Sunday 3 January 2016

Brother Sean Bradley Enclosed Lay Monastic Monk at Tau Community of Interfaith Franciscans

Brother Sean BradleyBlessings for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Thank you for your gift of friendship here on Linkedin. I would like to invite your heart to come and join us in our quest for global unity and Peace within the whole Family of God in 2016. We propose to start A New Year in Franciscan Joy, from January 7th: Brother Sean and Franciscan Friends are hoping to provide a real treat for the spiritually hungry. Yes, 365 live spiritual webinars on Franciscan Celtic Spirituality underpinned by the wisdom of Saints Francis and Claire of Assisi. We go live from: 8.00PM (GMT) 12.00 (PST) 2.00PM (CST) 3.00PM (EST) on our Livetream Virtual TV/Internet channel where we gather as children of Gaia -Mother Earth with our Holy Father Mother God/Dess unite in reflective prayer, meditation with sacred chants/music to raise the Earth’s vibration ~ One Collective Consciousness ♥ Joy Love Peace UNITY Shalom - Peace -Namaste - OmShanti - Pax et Bonum - Deus Amoris Est -Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (Rev) Brother Sean TCOSF  Author Founder and Abbott of the Tau Community of Interfaith Franciscans

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