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Saturday 23 November 2019

Adam by Mark Antony Raines


Adam send his days listening to the mutterings of the locals and visitors I'm the inn ready to set up.his next target,he sometimes felt a and among the crowd.
You see Adam was a highway man who liked to dress as a bit of a dandy and enjoyed looking flash and spending the crash of his victims all of whom described to.The local police as a bit flash,and come to mention it not at all scared of the boys in blue in fact he loved all the attention.
Adam liked to say with a glint of a smile ,Stand and deliver your money or your life!
  Back at his hideaway Adam being a modern day highway man was listening records from his record collection and stereo radio turned to The police unit s near by as he had found how to do this on Google search.
Adam thought it must be devil to look forward to collecting your old age pension and least he did not qualify yet as only years off of being sixty.

Adam  was setting up his next robbery and knew of he carried on using a mirror to reflect the image of a gun he had need for bullets or a knife.
Adam gets dressed in his tailor made by his old hands replica clothing of the dandy highway man of old ,and although the boots were a bit clumsy he knew the ladies that took a peek at them thought him to be quite dashing.

As Adam approached his next robbery he was beginning to think what was the point of robbery as sometimes the victims had nothing worth taking.
He stopped the next car coming along the road and did the stand deliver your money or your life bit but taken by surprise when he heard a gang of voices behind say that he had made a big mistake and it was a tough but finally the long arm of the law had caught up with him.
Adam turned around he was surrounded by a group of five police man one of which said as he was cuffed and arrested I think you look like a scruff and his crimes were a big mistake.
At Adam s court case trial the judge looked him squarely in the face And said in a grave tone,And even though you fool your soul,your conscience will be mine,all mine.

So this is now I Adam ended up in a prison for armed robbery and the the fellow inmates and guards are fed up with tired of my excuses and my deep meaning philosophies as they say I am no longer a dandy highway man in my Orange jumpsuit I am just another showbiz loser .

Time to do my time be part of the insect nation of prison life and remind myself daily to not throw myself overboard but keep in safety.

Qua qua da diddley qua qua da diddley
The end

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