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Saturday 8 August 2020


 I in my car riding along a dark desert highway:the windows were open so i could feel the cool wind in my hair. 

I was going to my next  destination  as i  am a travelling salesman:selling the latest toys on the market..

I had my cup of  coffee  i picked up at a diner  further up the road :i could still smell the aroma  of coffee beans  rising in the air

Suddenely  ahead in the distance i saw a shimmeering   light

Thump:my head was  heavy ,my body limp :my sight grew  dim.

I  awoke  in a state of half awake ;half asleep.

In  front of me in my blurry  eyesight was a   hotel :although   it looked quite  grand,parts  were  falling apart.

 Standing in the doorway was a mysterous    woman;then a heard a mission  bell toil.

 i had a horrible thought come  into my subconsious mind.

Am  i in heaven or is this hell.

The  lady  at the door lit a candle and gestured  me to enter the  hotel  ;then she lit a candle .

 She  showed  me around   the hotel;from  the  corridors  i heard voices  say  welcome  to the  hotel .

Your  find it is such a lovely  place ;your face  should fit  right in;as we always have plenty of room.

I decided  I would  stay at this weird hotel  for a while  as  was feeling  tired plus  I found  myself allured to the young  lady who name  is found  out was Tiffany.

Tiffany  had long white blonde hair:a curvaceous bo; walked as if on air .

My room  was a standard six by six;bed,wardrobe; bedside cabinets, a television set the wall;telephone. 

The only  odd thing was a picture  on the  wall that just had the words.

Welcome Any time of Year in bold White and Red lettering. 

Tiffany  I found  out to my cost of a broken  heart was a person  who liked  to play  twisted  games.

She once asked me to go on a casual  drive to get  some air and get to know  each other. 

She drove her Mercedes Benz;silver with a winged angel as it's mascot like a demon posssess; playing  a game of chicken with every car in her way;I mighty glad when  the journey ended. 

Tiffany  would  often invite  me to her parties  in the hotels  ballroom were she also  invited what I like to call pretty  boys  who were her special friend s.

In the background  the band would  play  lively dance music which  made you  sweat wet through your  clothes revealing various body parts rising the sexual tension.

As I looked at bit more closer at this bizarre event happening  in front  of  my eyes i witnessed a strange  feeling. 

I suddenly sensed like me  some were dancing to forget ,moving around like a soul less Zombie; the others had a blank expression as if trying  to remember something as they had lines on thier foreheads as you  do when constraining really hard. 

Suddenly the music  stopped and Tiffany asked her guest s to make a line ;then a man dressed  in a captain s uniform of what looked like someone  who had gone to  Vietnam entered the  room carrying a silver tray upon  which  is a silver chalice. 

Tiffany walks slowly towards  the  man dressed as a captain and raises her hand;then she precedes  to slash  his throat with her sharp fingernail and places the silver chalice under  the gushing red crimson sickly coloured blood which  oozes  into  the chalice  to the point  of overflowing  it .

Tiffany then drinks the blood and says

"I have  not had  that spirit since 1969"

I hear voices  in the distance calling  me,I feel  something pulling  at me as if trying  to drag me.

Then I wake up back  in my hotel room were  it still the middle of the night.

I hear  Tiffany s voice say 

"Welcome to the Hotel; it such a lovely  place to stay "

"I hope  you  enjoy your stay it's going  to be for eternally "

I shouted out in shock and a bit of  sarcasm 

"Oh :What a lovely surprise "

Tiffany gives a steely cold steel eyes and says in a maniacally scary voice.

Don't Bring your alibi s to my hotel,I know all truths.

Back on the road were I crashed in the desert,inside I am trapped by my seatbelt crushing my breathing as if I had a boa wrapped around my turso  sucking the vary air from my lungs.

In my review mirror I see a glimpse of a flickering light approaching my wreck of a car,it comes to a full stop and the driver s door opens,I hear the faint footsteps of stiletto shoes ,a face peer s into the car window,it's Tiffany.

She tears The car door off with super human strength,snaps off The seat belt,and lifts me a if I was just a feather.

She then placed me in her back of her Mercedes Benz and we go back to The hotel.

Waiting in the lobby is a butler with a champagne bucket which contains a large bottle of pink champagne on ice.

Tiffany offers  me a glass of pink champagne and calmly precedes to tell me .

My dear friend Mark have you not guessed were you really are yet,have you not perceived that you are a prisoner like we all are of our own devices.

Then she asks me to escort her to the masters bedroom,were we were feast on each bodies,and she promised not to draw blood until I was use to the idea .

I decided to humour her until I got the opportunity to try to escape and get rid of this horrible creature disguised as woman.

As she went into the on suite to get herself ready for a night of sexual orientation,I spotted on the table to steel knives which I gently creep too,place in my hands and go sit on the bed to await until she was nearer to me to commit my hideous crime for my greater good and self survival interests.

Tiffany came out of the on suite wearing nothing but her birthday suit,as her curvaceous body,flowing blonde hair walked in a sexy model walk towards the bed ,I lunged at her with both the steely knives straight into her heart.

Tiffany fell to the ground,I panicked and run for the room door,I stepped out into a passage and ran,and ran until no ran of puff a d my heart was beating very fast.

As I slowly walked around the corner thinking to myself I be nearly free from this hell hole,I instantly in total shock on the verge of shutting down released I was in the same passage I had came out of a moment ago.

A Night watchman carrying a flashlight and a bell cried out like a town crier.

 "You can try to check out the hotel anytime you wish but no one ever leave s"

I stood stunned and shocked rooted to my spot ,Then out of a hotel room door appeared the non dead Tiffany without a single sign of blood loss,looking to have a pale gait face

She approached me and said

 "You poor deluded human ,have you not learned from the teaching of unholy that that you can't kill the beast"

I suddenly feel a electrical surges to my heart,I collapse .

I awake in a hospital bed surrounded by drips,and buzzers s going off.

A nurse comes to my side .

 "Mr Raines it  so nice to see you awake after your trauma"

 " How long have I been here? "

Just five days,you were very lucky that a fellow travelling sales man was using that desert road you were on,it was then who did some basic first aid and called for help"

 "I would like to thank them"

 " She be here soon as she  has visited  every day since you were on this ward,on their she is now coming up the ward corridor "

I looked up from my bed in my heavily dosed up vision I thought I saw Tiffany, oh god what is happening to me"

The scene fades to black .

A narrator blooms out to the watching audiences of the world .

 "You are all been programmed to receive the allotted punishments or given heavens grace as what has been determined by your choice s in your life,for today is truly the end of days."

 In my head I hear the faint echo of a forgotten song I once knew as my existence as a human being.

 "You can check out any time you like

But you can never leave"

* C*Mark Antony Raines

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