

TYLER: Have you ever seen anything like that mine, Doctor?

DOCTOR: I certainly have not. Ah, good! There seems to be a way down there.

TYLER: I still say its madness.

DOCTOR: Yes, well lets have a closer look.

(The Doctor peers down through binoculars)

DAVID: Yes, Doctor?

DOCTOR: How many bombs have you got left?

DAVID: Er, I've got three, I think.

DOCTOR: Yes, well that should be enough. Now, you see that mast over there?

DAVID: (through binoculars) Yes.

DOCTOR: And the cable behind it?


DOCTOR: Well, I want you and Susan to walk around the lip of the crater and sever it. Use the bombs. Detonate with your revolver, right?

DAVID: Right, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Off you go, and don't stop to pick daises on the way.

(David and Susan leave.)

DOCTOR: I don't think they'll run into any trouble.

TYLER: And what about us?

DOCTOR: That'll be harder to guarantee. Come along. Get down.

[Top of fissure]

(Ian comes round, and opens a circular door in a stone wall. A Roboman enters the room on the other side so Ian closes it again)

[Control centre]

BLACK: As soon as the repairs to the capsule are complete, the explosive device will be released into the bowels of this planet.

JENNY: Sounds as though they're almost ready.

BLACK: Attention all Daleks. Our saucers are hovering above the mine area. Notice to board saucers will be given shortly.


DOCTOR: Now, I've neutralised the warning system.

(A door opens.)

DOCTOR: Shall we go in?

TYLER: I'll say one thing, Doc. Life's never dull with you around.

DOCTOR: Thank you, but don't call me Doc, I prefer Doctor. Do you mind?


(Ian opens the small door again. The room contains small tree trunks so he uses some to block what will be the passage of the capsule)

[Control centre]

DALEK: The work on the capsule is complete. The device is ready.

BLACK: Good. We shall have one hour to leave when the device is fired. Am firing now.

(The capsule slides down its guide rails and stops when it hits Ian's barrier)

BLACK: The explosive device is on its way to the centre of the Earth. We shall go the edge of the mine workings and be picked up by the saucers.


(The Doctor and Tyler hide as the Black Dalek leads the others away)

TYLER: That was a close one.

DOCTOR: Apparently things are on the move.

[Control centre]

BARBARA: Well, they didn't bother to kill us. I suppose the explosion will take care of that.

JENNY: It's no good, Barbara. I can't move mine!

BARBARA: Listen. I think the Daleks are coming back.

(The Doctor and Tyler enter)

DOCTOR: My dear Barbara!

BARBARA: Doctor!

DOCTOR: The magnet! The magnet, quickly!

(Tyler grabs it)

DOCTOR: Is Chesterton with you? Never mind.

(The women are released)

DOCTOR: We must begin our action before the Daleks get back.

BARBARA: I don't think they will be coming back. They activated one of their bombs. They intend to blow a hole through the centre of the Earth.

DOCTOR: But why?

JENNY: They're trying to pilot the Earth right out of its orbit. The bomb's due to go off in half an hour's time.

DOCTOR: Well, we must prevent this, Barbara. If they succeed, it will the mean that they'll upset the entire constellation. We've got to prevent it!

BARBARA: But how?

DOCTOR: By keeping the Daleks here. Keep your eyes skinned on the door.

TYLER: All right.

DOCTOR: Now, I wonder. Can I do anything with this scanner?

BARBARA: There's Susan!

DOCTOR: Oh yes! Susan and David. Now, they're trying to fracture the outer cable ring.

JENNY: Well what will that do?

DOCTOR: Well, if it's possible, you see, we might be able to immobilise the Daleks.

DALEK [OC]: Scanner frequencies have been changed in Central control.

BLACK [OC]: The prisoners must have escaped! Deal with them.

DOCTOR: The radio circuit's still working.

BARBARA: Hurry, Susan, hurry!

DOCTOR: There's nothing we can do, my dear. Just watch and wait. We can't contact them from here.


DALEK: Two zero reporting.

[Control centre]

TYLER: A Dalek's coming.


DALEK: Will exterminate them at zero range.

[Control centre]

TYLER: It's nearly here. (On the scanner, David and Susan do their job)

DALEK: Thermostat reading too high! Heat increase intolerable! Heat increase complete! Power loss complete! Argh!

TYLER: You took a chance.

DOCTOR: A chance? Yes.

BARBARA: Can you stop the bomb, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Not now, Barbara. We don't know how long this little trick of ours will hold the Daleks. We may have to find something else.

BARBARA: Well, look. That thing over there controls the Robomen. We discovered that earlier. Er, maybe we could give it new orders?

DOCTOR: Yes! That's brilliant, my dear! Good. Carry on.

BARBARA: (as a Dalek) Robomen, this is your last order. Obey it and no other.

DOCTOR: Turn on the Daleks, turn on the Daleks, kill the Daleks, do you hear?


(And they do)

[Control centre]

(Wells and a group arrive and take away the dead Dalek. Ian bursts in)

IAN: Barbara!

(They hug)

IAN: Doctor!

DOCTOR: My dear boy, where did you spring from?

IAN: Well, I was trying to get out of the mine and suddenly the Robomen turned on the Daleks! Well, you know the rest.

DOCTOR: Well, the people are fighting back at last!

(The people and Robomen are running out of the mine entrance)

IAN: That must be where I jammed it, so that must be where it will explode.

BARBARA: But look, it's going to go off in ten minutes time.

DOCTOR: I don't think their device will succeed in that position. But still, it will be a gigantic explosion.

TYLER: Then we ought to get as many people out of this area as we possibly can.

DOCTOR: Yes, I quite agree.


JENNY: We'll be safe outside the valley.

DOCTOR: And we must all meet back on the cliff, we were before. Now hurry up, all of you.

[Cliff edge]

DOCTOR: The explosion will take place any second. Keep right down, all of you!

(KaBOOM! and the magma wells up from the mine. A mushroom cloud ascends)

DOCTOR: The saucers were caught in the upward thrust of that explosion.

JENNY: Do you think any Daleks escaped?

DOCTOR: In that, my dear? Impossible. There's something new for you, Tyler. A volcanic eruption in England.

TYLER: It's unbelievable.

DOCTOR: Yes, it's unbelievable.

JENNY: It's over.


(Wells helps clear the last timber from a very battered Tardis)

TYLER: Well, at least the firebombs didn't destroy everything. Pity Dortmun couldn't be here. Dortmun and people like him.

DOCTOR: Yes, and it's to them that you must dedicate your next task, the rebuilding of the Earth. And I'm sure you're going to make a great success of it.

TYLER: You sound as if you're leaving.

(The Westminster chimes sound)

TYLER: Listen.

DOCTOR: Just the beginning. Just the beginning. All alone, eh, Susan, hmm?

SUSAN: I was thinking.

DOCTOR: Yes, I afraid we've had so little time for that sort of thing lately.

SUSAN: It would be nice if we

DOCTOR: I, er, well, I'm sorry, Susan.

SUSAN: It wasn't important. What were you going to, Ow!

DOCTOR: Oh my dear Susan, you're hurt.

SUSAN: Oh, it's not me, it's this shoe of mine. Look, it's worn right out.

DOCTOR: Oh, dear, dear, dear.

SUSAN: It must have been that journey back from the mine.

DOCTOR: Dear, dear, dear, I shall have to mend this, shan't I now?

SUSAN: Oh, don't worry, Grandfather.

DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, no, no, no worry, my child, no. When I've finished with this, it will look as good as new.

SUSAN: Really, it's not worth it. I've got dozens of other pairs.

DOCTOR: Yes. Hmm.

SUSAN: I'd better clear out my cupboard. It's in a dreadful muddle.

DOCTOR: Yes, you little monkey. You know, since you've been away from that school, you seem to have got yourself thoroughly disorganised, haven't you? Yes, you need taking in hand. Well, I, er, I think I must check up on the ship, if you don't mind.

SUSAN: Won't be long. (The Doctor watches Susan go over to David, then goes into the Tardis)

IAN: What are your plans, David?

DAVID: Me? Oh, I'll join a group that work the land. More than anything, I want to see things grow again. I want to be a part of it.

IAN: It's a nice idea. Do you come from the country?

DAVID: Yes. My family have always been associated with the land.

IAN: Oh, er, where do they live?

DAVID: Well, they live a long way from here.

(Barbara hauls Ian away)

TYLER: Well can't stand here talking all day. See me before you go, David.

DAVID: I will Tyler. I will.

SUSAN: Goodbye, Tyler.

(Tyler's gone)

SUSAN: Goodbye.

DAVID: Susan?

SUSAN: Yes, David?

DAVID: Please stay. Please stay here with me.

SUSAN: I can't stay, David. I don't belong to this time.

DAVID: But I love you, Susan, and I want you to marry me.

SUSAN: You see, David. Grandfather's old now. He needs me. Oh, don't make me choose between you and him, please!

DAVID: But you told me! You said that you'd never known the security of living in one place and one time. Look, you said it was something that you always longed for. Well, I'm giving you that, Susan. I'm giving you a place, a time, an identity.

SUSAN: No, David! (crying) I've lost my shoe. Oh David, I do love you! I do, I do, I do!

(Inside the Tardis, the Doctor closes the doors)

SUSAN: Grandfather!

DOCTOR [OC]: Listen, Susan, please. I've double-locked the doors. You can't get in. Now move back, child, where I can see you.


DOCTOR: During all the years, I've been taking care of you, you in return have been taking care of me.

SUSAN [on scanner]: Oh, Grandfather, I belong with you!

DOCTOR: Not any longer, Susan. You're still my grandchild and always will be, but now, you're a woman too.


DOCTOR [OC]: I want you to belong somewhere, to have roots of your own. With David, you'll be able to find those roots and live normally like any woman should do.


DOCTOR: Believe me, my dear, your future lies with David, and not with a silly old buffer like me. One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine. Goodbye, Susan, goodbye, my dear.


(The Tardis dematerialises. Susan, with only one shoe, walks where it had stood)

DAVID: Susan? Susan? He knew. He knew you could never leave him.

(Susan looks at her Tardis key, then drops it on the ground, and they slowly walk off hand in hand)

Next Episode - The Powerful Enemy

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