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Thursday, 19 September 2019

Haunted by Mark Antony Raines.Comedy Friendly Zombie ltd

Haunted by Mark Antony Raines
Comedy Friendly Zombie Ltd
Table of Contents
Prologue .
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Thank you
This book is a collection of paranormal experience s in the area I love which is in Devon.I Reside in the town of Holsworthy Devon which is mentioned in the doomsday book and a connection to the history of Australia.This will include contribution s from others whom I will attribute to them and I will include my own personal experience s of the paranormal .
So go sit down on a comfortable chair with your laptop or computer or smartphone or tablet and give this book a read I hope to spark your interest in the world of paranormal which is more reported today wither you believe it not just go along for the ride.
Chapter 1
Mark Antony Raines
My journey into the paranormal started in a quite dramatically .
Sometime ago I was sent to North Devon District Hospital ,Barnstaple ,Devon due to the fact I had blood sugar levels count of 124 .I went from E.D to I.C.U ward where I was put into an induced coma for three weeks.Whilst in my coma I heard a woman’s voice I have not heard before or since telling me to wake up.I then had the most overwhelming feeling ever to wake up.I believe this was my guardian angel I know some may say my brain was playing tricks with me but I stick to my guns as this is my belief.I also whilst in my coma I as not in this world of the next realm hence why I call myself Ghostman.I have a theory that I touched my own version of heaven and I think this what we all do when we pass on.
I after this Near Death Experience became more spiritual and it sparked my interest in all things paranormal.
Enid Raines .My Wife
She was two shadows standing at the end of her bed appearing to look at but emitted no sound and only lasted about thirty seconds.Also recently she was receiving her bible radio and body and blood of Christ when somehow the bible the woman was reading flow across the room and the woman raided this had never before happened.When one out dogs Poppett was alive he was fed and watered one day but not one of remembered doing it at the time.

Chapter 2
Shebbear Devon
If you visit the village of Shebbear At Eight o,clock At night in Guy Fawkes Day ,November 5th you will witness a strange ritual.a group of people normally The local Bellringers moving  a rock of about one tonnelump known as the Devil’s Stone (or Devil’s Boulder). This lies in the village square, is turned the stone itself is not local and is referred to as glacial erratic . According to local tradition the stone needs to be turned over every year or a disaster will fall on the village - the last year it was not turned on 5 November was during the Second World War when such frivolity was frowned on, but after a few days of bad news someone flipped it over anyway. Supposedly the Devil dropped the stone while fighting with god, he lost the battle. Consequently, the stone fell on top of him, flattening him under it. The folklore reasoning for the turning is that it takes a year for the Devil to dig down and up the other side of the rock, at which point it is flipped again, re-trapping him.

Devils Footprints
In 1855 on 8th February Resident s either side of the river Exe awoke to snowfall and a collection of cloven footprint s.It was not a horse or deer as these footprint s appeared to go through haystack s and walls and roofs ;drainpipes;the footprint s stopped at the base of the drainpipes and restarted at the gutter.
This was reported in the Times newspaper which described them .
“More like that of a biped then a quadrupled and steps were generally eight inches in advance of each other. The impression s of the feet closely resembled that of a donkeys shoe ,and measured from a inch and a half to two and half inches across ”
At the time the locals positively believed them to be tracks made by the Devil as he stalked the area looking for sinners and we’re terrified of leaving thier homes this was compounded by people s tracks backtracking back to thier homes.The snow cleared and the ground the mystery footprint s give the impression of being branded leading to cement belief the Devil had paided a visit.
One of the bizarre theories is that it was a kangaroo that had escaped from a private zoo owned by a Mr.Fische .
This myth is still a mystery.
Chapter 3
This is included after a request on Holsworthy Moan and Groan Facebook Page. I know Rosie mention s Cornwall but I have decided to include it book .
Rosie Silby
I would like to help with your ghost story book as I am very interested in the supernatural. I’m 15 but I’ve had ALOT of experiences with ghosts but non of my friends believe me or my stories 😞. I can tell you my ghost stories one by one in paragraphs to make it easier. (It’s all based in Cornwall/Devon).
Story 1: Camelot View
When I was little (from 2004 to 2015), I lived in an old railway cottage with my Mum (Nancy) and Dad (Bill) just outside of Camelford, Cornwall. *Dad had/has an obsession with Victorian steam trains so that’s why we lived there*. All 3 of us believe that the house is haunted...
Dads early encounters (from what he’s told me)- When my Dad first moved into No.1 Camelot view in roughly around 1993, from Nottingham, he constantly had the feeling that he was being watched. This was especially more noticeable when he started to do up the house (he was turning it back from a modern house into a late Victorian railway Cottage). Dad had never actually seen the ghost but always had a feeling ’he’was there. The feeling of being watched began to die down after a few years. Dad taught me “Dead men can’t hurt you!”, well actually that was a quote from Laurel and Hardy! So, whenever I was curious and asked about ghosts dad just told me that “the ghost was interested in what I was doing- don’t forget this WAS HIS HOME TOO” I suppose this was to make me feel a little better from living in a supposedly haunted house.
Story 2: Camel View (Mum)
As you know already, my dad lived in Camelot View. He then met my mum and as expected she moved in with him. I don’t know much of what she saw or when she saw it but dad told me (mum doesn’t usually like to talk about this kind of stuff) that when I was born (April 2004) I would sleep in my mum and dads room in a cot *Their room in 2004 would later be my room as they moved into a bigger one* and one day, mum went on to check on me because I hadn’t made a single sound for a few hours and as she opened the door she saw a railway man. He was dressed in Brown trousers with red braces, an white shirt and a farmers cap. He was hunched over away from my cot and appeared to be looking into some draws that were not there. Mum couldn’t believe what she was seeing. According to dad, she had seen this man another time afterwards. Later that day dad came home from work. My mum was sitting in the kitchen. She looked like three sheets in the wind. My dad said to her “Hey, Nancy. You look like you’ve seen a ghost, duck”. Dad said that mum looked up at him and said “I have Bill”...
Story 3 (My Story)
I do believe in the supernatural. I find it fascinating but sometimes I do scare myself a bit! When I was younger living in Camelot View, I had never noticed there being a “presents” in the like. Not until I began to grow up a bit and realise. This wasn’t until I was around the age 7-9. I felt like my dad, I felt like I was being watch. This made me feel a bit uncomfortable. (By this time My mum and Dad had spilt up so every other weekend I would meet dad in Bude with mum and then stay the weekend with him at his). Dad used to have a very worn down chair in the corner of his living room and you’d see it in the corner of your eye every time you walked to the kitchen. Through the corner of your eye you could see a man sitting there. The man wasn’t my dad. For a while, the feeling of being watched stopped but then started out of the blue. I was sleeping in my mum and dads old room (the one where mum saw the railway man) and I always felt I was being watched in there. For ages I wouldn’t even go upstairs on my own and I’d sleep with the light on. Even at the age of up to 11! I began to just accept this and didn’t mind it in the end. (A little bit that I accidentally missed out on when mum was still living with dad was when I was a bit older and my mum and I were going to go for a walk onto Bodmin moor with our Collies. I can’t remember why but we stopped at the doorway before leaving the house and turned around to the kitchen. All of the doors and windows were closed upstairs so NO air was able to get to the house. After looking down the kitchen for a few seconds the dining room to kitchen door Slammed shut. This shook up mum and I until the latch on the kitchen door lifted up and slammed again!! This was the most prominent encounter )
My dad moved out of the house in December 2015 and he moved back to Nottingham. He would do anything to go back to that house by the seaside. When we closed the house door for the last time we both stopped. Took a step back and said a thank you each. A thank you to the house and a thank you to the presents that was there.
No.1 Camelot View was bought by a couple which tried to turn the house modern (keep in mind dad had turned it back into an original Victorian cottage)
But this is when activity began again. I don’t know exactly what happened but the lady that bought the house from dad said that the builders (GREAT BIG GROWN MEN) would not go into the house again!!!
That was the last of what I had heard from
This brilliant house.
Devon Stories: South Worden
My Gran (Mary) and her Husband (Peter) moved to Devon (Bradworthy) from Gloucestershire. They lived in a farm house (South Worden) with their 8 children.
*in age order oldest-youngest*
and Nancy
I don’t remember any specific details from what my gran told me but in South Worden the children wouldn’t go through a cloak room because they had a really horrible feeling about it. If they had to go through this cloakroom they would run like mad.
Every single night at dinner they would hear a tapping at a little window and in the window there was apparently a little man without a body that would look in.
Another little story is in one of the stables in South Worden. (It was a very little farm with a few stables and sheds where my Aunties and Mum kept their Ponies) and in the stables you could hear a baby crying but no baby.
(The stories from Devon aren’t very detailed and are very short)
My Gran used to have a little Grey (grey in horse terms means white) pong called Woody and one day Woody slipped over and hit his head so obviously he was not at all well so he spent the day lying down in the stable. My Gran is a very animal-Ly person, she cares more about animals than herself! So every hour she would go and check on woody until one hour she looked in over the stable door and she saw what she described- a man with no face, a black hood and cape/dress carrying a scyth while sitting over Woody. This unmistakable man would be the grim reeper. My Gran said that he didn’t look up and all she could do at that moment was cry and cry and cry.
Story 2. Animals
I don’t know if this story is worth putting in your little book but I used to live along holsworthy beacon where the road was/is busy. We had a cat at the time called Toby (he was ginger) and he was hit by a car on the 16th of March 2014. My mum found him and we buried him in our garden, I could see his grave from his room and because I was little I sat looking out my window crying my eyes out until I felt a dip into my bed. I looked down and it was my cat Toby. I wasn’t scared of ghosts because I lived in That house in Cornwall and I knew exactly who he was so I said to him something along the lines of “hello, Toby. You gorgeous boy”. He then gently faded away. After this I wasn’t sad anymore and I ran down stairs shouting to my mum “IVE JUST SEEN TOBY! TOBY WAS ON MY BED” being a child of course and with it being an unbelievable story mum didn’t believe me. Something sad that I had also found out that day was that my Old Collie, Holly had sadly passed away due to old age.
Chapter 4
Hairy Hands
If by chance you are travelling on the B3212 from Princetown to Two Bridges you may experience the phenomenon ofor The Hairy Hands.
June 1921 A medical officer from Dartmoor Prison was riding along on his motorcycle. As he approached the hill where a little bridge takes you over East Dart ;he swerved suddenly killing him instantly. Army officer suffered a incident at the same spot .He survived and claimed that a pair of large muscular very hairy hands had seized his hands that caused him to have a near fatal accident.
A couple staying in a caravan near to this spot had a strange experience when the wife woke to find a big hairy hand trying to claw it’s way up the outside window of the caravan; the wife made sign of the cross and the hand dis appeared.Many people get a sense of trepidation when going along  this stretch of road.
Chapter 5
Berry Pomeroy Castle Totnes
Believed to be haunted by a Blue lady who is said to be the daughter of the Pomeroy family who had come pregnant by her own father whom smothered by the father when it was born and she is condemned to haunt the castle in eternal remorse .
The most eeriest of haunting s is located beneath 15 th century Margaret Tower which you can see by going down a twisted stone staircase which spirals down ton the dark dank dungeon which gives you the visitor a feel of dread and foreboding from the dungeons moss walls. This is where Eleanor Pomeroy is said to have been imprisoned and starved to death by her own sister Margaret Pomeroy due both were in love with the same man and Margaret was jealous of Eleanor beauty. People report a sense of a cold chill of Eleanor s unseen presence.

Chapter 6
Buckland Abbey. Yelverton
Purchased by Sir Francis Drake in 1582 who set about rebuilding it .Legend states the rebuild took three days due to assistantance by the Devil himself. As Sir Francis Drakes punishment for dealing with the devil he was condemned to drive a black hearse drawn by four headless horses with a cortege of spectral baying hounds seeking the souls of unbaptised infants.
If you go inside Buckland Abbey you will see displayed a drum said to be the one that Sir Francis Drake give to Buckland Abbey under instructions when dying aboard Puerto Bello ,Panama 1596.
The drum is said to contain the spirit of Sir Francis Drake and if it’s beat is heard England is in trouble.
The drum has been heard on Eve of Battle of Trafalgar and 1939
Chapter 7
More Ghostly Encounters from Holsworthy Moan and Groan Facebook Group at a request made by me for such paranormal experience s.
Shane Dilling
Years ago Richard Cleave once said he saw a ghost at High Hampton in the car park. For many years I been spending hours there to try and see it for myself but never had no luck until one day I spotted one.Managed to get a photo to prove it to all the doubters.This also solved a mystery; traffic cones have vanished over the last past years and the finger used to get pointed at local youngsters in the area who had a shandy or two,case solved.
Helen Higgins
We did have a guest in one of our lodges once say their mother woke up in the middle of the night to see an old woman standing over thier bed ,but seeing as the lodges were built in late 1980s ;I can’t see it.
Chapter 8
Chambercombe Manor. Chamber combe Lane. ILfrecombe.
This manor has a secret chamber which is between Lady Jane Grays room and adjoining room.This was a discovery of a tenant of Chambercombe Manor back in 1865 whilst carrying out repairs to roof where he came upon a window outline but no matching room.
The tenant with his wife broke through the wall where to his surprise he found a secret chamber with a four poster bed which was surrounded by musty curtains. Pulling the curtains aside thier found the grim discovery of a gleaming skeleton. Later it was ascertained to be the skeleton of a young woman
Tradition says the young woman s incarceration dated to 18 th century when the tenant of Chambercombe Manor was William Oatway .
William Street father was a wreaker(a person who would wave lights from the shore to lure ships to thier doom on the rocks then plunder them).
William married a Spanish woman who was saved by his father on one his wrecking expeditions. Thier both had a daughter named Kate who fell in love with a captain ofand pirate ship the two married and settle in Dublin. Kate promised to come back one day.
During a storm that blew along the Devon coast ;William went to see if any ships were in distress he found a lady injured so he took her back to Chambercombe Manor. To try to find who this woman was he found on her person a money belt which contained gold coins and jewels.Theven young woman died and William claimed the found treasure.
The next day after shipping agent cane to Chambercombe Manor to enquire if William has knowledge of a woman passenger from the ship wreck.The name of the woman was Katherine Wallace his own daughter whom he had robbed. So hide the body of his daughter by walling her in the secret chamber; this is believed by many as just a myth.
Chambercombe Manor is also haunted by the Ghosts of two little girls who have been seen upstairs rooms. A ghost of a lady wearing a long white dress. Mediums visiting Chambercombe Manor have picked up several spirit s among which is a rather friendly male ghost who once tried to pocess a woman during a seance in the Tudor Room.
Several people have felt cold spots and the staircase that ascends the dining room to Tutor Room gives off an unnerving atomsphere.
Chapter 9
Lewtrenchard Manor Hotel. Lewtrenchard. Okehampton
Following the wedding of Susannah Gould on 19th March 1729 ;on the way back to Lewtrenchard Manor she dropped dead from heart failure.
The ghost of Susanah Gould is said be seen on the drive in her wedding gown .
Captain Edward Gould nicknamed “the Scramp”tried to gamble away the families fortune on the gambling tables. On one occasion after losing badly at cards he dressed as an highwayman to ambush his gambling partner on his ride home but he was shot dead.
Captain Edward Gould was taken taken to court where he was defended by John Dunning who produced an almanac showing no moon on night the prosecutions witness claimed to see Captain Edward Gould so he was acquited but later it materialised that John Dunning had the escaped almanac specially printed.
Margaret Gould..Captain Edward Gould Mother set about getting the family finances which she managed to reverse.
Margaret Gould can be seen wandering the long gallery seemly still  keeping a eye on the place which she called home.
Chapter 10

Lydford Castle. Silver St.Lydford. Okehampton.
Haunted by the ghost of Judge Jeffreys who dished out retribution on behalf of King James II after the Monmouth Rebellion 1685 he was known as “Bloody Assizes”
Judge Jefferys presided court in many towns based in Devon. Legend states he was savage and judicial worse at Lyford Castle although not much historic evidence to back legend up.
Myth says that Judge Jefferys haunts Lydford Castle in the guise of a huge black pig.

Chapter 11
The New Inn. Coleford. Crediton
A monk by the name of Sebastian who said to haunt The New Inn and visitors often feel a cold chill as his spirit glides by them.
According to myth Sebastian meet his fate when he came upon a gang of rustlers whom murdered him.In a another version he had an affair with a local lady and one night home from a liaison with the lady he fall in a stream and drowned.
Sometimes a female spirit has been seen by guests at The New Inn.
This is from a witness account of on seeing the female spirit.
He was sitting on his bed when he smelt a faint whiff of perfume.
Suddenly a glowing light began to form before him as he watched spellbound the foright assumed the shape of a woman that glided across his room then disappeared.
He said this experience was not scary in fact quite pleasant.
Chapter 12
Okehampton Castle. Castle Lane. Okehampton
Haunted by the ghost of Mary Howard who was confused with Lady Frances Howard and notorious poisoner which led to people attributing the murder of Lady Frances Howard to Mary Howard.
Myth says as a result of this event Lady Frances Howard is condemned to travel across Dartmoor in a carriage with the bones of her suspected victims and when reaching Okehampton Castle she must puck on blade of grass from the hillside .
Only when Lady Frances Howard has completed this penance will she be released from this curse.
Chapter 13
Powderham Castle. Church Road. Exeter.
During renovation work on Guard Tower :one of its walls was hallow .
Upon breaking it down workman discovered a secret room in which were the remains of a woman and a baby. The remains were re_interred at Powderham Church the spirits of the woman and baby have remained at Powderham Castle.
Many Mediums say that the woman and baby were bricked up alive and left to die.
The second ghost is The Grey Lady who has been sighted many times enjoying a stroll between Powderham Castle and Powderham Church or in the library in which guest s experienced a sense of a cold chill.
The Grey Lady could be Lady Frances (married Viscount Courtenay 1741 ).
If you happen upon the spirit of Lady Frances myth states it is an ill omen that presage the death of head of the family.
Chapter 14
Satlram House. Devon Expressway . Plymouth.
You may see the ghost of a kitchen maid roaming Satlram House dressed in a dark cloak withs it hood up gliding across the corridors and through a door into the dining room but she never appears on the other side of the door.
A Ghostly chIld was once experienced by a resident as the the spirit of the child woke to find the ghostly child at the foot of its bed.
The ghost did not speak instead stayed motion less for a few minutes then disappeared.
Chapter 15
Shute Barton Manor. Shute. Axminster.
The Grey Lady thought to be Lady. Jane Grey (Queen of England 9 Day Reign) or is it A member of the de la pole family.
De La Pole resided in Shute Barton Manor during the English civil war and was a Royalist.
According to myth De La Pole was ambushed by a group of Parliamentarians who placed a noose around De La Poles neck and hanged her.
Lady S Walk
A group of trees by Shute Barton Manor which were planted in commemoration in memory of a act of infamy.
The ghost of De La Poles has been witnessed by guests who state the spirit has a determined face of famliarity but if thier attempt to appear to approach said ghost she will  fix you a admonishing stare and disappear in thin air .
Chapter 16
The Three Crowns Hotel. High St. Chagford . Newton Abbot.
Haunted by the ghost of Sidney Goldolphin (1610-1643) a Royalist poet who was riddled with musket shot during a local civil war skirmish.
Sidney Goldolphin was taken to The Three Crowns Hotel but he died of his wounds.
If you are lucky enough to see the spirit of Sidney Goldolphin he will be dressed in full Cavalier uniform and sporting a plumed Hat.
Sidney Goldolphin likes to make fleeting appearances and some guests have witnessed him suddenly manifesting in front of the guests giving them a sad stare.
Sidney Goldolph has a clever piece de resistance of walking through thick granite was of The Three Crowns Inn.
Chapter 17 
Tiverton Castle. Park Hill.Tiverton
Their are many case of paranormal activity at Tiverton Castle .The most known is the following
Sir Hugh Spencer, a widower who f thought of his daughter Alive in high esteem and wish her to marry a wealthy gentleman.
He chose as his son-in-law Sir Charles Trevor, who was a lot older then Alice by several years and renowned for his violent temper and sour disposition.
Maurice Fortescue the manager of Tiverton Castle fall in love Alice. However, knowing that her father would never consider him worthy, he kept his feelings to himself.
But unlucky for Maurice Fortescue be was suspected by Sir Charles Trevor him of being in love with Alice which led to a building resentment for him .
Determined to spite his adversary Sir Charles Trevor moved to marry Alice as quickly as possible As a way to get one up on his rival.
As he approached Tiverton Castle, he pictured the hurt his wedding would cause his rival and, letting out a whoop of joy, Sir Charles Trevor hurled his hat into the air in jubilation.
Vulcan a dog owned by Maurice Fortescue run from Tiverton Castle and jumped up and seized Sir Charles Trevor hat and playfully shook it to pieces.
In a fit of temper a sword was drawn by Sir Charles Trevor which he used to kill Vulcan.

Maurice Fortescue who was just a bit behind his beloved dog Vulcan let out howl of indignation, rushed up to Sir Charles Trevor , and floored him with a well-aimed punch.
Maurice Fortscue then challenged Sir Charles Trevor to a duel but this was a bit of a miss match as Sir Charles Trevor was a renowned swordsman.
Maurice Fortscue releasing his number was up finally found the courage to tell Alice of his secret love for her ,she in turn replied felt the same way.
As Maurice Fortscue left to go to his fate Alice declared if he died she would die with him.

At seven O’clock that evening Sir Charles Trevor and Maurice Fortescue faced each other on the wooded banks of the rain swelled River Exe.
During the duel Maurice Fortscue managed to draw first blood by infecting a wound .on Sir Charles Trevor arm.
Unlucky later in the heat of the duel Sir Charles’s Trevor sword protruding from Maurice Forticue neck. Laughing triumphantly Sir Charles Trevor placed a boot on Maurice Fortscue throat, and having removed his sword, kicked the lifeless body into the river.
Suddenly, a howl of despair sounded from the direction of the castle and Alice, who had been watching the duel from the walls, came running to the river where she followed her lover into its raging waters.
Myth states when the River Exe is flooded you can see the the spirits of Vulcan,Alice a d Maurice Fortscue walking together in the woods at foot of Tiverton Castle.
Chapter 18

Torre Abbey. Kings Drive .Torquay.
Paranormal activity at Torte Abbey can be dated back as early as the 1300’s .Due to an Abbot at this time for reasons unknown when an Abbot, beheaded a young canon and then attempted to cover up this horrific deed. It's is said the headless ghost of the murdered cannon is said to gallop around the grounds on a ghostly horse.
Torre Abbey most renowned haunting involves its medieval Tithe barn -The Spanish Barn.The Spanish Barn was built to hold The taxes(tithes)paided by The locals to Torre Abbey normally in farm produce.
The ghost of The Spanish Lady is believed to haunted the barn and surrounding areas and you may hear her sobbing .
The Spanish Lady was among the crew of the captured Neustra Senora del Rosario (1588).Myth states her fiance a ship lieutenant on board Neustra Senora Rosario who disguised her as a fellow sailor.
The Spanish Lady along with the prisoners captured were incarcerated In the barn but she died two weeks later.
Neurstra Senora del Rosario was part of the Spanish Armada (1588).
.In 1588, the year of the Spanish Armada, Sir Francis Drake captured the Spanish flagshipNuestra Señora del Rosarioand took 397 crew members prisoner.
Lady Cary a former mistress of Torre Abbey dressed in a ball gown and driven on its ground by a ghostly spiritual driver of an illuminated coach.
The third phantom is the smiling apparition of Lady Cary, a former mistress of the house who, resplendent in a magnificent ball gown, is said to be driven through the grounds of her old home by an equally spectral driver in a brilliantly illuminated coach.

Chapter 19

The Watership Arms .Bow Bridge. Totnes .
Haunted by the spirit of Grey lady known as Emily who could possibly have been a servant of former lady of of the house.
Visitors to The Watership Arms have seen Emily dissolve in front of them .
Thank You.
A big thank you to all the people who responded to my request for paranormal activity via Facebook Group Page Moan and Groan without whom I would not be able to write this book.
Yes I k now their properly a lot more I could have added to book ,if this one is well received I do Haunted 2 Cornwell.
I hope you enjoyed the read as you can see this is a free book as I wanted the easier way to share it with you the reader.

Google search engine.
Personal Paranormal Experience from me the author and members of Holsworthy Moan and Groan Facebook Group

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