Sunday, 31 January 2016

Britain set for 'super rat' plague as millions of 2ft long rodents 'immune to poison' blossom

RatA damp and mild winter could be set to trigger a huge plague of millions of 'super rats' in Britain this summer. Pest control experts have warned the rodents - some up to 2ft long - will outnumber humans by more than three to one come the second half of the year. And trying to kill them with over-the-counter poison could make it worse as they are becoming immune to most brands and are even starting to scoff them as tasty treats. The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) says the spread of super rats has increased in recent years because most shop-bought remedies are now ineffective. The rats are feeding on the supposedly toxic pellets, which has helped them grow bigger and stronger as well as build up their immunity. Now there are fears that the rat population, reckoned to be about 160 million, will soar to over 200 million by the summer. The generally mild winter with lots of natural food available because the countryside,towns and cities have not be covered for weeks on end by snow and ice means the rats have been breeding like more-

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