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Saturday 12 January 2019

Tim Beckley...Holsworthy Mark podcast show

Tim Beckley.  Timothy Green Beckley...

January 12, 2019 Tim Beckley

Tim Beckley.  Timothy Green 
TIMOTHY GREEN BECKLEY - UFO & Paranormal Pioneer
Tim Beckley has had so many careers that even his own girlfriend doesn't know what he does for a living...

Timothy Green Beckley has been described as the Hunter Thompson of UFOlogy by the editor of UFO magazine Nancy Birnes.

Since an early age his life has more or less revolved around the paranormal.

At the age of three his life was saved by an invisible force. The house he was raised in was thought to be haunted. His grandfather saw a headless horseman.

Beckley also underwent out of body experiences starting at age six.

And saw his first of three UFOs when he was but ten, and has had two more sightings since - including an attempt to communicate with one of these objects.

Tim grew up listening to the only all night talk show in the country that revolved around the strange and unexplained. Long John Nebel's guests included the early UFO contactees who claimed to have visited other planets and built time machines in the desert. Tim was fascinated by everything that went bump in the night - or even in the daylight for that matter. Years later, Tim was to appear on Long John's show numerous times and over the years has been a frequent guest on hundreds of programs which have come and gone just like ghosts in the night. He si a popular guest on Coast to Coast AM. Has appeared on William Shatners Weird Or What? And an episode of UFO Hunters regarding the dreaded Men In Black. He has his own podcast, Unraveling The Secrets and MR UFOs Secret Files, a new YouTube channel.
Tim started his career as a writer early on - at age 14 he purchased a mimeograph machine and began to publish the Interplanetary News Service Report. Over the years he has written over 25 books on everything from rock music to the secret MJ12 papers. He has been a stringer for the national tabloids such as the Enquirer and editor of over 30 different magazines (most of which never lasted more than a couple of issues). His longest running effort was the newsstand publication UFO UNIVERSE which went for 11 years. Today he is the president of Inner Light/Global Communications and editor of the Conspiracy Journal and Bizarre Bazaar.

He is one of the few Americans ever to be invited to speak before closed door meetings on UFOs presided over by the late Earl of Clancarty at the House of Lords in England. He visited Loch Ness in Scotland while in the UK and went home with a belief that Nessie was somehow connected with dragons of mythology as well as strange discs engraved on cathedrals and ghostly phenomenon.

The Inner Light Publications and Global Communications' catalog of books and video titles now number over 200, including the works of Tim Swartz, T. Lobsang Rampa, Commander X, Brad Steiger, John Keel, Tracy Twyman, Wendelle Stevens and a host of many other authors.

He probably knows more about the history of the UFO movement since the early 1950s than anyone today. Because of his fair and balanced approach he made friends with everyone regardless of whether or not he believed their stories.
Tim has written over 30 books himself, and contributed to dozens more, including:
UFOS AMONG THE STARS (Celebrity encounters)

Tim is known among horror movie fans as Mr. Creepo. When asked his major cinema influences he mentions Nancy Reagan as having gotten him involved as a horror host. During the hay day of double features and Time Square grind houses he worked as a movie review critic as well as a publicist for several small film companies. His recent efforts include Skin Eating Jungle Vampires and Blood Sucking Vampire Freaks.

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