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Saturday, 31 December 2016
Curious tale of folklore and smuggling...
New Year´s Eve countdown takes longer due to leap second
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Three music fans share memories of The Who's 1966 Barnstaple concert at Queen's Hall
Saturday, 24 December 2016
IN MEMORY OF Status Quo guitarist Rick Parfitt R.I,P
Some young dinosaurs shed teeth, say experts
Scientist claims future humans will have to live like Martians
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Sunday, 18 December 2016
Second Yellow GESAR KARATE .
Pie in space .
Citizen Advice ,WHAT A DAY.
Lion by its tail.
Warning to pet owners over Stan, the hungry golden eagle on the loose
Discovery of space-ice boosts chances of man being able to build homes on the Moon by 2030

Frist Christmas Card in Museum.
Shipwreck of the lost Schiedam is found AGAIN
Chewing Gum.
Able the bouncing cat.
Stargazers discover priceless planet which has clouds of RUBIES and SAPPHIRES
I need a pee.
What have i done?
Draw a Cartoon.
Cows Breaking Wind Is Global Warming.
Saturday, 17 December 2016
Walt Disney and Disneyland: 17 bizarre true stories, conspiracy theories and rumours
1. Disneyland grew out of Walt's obsession with trains
Bigfoot sightings to move down as Facebook finally targets fake news, boosts fact-checkers
Sunday, 11 December 2016
That Thing With Feathers Trapped in Amber? It Was a Dinosaur Tail

Historians and scientists create digital images of Scots king
Paris wages war on rodent infestation
School forced to sell advertising space to pay for urgent repairs

Are giraffes an endangered species?

Memory Test.
Old School Ways.
Joy for birdwatchers as rare duksy thrush spotted in British village
Forgotten Tablets.
Bed Socks.
Ice Bucket Challenge.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Discover some of history's forgotten facts
Friday, 9 December 2016
scenes from the Arctic - polar bear filmed by Robert pearson
scenes from the Antarctic filmed by Robert pearson
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Stange object
The eerie dome was spotted by a dog walker over fields in the small village of Tremeirchion yesterday morning at 8am.
Hannah Blandford, 33, had been with her pet in the village when she came across the white spectacle in the sky.
The 33-year-old told The Sun: ‘I couldn’t believe how perfectly dome shaped it was, it looked amazing, so I had to take a photo. I’d never seen anything like it before, it was really quite ....
If you think about it you can hear and see ghosts everyday, madness you may think .But in a way we do when we watch an old film or tv show that has a departed star in it or listen to a record of a singer long gone is that not a ghost.
Space poop challenge.
Nasa have a problem to solve ,how to help astronauts go to the toilet and offering 24,000 to solve it. The challenge to help the crews that spend days in their spacesuits in an emergency. For the challenge you need to design a portable hands free device and must dispose of human waste up to 6 days for possible mission to Mars. Astronauts wear nappies during space walks .
Never go to bed on a an argument.
This is an old saying that may have some scientific basis. Research showed its harder to get back to sleep if have angry thoughts. Due to fact that that sleep reorganises information from short term memory to long term memory. A study involving students who were shown negative images over 2 days, before and after a nights sleep found their found it harder to shift bad thoughts on the 2 nd day.
Bees keep people in work
Scientists cliam that bees keep 1.4 billion people in work. Due to the crops being dependent on tem and other creatures pollenating them ,crops are worth 403 billion and 75% of world's output.
No fish in park please
In kitakgushi, Japan a fun park was closed due to 5,000 dead fish used as decoration.
Do you have trouble trying to get up in the morning. Well you could buy a new alarm clock called alarmshock. Alarmshock works through a wristband on the sleepers arm and increases in power and frequency a small electric shock. You can only turn it off when you turn it off by pairing it with it's docking station so therefore forcing you to get up.
Potty cat.
A cat has got his owners in trouble by stealing over 25 flowerpots, 5 year old paddy ,even manages to drag them to the owners house. The owners are using Facebook to reunite the flowerpots with their neighbours, Newmarket, Surrey.
Children brainer if learn musical instruments
23 children were given music lessons with a percussion tubes for a period of 9 months. Brian scans showed an increase in fibre connections which can aid mental development.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Sunday, 27 November 2016
first ever at-home meditation video featuring homeless cats
Being a vampire is good for you.
- mosquitoes.
- candiru.
- fish.
- parasites.
- lampreys.
- vampire bats. even plant Rhinanthus minor but it is more commonly known as cockscomb or little yellow rattle.But scientists have found that blood transfusions from young donors can help stop people aging .so far only tested on more
Exercise your willy.
80 years of British family holidays at Butlin's-plus my butlins.