Sunday, 2 November 2014

Dorothy Davies interviewed by mark antony raines aka ghostman

What inspired me... I have written stories since I could write, but the trigger came through copies of Astounding and Fantasy and Science Fiction magazines, given to me by an uncle. SF in all its glory took over and sparked my already fertile imagination. From then it was headfirst into Ray Bradbury's worlds ... and there was no stopping me! I wrote tons of fan fiction until about 1980 when it got serious and I began writing professionally. I haven't stopped since. I took a copy editing course and began working long distance for a small independent publisher. Within a year I was working at their premises and five years later I took over as editor. So... a long time editing too. Now I edit horror anthologies for Thirteen O'clock Press, released through Horrified Press, also independent (prefer it that way!) and write my horror stories and books for them. Spiritually I have always been drawn to that side of life, I recall reading books on opening the third eye in my early teens. But the awakening only came when I finally broke away from a long confining marriage and came to live on what is officially the Isle of Wight -old name Isle of Spirits. My mediumship developed from the time I arrived here. My aims, to help as many as I can, either writing or spiritually. Around my writing I do tarot and stone readings - these can be booked through I work full time in a shop selling curios and other items and have a wonderful time keeping the shop floor looking inviting and clean and re-arranging the window displays to suit the seasons and the festivals. The Festival of Remembrance is close and there will be a full War Remembrance window in place by Monday afternoon, complete with poppies. Plans for the future, to live as long as possible, looking at being 100, and getting as much out of life as I can during that time! Thanks for asking me!!

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