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Friday, 9 August 2019

Power Cut by Mark Antony Raines

Power cut  by Mark Antony Raines 

It started with a series of mini  power outages that lasted just a few minutes but it grow and grow until  now it's days of utter plutoian darkness .Fear and anarchy spread and it is very much like  the book lord of the flies some of us have become like raving thugs willing to come inside your  home and beat you senseless to obtain food and loot the supermarkets and other shops sometimes stealing  pointless god such as television s.I belong to a co operative group each of of us looking after the other. The power outages are thier more common  name power cuts were a subordinate act by the climate change political parties hoping to prove a point of how would man cope without electric. .What  the group s forgot or perhaps did not care was the facts that the power was critical and put people at risk as institutions such as hospital s;sewage treatment plants all failed due to the overload of the back up generators failing and the acid batteries leaking due to not being  maintained due to not thought as essential by the the men and women in suits.So this my new life in the place I once called England .Food is getting more difficult to find as most has rotted away due to no fridgaration and only the cans survive and you must be willing to kill or maim to acquire  them.All the society we treated as the normal as disappeared replaced by death;destruction, fear ;dread. Surely this is just a flash story it can never happen. ?

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