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Monday, 28 January 2019

Awake by Ghostman horror host

I awake to find myself confined in a tight space,no light just endless darkness I use my hands to feel around to gather some sense of my surroundings,I feel a smooth surface I try to see if I can move any of my body,only my legs move a little .I let out a weak kick,my foot touches something solid,the surface makes a wooden echo,suddenly I begin to realise that this may be a coffin.How did I get in here I shout out help,but only the echo replies.I am lying in my own coffin awaiting  a slow death of suffocation as my limited is going to run out.Hello Mark my darling I have been awaiting your return home as I have missed you said  amy his wife of twenty years.yes I have been tied up with my work hard. Amy says that's ok I have a surprise for you.Amy then gestures Mark to the bedroom and precedes to ask him to take his clothes off whilst she slips into something more sexy,and says I have brought you a pill from the internet you know the blue one so you can pleasure me more.Mark thinking his luck was in,took the pill laid in bed expecting this treat.I find my mind wandering back to that day,I remember something else a voice saying I know Mark of all the times you were at work you were with her,so I decided that I have had enough I going to make you suffer.My breathing is getting shallow,limbs are stiffer,my skin feels tight.I try with one more last grasp to cry for help but it is useless,my brain is shutting down my eyes close,I am no longer alive.

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