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Sunday 5 February 2017

14 ft Elephant .

Scientists believe that elephants 14 ft tall were swept across from Africa to Crete and evolved into pony-sized mammals.

Bag-like sea creature was humans’ oldest known ancestor

A tiny sea creature identified from fossils found in China may be the earliest known step on an evolutionary path that eventually led to the emergence of humans

We think that as an early deuterostome this may represent the primitive beginnings of a very diverse range of species, including ourselves
Simon Conway Morris
Researchers have identified traces of what they believe is the earliest known prehistoric ancestor of humans – a microscopic, bag-like sea creature, which lived about 540 million years ago.
Named Saccorhytus, after the sack-like features created by its elliptical body and large mouth, the species is new to science and was identified from microfossils found in China. It is thought to be the most primitive example of a so-called “deuterostome” – a broad biological category that encompasses a number of sub-groups, including the vertebrates.
If the conclusions of the study, published in the journal Nature, are correct, then Saccorhytus was the common ancestor of a huge range of species, and the earliest step yet discovered on the evolutionary path that eventually led to humans, hundreds of millions of years later.
Modern humans are, however, unlikely to perceive much by way of a family resemblance. Saccorhytus was about a millimetre in size, and probably lived between grains of sand on the seabed. Its features were spectacularly preserved in the fossil record – and intriguingly, the researchers were unable to find any evidence that the animal had an anus.-read more

Saturday 4 February 2017

Chair gate 2

Recently yet again the subject of my wife's weight came up  in a talk to social worker and another person who basically said she was too big for reclining chair and one even said you dot wish to put n more weight.I personally think that being overweight is the new form of ism that is not acceptable and should be stopped in its track.Update on chair now got a wedge in back so wife can sit better ,seat is going to get more padding plus bar in middle to be removed and replaced with new one with padding and hopefully my wife will be able to get rid of sores and get back a life back.

Maurice's Psychic World

Yes my client made it years ago ! Most of my clients are word of mouth
To continue to help
I do beleive in exsitance after life
My father passed in October and has visited me 2 times which has helped my grieving process and amazed meIt depends its always hard telling the truth if it's not positive
So I try to be kind but I have to tell it as it is
Not as I wish it was if you understand
It would be wonderful to tell only good news but life isn't that wayI'm doing the new show on sky also and Ive assembled a great new team of gifted people to helpEven I doubt and don't understand the messages I get or where they are really from or why I'm accurate in my work I'm as confused as anyone else ! Why me?????
I wish people peace and remind them life is a short journey do all the good you can help as many as you can and always evolve god is watching!!!
However I do not endorse any religion
It separates people and we are all one on this earth
Thank you have a great weekend best Maurice facebook link


Abuse in relationships can happen to anyone. It’s not normal, it’s never OK and definitely not part of a healthy relationship.  It isn’t always physical, it can be emotional and sexual abuse too. If your relationship leaves you feeling scared, intimidated or controlled, it’s possible you’re in an abusive relationship.
If you’re experiencing abuse, or have done in the past, please remember that you’re not to blame and there are people who can help you.
Is there ever an excuse for relationship abuse?
No. There’s never an excuse for relationship abuse. Anger, jealousy, alcohol or wanting to protect the other person – none of these are excuses.


Pornography or ‘porn’ usually means videos and photos showing naked people or people engaged in sexual acts. Some people might look at porn as a way to learn about sex but it can have a damaging effect on their lives and relationships if they think it’s realistic.
Does everybody watch porn?
No. Not everyone is watching porn, even if a lot of people say they are. It’s OK to not want to watch it. It’s definitely not something people have to do or feel pressured to do.
So what’s the problem?
Porn can make you feel under pressure to look or behave a certain way. Most people wouldn’t like it if you treated them the way people are treated in a porn film. Chances are, it wouldn’t score you points with your partner. Watching it can make you think what they’re doing is normal and that everyone would like it. But everyone is different, and what porn shows often isn’t what happens in healthy and happy relationships.


Rape is sex without consent. This means that rape isn’t just people being physically forced into a sexual act, it also includes pressure that makes someone feel like they had no choice but to have sex.
Most rape victims know their attacker, sometimes it is even the person they’re in a relationship with.
Anyone of any gender or sexual orientation can be a victim of rape and / or sexual assault. The most important bit to remember is that being pressured or forced to have sex or to do something sexual when you don’t want to is a crime. If you have been raped, or sexually assaulted, remember that it’s not your fault, you aren’t to blame and there are people who can help you.