Friday, 30 May 2014


I am writing this as part of my blog in hope it will help at least one person or family who are coping with dementia. This is a personal subject for me as my dad had early dementia before he died. Here is some info:

Dementia does not technically describe an illness. Its symptoms are from various illnesses which affect the brain. These symptoms vary from short term memory loss, disorientation, mood swings and is progressive. There is no cure at present. 

Alzheimer’s Disease: Physical Disease of Brain -described by Alois Alzheimer

Plaques and tangles develop in structure of brain leading to death of cells
Progressive and over time more cells are damaged and symptoms become severe
Vascular dementia:
The brain cells need supply of blood, and if the vascular system becomes damaged this leads to brain cells to eventually die.
Some conditions that can damage the vascular system are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes.  

Dementia with Lewy bodies: like both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease
Memory loss, spatial disorientation, slowness, muscle stiffness, trembling of limbs, shuffle when walking, loss of facial expression
Abilities fluctuate daily even hourly
Fainting, falling, funny turns, detailed and convincing visual hallucinations, fall asleep very easily
Restless disturbed nights with confusion

But there are things that can help:

Book of Life:
Life experiences, relationships preferences of cared for person - ie date of birth, schools attended, employment history, likes and dislikes, dietary needs, weekly routine, habits, interests, hobbies or even a photograph album of now and past.
Memory Box:
Items can show who the person cared for, or what they have achieved in life
Family heirlooms, household /personal items with sentimental value, photographs.

Local Memory Cafes near Woolsery, Devon:
Great Torrington- 01237-420136/01237-459337

I hope someone somewhere is helped by just reading this

Done in memory of  Paul Tony Raines, my dad
Source - Caring For Dementia
Dementia Carers Pathways, Devon By David Light And Jim Delves

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