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Saturday, 12 April 2014


A lucky group of  young puffins were released on Lundy Island  ,off the  coast of Bideford ,Devon. The puffins were among  4o seabirds rescued  during feburary storms-3 in total.The birds  spent  2  months  at r.s .p.c.a   Westhatch Wildlife  Centre then  taken by Ms Olderburg  to Lundy.This  was good for  puffins  and  lundy  as  the  numbers  of puffins  fell to just 5  in 2003  due to rats-now  eradicated-and  now more than 180 are on the  island.


The makers of head&shoulders  proter&gamble have pleged to stop souring  pakmoil from plantations were ORANGUTANS and SUMATRAN TIGERS rainforest are being cleared.


An unusual find by a workman unblocking  a fish-smelling drain.It was thought the drain was blocked by kippers  but instead it was a PIRANHA fish. Piranha,s live in amazionian river ,have powerful jaws and have a huge appetite for meat.It is suspected  the Piranha came from a tropical fish owner in the Teleford area,Shopshire.


Its strange to read that 883 new cases of Scarlet Fever across England over pass week .Scarlet fever symptoms -rash,sore throat,headache,fever.Cases have been rising for 6 months to 5,012 since September 2013,although mild in some cases there complications.


We are always told to eat less fat  but its  differcult when low-fat foods  sometimes contain double the sugar. as i found out from reading  this article in sunday mirror -06.04.2014 -page 14 which compares various  low fat supermarket options.why is so much extra sugar a problem is that sugar will convert into fat and you will find you feel hungry again quicker.


a youtube clip of a bear dancing  to ac/dc has attacted  metalheads flocking  to KHADZHOKHSKY CANYON ZOO,RUSSIA.The bear in question is a rescued dancing   bear called TIMOCHA.Animal rights  activsts say  this is  sick and  cruel and want to ban vistors.


A long time ago the family moved to the small village hoping it was the last move.At first the neighbours were o.k but then things started to go wrong if anyone came to visit thier would give them grief for parking not in right place.The female of family tried to make her front garden more beautiful but the posh neighbour shouted and yelled  at her and reported her to the landlord.The village is not all bad but the  female is now upset but a genial long haired wizard and his wife may help with offers of kindness ,how this tle ends is unknown but the family are on the waiting list to move but waydown in a possilbe going.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014


what inspired you?  1st answer :I got inspired after studying a number of 18th and 19th century scientists or polymaths who had an encyclopedic outlook in their study of the natural world and many other fields of science. I also love the art and the craftmanship of those two periods, especially the Victorian era. What was created back then was created to last, unlike the "throw-away" creations of today. I got inspired to create my website after reading the book, "The Man Who Tapped The Secrets Of The Universe" by Glenn Clark, which delves into the genius mind of the more modern polymath, Walter Russell. My interest in Cryptozoology has been life-long as my father has always had an interest in the subject and he personally knew people who had seen thylacines here on the mainland, as well as our own personal experiences of yowies on one of our previous properties West of Kempsey, on the mid north coast of NSW.
Q2: What are your aims?
2nd answer:
My aim is to connect and interact through my website as well as through social media, with fellow cryptozoologists, natural scientists and those interested in the polymathic outlook. This is what my website is trying to promote.

Q3: What plans do you have for the future?
3rd answer:
Well, we are planning to relocate to the southern granite belt in Queensland in the near future. This is a mountainous area, featuring a number of National Parks and wilderness areas. There have been a number of reported cryptid sightings over the years in this area, and I am keen to do cryptozoological research of the area once we are settled there. I am adding to my website and this will be a continual process. I am also putting together a book canvessing the subjects that are featured on my website. It will include any new or current cryptozoological findings.


folow link to see more of mike davissong liar by mike davis-mike davis-singer/songwriter-mike is a friend of jon downes who he meet when hitchiking-at the time mike had longer hair than jon but going a bit thinner on top these days.the sons he writes he wishs to protray a sprirtal and help others through song and does with a passion to bring enjoyment through this medium.he tends not to play live due to stage fright and doubts his singing and guiar work which is not true as can be seen in his various videos.he does all his recording at jon downes famous cow shed based at woolsery and films his videos there as well not bad for basic equiment not of a professional studio but this brings it back to the studeos of old as many started this way.he has an ep out which i think you can get through gonzo mutimedia and whilst talking with him he mentioned how one of his songs helped a friend of his.i enjoyed my chat with mike as easy going and wish him all the best in his music.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Holy prefix, Batman! A look at Bat-words in honor of Batman's 75th anniversary

Holy prefix, Batman! A look at Bat-words in honor of Batman's 75th anniversary
Batman's contributions to the English language are as varied and colorful as his rogues gallery
Batman's contributions to the English language are practically Shakespearean in scope.
Batman's contributions to the English language are practically Shakespearean in scope. (
t's been 75 years since Batman made his comic book debut. Since 1939, the cowled hero has contributed villains, sidekicks, gadgets, and thousands of stories to popular culture — and no less significantly, quite a few additions to the English language.
Almost everyone can recite the names of the major Batman allies (Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Robin) and villains (The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin, Two-Face). Nicknames such as "the caped crusader," "the dark knight," "the world's greatest detective," and "the boy wonder" are thrown around in any number of contexts, as is the fill-in-the-blank phrase "Holy ___, Batman!" But among all these linguistic contributions, the most flexible and fun Batman-ism is probably the ­Bat- affix, which is seen in Batarangs, Batcows, Batkids, and beyond.
Though my interest in reading and watching Batman has ebbed and flowed, I've been a lifelong fan of Bat-words. Who wouldn't be? Bat-terms are invariably fun to say, and what kid doesn't dream of hanging around the Batcave, driving the Batmobile, or tossing a Batarang at a villain's head?
Many of those terms were coined by Lorenzo Semple, Jr., who created the Batman television show read more

Saturday, 5 April 2014


The great gray shrike-black mask and grey plumage has been spotted on darrtmoor. Not a frequent visitor as tends to be territorial and  normally mobbed by other birds  due to being recognized as a predator.the great grey shrike  visits heathland,farmland ,scrub,costal dunes,clear-felled forestry.They feed on beetles,.mammals,other birds and other insects.



Andy Robbins -Scottish wrestler  decided he needed a wrestling partner  so he  went to a local zoo and brought a bear cub he called Hercules. The bear known as herc lived with Andy and his wife Maggie in sheriffmiur,dunblaine for 25 years. The television documentary involves the story of Herc -10ft,50st-grizzy bear and how his life was like living as an almost human bear .Herc came in demand after the couple made a home documentary about herc after which he came in demand for tv commercials and appe\red in films like james  bond octopussy- bond.TO WATCH DOCUMENTRY


Psychopharacology journal for decades have shown  benefits journal shows that a small trail of 28 people  suffering from incurable depression  for decades  have shown benefits  that last months.the reason behind this is a drug normally used by vets or a illegal party drug-KETAMINE


Pandas live in the lowlands  of china  and eat a diet of bamboo and are differercult to breed in zoos, but the article found  in the sun newspaper by Chris Packham suggests that it's time  we let  this species become extinct and  focus on realistic conservation. This idea is wrong, we should  try to keep any species  going  until  their last breath as when you begin down the road of picking  and choosing how far will man go.


Picture shows 5 members of the 200 strong ashainka tribes  emerging from their huts deep in the amazon basinTaken by an aircraft who job is to check that the tribe's land is not being used for  illegal logging, mining, farming .Ashaninka
normally live on peanuts,bananas,corn,crops.


Skeletons unearthed in Londons Crossrail  excavations proved to be  victims   of the black death pandemic  of the 14th century.the teeth contained of the plague bacterium yesina pestis  and the graves where the skeletons  found dated to 1348-50.Old records said that thousands of Londoners  perished and put into graves but the location was a mystery. A
rchaeologist believe this location to be under chaterhouse square near barbican.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Clip from Louis Theroux,s l.a stories-city of dogs-bbc 2


Suder a 14 year old elephant is still in chains despite a claim by Sir Paul McCartney  that he would help save it.A video has emerged showing the elephant battered and in pain from a wooden stave.6 years ago  a order of the Indian high court via pressure  Sir Paul McCartney was thought to set uder free.PETA are the ones who found  Sunder still in the same place KILHAPYR,SOUTH MUMBAI still being ill treated.WWW.THESUN.CO.UK FOR VIDEO.


Words from the back of St. Christopher   worn every day, source unknown.It's not just what  you, ve done for me that makes me love you so, It's all the joy you are the friend me,I,ve come to know. If I thought for the day I would say the first line relates to your love for your partner,family, animals in your life. The second line can be seen in2 ways  the friend you wish to be to others or what their friendship means to you as there can see through your faults and likes the person you are.