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Sunday 29 May 2022

Eclipse not great

Eclipse care (Southwest) Ltd

I would like to have my say about the situation which lead to care being stopped due too problems with carers and times.
Firstly we treated all carers with respect and we even give out of kindness of our own hearts small gifts on birthdays and Christmas  ,and only made one complaint about a carer due to being rude and every other word a swear word, one time I had to do care due to carer being a bit drunk. 
As for times we were consistently being swapped and  changed .
The way we were informed that care was lost was due via the care agency  ,Eclipse had too be rung up ,we keep calm then given  reasons that carers  had issues with us .
This upset us both and affected our mental health issues to point of leading to bouts of depression, paranoid thoughts and making us distrustful. 
We are now with a different care agency .
So I would never either recommend Eclipse care in any shape or form I now making a official complaint is useless so this is just my personal opinion and if I get in trouble so be it .

CFZ On the Track Holsworthy Extra Butterflies #Short


Dr Who _Able to get his favourite meal


CFZ On the Track Holsworthy Extra _Butterflies in danger how to help

CFZ On the Track Holsworthy Extra _Butterflies in danger how to help

Saturday 28 May 2022


I decided to go to my local university to develop my skills so I packed my bags said my goodbye s to my mum and dad and said  I see  them  over term breaks and phone every day.
I moved into  my shared dorm room were I meet Yukie a fellow 20 year old woman, I tried my best  to interact with Yukie but she was like a kind of shadow and I found her a bit weird.
She did not speak, never smiled and as I said kept herself very much too herself.
I heard through the college rumours around  the campus Yukie had lost her boyfriend years ago in mysterious surroundings, this made me feel very anxious and a little bit worried.
Late one night I heard a creaking, then footsteps then a closing of our dorm door, I presumed it was Yukie just going to the toilet, this then happened regularly so I became more paranoid and suspicious of Yukie.
After a few nights of the same patterns of Yukie getting up and leaving the room my curiosity got the better of my logical part of my brain so I decided to follow Yukie, I did this by watching under my covers and then  I kept in the shadows so not to be noticed.
I had been roughly walking around about half an hour  when  I saw Yukie stop and enter the local cemetery and I foolishly follow her in shaking with  fear and all my senses telling me to run away which I contained.
I saw Yukie kneel down  in front of a gravestone she then embraced the gravestone with a bear like hug and with a look of ecstasy on her pale shallow face she then opened her mouth and began to laughing hysterically.
I seen enough, I turned around and like frightened prey I ran and ran and ran back to the college opened  my dorm door and went back under my bed cover like  a frightened child.
When  I woke up the next morning Yukie was nowhere to be seen, I became very worried something terrible had happened so I went to the college headquarters and asked if I could see the Dean ,too my utter shock I was told some terrible and shocking news by the Dean  who face looking drained of emotions said.
( I afraid too tell you but your roommate Yukie is dead, she committed suicide by slitting her wrists and her body was found in the local cemetery lying next to her  boyfriend s gravestone)
I was horrified.
Yukie did have any family, none that came forward despite this horrible event being covered by the local a nd national media .
So it was up to me to do the decent thing and collect her belongings, as I rifled through her belongings I found a dairy, I stopped what I was doing sat on my  bed and wishing to have bit of insight to Yukie most personal thoughts I flicked through the pages until I got to a page covered I'm blood stains I froze on the spot for what I saw on this page written in blood were the words.
This made my heart start to beat harder and harder, I felt a unbearable crushing pain on my heart, my breathing got more and more shallow, I could hear in the distant a manically laughing Yukie, I looked up and saw her standing in front of me pointing her decaying bony hard straight at me ,then I heard her speak.
I then collapsed on on my dorm room floor, waiting to for my decaying cadaver too be found after spring break.


Run Spot Run