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Friday 11 January 2019

Ghostman horror host podcast uk Jonny by Ghostman horror host

Jonny was upstairs getting ready for his surprise birthday party,wandering why he needed one at the age of sixty one but his mum had insisted so he had not the heart to say no.All his mates for work were looking forward to the rectro party of cheese and pineapple hedgehogham and mustard and egg and cress sandwiches,jelly and I've cream,paper hats,games and if course the surprise entertainment.Jonny finally came downstairs dressed in school uniform as part of the dress theme for party but as he opened the door he realised he was stitched up as all his friends were in normal attire ,he thought how funny not.Jonny looked over to the retro food and came he did not mind that as reminded him of days gone by.Mum was sitting in her armchair with a smile she looked Jonny in the eye it's time for your birthday great my son enjoy and please don't forget to take part ,it be worth it.From behind a red coloured curtains hanging from wall to wall came at first a pair of big shoes one purple and one green with white bottoms with red spots the rest soon followed ,a while too with more red spots ,hands covered in blue gloves,the face pale white with green and purple designs around the eyes,red lips in a crooked smile ,bright green hair ,a black and white checked that with a bright orange pompom on its top,the clown was here.The clown preceded to perform his act learnt by attending clown night school,all th classics pretend water,slapstick,ballon animals.The clown was getting  worried as no laughing or appulse was coming his way just straight unnerving faces without a glimpse of a grin.Jonny mum stood up and said thank you to the clown and announced it was time to run the lights and light the candles on her son's Jonny lovely birthday cake.So the room plunged into darkness and when light once more light the room the clown looked in horror as we was surrounded by Jonny and his guest s all holding knives in their hands,the clown started to panic and was ready to go into flight or fight more when the first blow struck then the second infill he fell down to the ground ,blood ozing from all over,his eyes ready to close ,heart reaching it last best ,then with his last sound he heard was that of a chainsaw as if began to slice him up.Carnage everywhere ,blood ,guts,linbs,headless body,jonnys mum said to the guest come on then my disciples it's clean up time.mops,disinfectant,black plastic bags and within a couple of hours the living room was back speck and span.Jonny give his mom a huge kiss and turned to his best friend Ralph and said it's your turn next year to have a killer clown party .the end .

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