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Tuesday 29 January 2019

Ghostman horror host podcast uk Awake by Ghostman horror host

January 29, 2019 Ghostman_horror_host_Awake_by_Ghostman_horror_host


Monday 28 January 2019

Awake by Ghostman horror host

I awake to find myself confined in a tight space,no light just endless darkness I use my hands to feel around to gather some sense of my surroundings,I feel a smooth surface I try to see if I can move any of my body,only my legs move a little .I let out a weak kick,my foot touches something solid,the surface makes a wooden echo,suddenly I begin to realise that this may be a coffin.How did I get in here I shout out help,but only the echo replies.I am lying in my own coffin awaiting  a slow death of suffocation as my limited is going to run out.Hello Mark my darling I have been awaiting your return home as I have missed you said  amy his wife of twenty years.yes I have been tied up with my work hard. Amy says that's ok I have a surprise for you.Amy then gestures Mark to the bedroom and precedes to ask him to take his clothes off whilst she slips into something more sexy,and says I have brought you a pill from the internet you know the blue one so you can pleasure me more.Mark thinking his luck was in,took the pill laid in bed expecting this treat.I find my mind wandering back to that day,I remember something else a voice saying I know Mark of all the times you were at work you were with her,so I decided that I have had enough I going to make you suffer.My breathing is getting shallow,limbs are stiffer,my skin feels tight.I try with one more last grasp to cry for help but it is useless,my brain is shutting down my eyes close,I am no longer alive.

#GHOSTMANS CARTOONS ARE US BLOGSITE: Odds and ends a selection of my cartoons by Mark A...

#GHOSTMANS CARTOONS ARE US BLOGSITE: Odds and ends a selection of my cartoons by Mark A...

#GHOSTMANS CARTOONS ARE US BLOGSITE: Cartoon occult martial arts by Mark Antony Raines ...

#GHOSTMANS CARTOONS ARE US BLOGSITE: Cartoon occult martial arts by Mark Antony Raines ...: this selection of my cartoon work was draw by me Mark Antony Raines Aka Ghostman for a possible be used in a new book by S.Rob and co.writt...

Ghostman horror host podcast uk Bandages by Ghostman horror host

January 28, 2019Ghostman_horror_host_podcast_uk_bandages_by_ghostman_horror_host


Sunday 27 January 2019

My new blog for podbean episodes of Holsworthy mark Podcast show number 1 podcast station in devon England

Bandages by Ghostman horror host

Oh I we have finally discovered the tomb of Queen Enid said Tim to Professor Downes.After 3 years of intense heat,extreme cold at night and that's not forget the howling sandstorms.Professor Downes agreed and went with Tim to the entrance of the newly formed tomb,the professor looked at the Egyptian inscriptions above and slowly deciphered them on his notepad,this was a curse....whom should desecrate my final resting place will be covered in bandages to be forever by my side in eternal sleep.Tim give the professor a nervous smile and asked him if this was true,professor Downes let out a booming hearty laugh ,on course not my dear boy it's just pure bunkum  to scare away the grave robbers from taking  the treasure that lying around the tomb.At this point Tim interrupted but professor there is no treasures just a plain stone coffin placed above a rock almost like it was never meant to exist,the professor..hmm I think I know more then you boy....Yes Queen Enid the high priests have prepared your bandages for mumification as requested and all were had their tongues cut out and hands chopped off so the process can not be repeated.The professor and Tim slowly and with great effort remove the tombs  lid,and to their surprise the mummy of Queen Enid looks as if it was placed their yesterday.suddenly a purple mist is surrounding them,both begin to cough and find it difficult to breath,a crushing of bones can be heard as both collapse to the floor entwined with thick white bandages slowly this torsos a creaking of ribs,screams of dreadful pain,towards the neck the bandages pieced then the face towards the eyes ,finally both are covered in the living bandages ,red sickly and bits of brain ooze out.Inside the tomb a figure of a woman in regal garments raises up,Queen Enid lives.the end

Saturday 26 January 2019









Ghostman horror host podcast uk the gull

January 26, 2019 Ghostman_horror_host_podcast_uk_The_gull

Ghostman horror host podcast uk the gull

01_I_know_which_way_to_go kindly given permission from artist  Jaquie Daniels Music

01_I_know_which_way_to_go kindly given permission from artist  Jaquie Daniels Music





Clair Merryweather ..Holsworthy Mark podcast show

January 26, 2019 Clair Merryweather..

January 26, 2019 Clair merryweather Wavepad Edited

Clair Merryweather....I have been working as a professional Psychic and medium for 5 years and I have my own studio in Rugby Town Centre which is where I offer one to one sittings of a Psychic or Mediumistic nature , Spiritual Healing and Development Workshops..I also serve local spiritual churches and centres by demonstrating mediumship and taking Divine Services which I tend to do free of charge ...I started developing in my late thirties and after 10 years of development, when my three children were older, I took the step of charging for my sittings ad creating my own Psychic business.I regularly attend the AFC college of Psychic Studies at Stanstead Hall in London as I believe that an investment in constant learning is essential.I do this work as I believe it provides evidence of life after death .. and that belief can be very helpful to those that have lost loved ones to spirit.

Friday 25 January 2019

Ghostman horror host podcast uk The Room of The Mad Nun

January 25, 2019Ghostman_horror_host_podcast_uk_The_room_of_the_mad_nun



January 25, 2019 Atma_Vidya_living_on_the_edge_Cyprus_Ryan


My Audio Book Is Available on Audiopub..available on Google play and Apple store apps

January 25, 2019My_new_audio_book_is_available_on_App_Audiopub_available_on_Google_play_and_apple_app_store

My_new_audio_book_is_available_on_App_Audiopub_available_on_Google_play_and_apple_app_store..unable to give you links as only available on audiopub app..This audio book is written and performed by Ghostman horror host please enjoy

