Saturday, 23 January 2016

Trapped 45ft sperm whale dies on beach in Norfolk after injuring tail

A 30ft 20-tonne sperm whale has been discovered on a Norfolk beach. The whale was one of four seen swimming off Hunstanton. The three remaining whales appeared to swim away to safety but this one became stranded beneath the cliffs at the popular Victorian seaside resort.A 45ft sperm whale weighing around 30 tonnes has died after getting stuck on a beach.
The whale got stuck beneath the cliffs at Hunstanton, Norfolk, injuring its tail on Friday just hours before low tide.
A second whale managed to free itself and swim away to safety with the rest of the pod.
"It was obviously a very distressing scene earlier. We would ask the public to stay away from the beach."
Richard Johnson, senior maritime operations officer for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency
It is quite rare for whales of this size to come so close to the coast and -read more -

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