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Saturday 14 February 2015

Dogs Know What That Smile on Your Face Means- A new study lends further proof that your pet can read your emotions

Whether it's with a sympathetic tilt of the head or the excited sweep of a tail, dogs seem to be saying they can sense exactly what we're feeling. Science is still undecided on the matter, although evidence in favor of the idea is stacking up. Now, a new study has found that dogs are able to tell the difference between happy and angry human facial expressions. (Related: "Animal Minds" in National Geographic magazine.) Biologist Corsin Müller of the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria, and colleagues tested 11 dogs—including border collies, a fox terrier, a golden retriever, a German shepherd, and some mutts—using a touchscreen. The scientists trained the dogs to touch either a happy face or an angry face for a treat. They presented dogs with either the top half or the bottom half of the faces to ensure the animals weren't just responding to a smile or the baring of teeth. Emotions show on all parts of a human face, not just the mouth, says Müller, whose study was published February 12 in the journal Current Biology. "If you're angry, a wrinkle between the eyes shows up," he explains. The shape of the eyes can change too. So if the dogs were truly able to spot an emotion, they should be able to do so regardless of which part of the face they looked at. (See "Can Dogs Feel Our Emotions? Yawn Study Suggests Yes.")-read more-

World's rarest sea turtle found washed up on Devon beach

A man stumbled across one of the the world's rarest turtles on a Devon beach - and is now keeping it in his freezer. Ben Read discovered the dead Kemp's ridley sea turtle while out on a seaside walk. The critically-endangered Kemp's ridley is the rarest sea turtle in the world, with only 1,000 nesting females left. Mr Read, 28, desperately contacted a friend studying marine biology to help and was told the tiny creature is a Kemp's ridley. Concerned about how rare the turtle was, Mr Read took it back home with him and put it in his freezer while he awaits a visit from a marine biologist who will collect it for further analysis. Related Articles The off-course Kemps Ridley sea turtle Rare sea turtle fights for life after straying 5,000 miles to Cumbria 30 Dec 2014 Two rare sea turtles found washed up on Britain's shores 24 Dec 2014 Mystery over deaths of giant turtles off Scotland 27 Oct 2014 Warmer seas bring rare turtles to Britain 27 May 2007 Mr Read, from Torrington, said: "The marine biologist knew straight away, as soon as I described the markings, that it could be a Kemp's ridley. "He said that the turtles originate from Mexico, but are extremely rare and are now critically endangered." Mr Read found the turtle on Green Cliff beach, around 10 miles from his house. Hunting first depleted their numbers, but now major threats include habitat loss, pollution and entanglement in shrimping nets. Dr Peter Richardson, biodiversity programme manager for the Marine Conservation Society (MCS), said the turtles would not survive in British waters. "We ask people to keep their eyes peeled for stranded turtles during this stormy weather," he said. "Sometimes freshly stranded turtles can appear dead, but may still be alive and can be rescued. They should not be put back in the sea, as this will definitely kill them. "Instead, they should be moved away from the water to a sheltered place, preferably in a cardboard box out of draughts, and reported to experts for collection.One of two Kemp’s ridley turtles  found in Cumbria and Merseyside, 5,000 miles from their home in the Gulf of Mexico.


A woman in  Marlow,Bucks had an unusual visitor .A bear cub from South Amercia ,the bear was seen scrambling up a tree after being chased by her 2 dogs .Experts think it may have been kept as a pet ,caught by local wildlife officers.


The ten wild beavers ,frist in 50 years ,are going to be tagged and filmed .And you can follow them online,the beavers are at the River  Otter ,Devon.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Daniel Bautz-Talk Show Host Grand Dark Conspiracy-interviewd by mark antony raines aka ghostmanraines

I was inspired by personal experiences to explore the paranormal. I had my own ideas about what was going on, but also saw that there were many different thought and theories about the ghost phenomena. So, my impetus to start my radio show/podcast was to have an opportunity to talk to people who share similar experiences and what they thought about what had happened seeing if their ideas were more plausible to me than my own initial thoughts. Long answer, but to sum up, like most people that inspiration to explore the unknown was first having my own paranormal experiences. My aims are to show that people who believe in the paranormal aren't all kooks,

Sunday 8 February 2015

Welcome to the MNT Knowledge Center, your source for our most detailed content on specific conditions and subjects. Click through to Knowledge Center Home to read more. What is neuropathy? Neuropathy causes and treatments

Neuropathy is not a single disease - instead, it is a complication found in a number of different underlying medical conditions. It can also be seen without the cause being diagnosed, when doctors called it "idiopathic." The term neuropathy is short for peripheral neuropathy, meaning nerve damage in the peripheral nervous system. Only nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are involved, so peripheral neuropathy does not include nerve damage in the central nervous system. Contents of this article: What is neuropathy? What causes neuropathy? Signs and symptoms of neuropathy Tests and diagnosis Neuropathy treatment and prevention More information You will also see introductions at the end of some sections to any recent developments that have been covered by MNT's news stories. Also look out for links to information about related conditions. Fast facts on neuropathy Here are some key points about neuropathy. More detail and supporting information is in the main article. Neuropathy is a complication found in a number of different underlying medical conditions. Neuropathy is short for peripheral neuropathy. Three types of nerve can be involved; autonomic nerves, motor nerves and sensory nerves. Physical trauma, repetitive injury, infection, metabolic problems and exposure to toxins and some drugs can all lead to peripheral neuropathy. Most cases of neuropathy are found in people who have diabetes2 (diabetic neuropathy). With neuropathy as a complication of diabetes, up to 50% of people affected may be completely asymptomatic.4,9 People commonly describe the pain of neuropathy as being a tingling or burning sensation.2 Being tested for neuropathy is routine for diabetes sufferers. Whether single or multiple nerves are affected, the underlying cause can, in many cases, be targeted for treatment.2,7 For toxic causes, removing exposure to a toxin, or stopping a culprit drug, will halt further nerve more- personal story started  in 2001 i have ulna and cerival which affects me via balance,body movements,dizzy like coming off a childrens roundabout most of the  time on gabapentin 300 mg times four a  day.

my first assessment attend not for belt just to pratice.

Today i attend my first martial arts assessment at northam hall,northam with  earth an martial and ocean martial arts.i was among others doing a seeion of exercises and martial art moves some i admit i found hard but i will try to improve and as i said to mr cole i like doing this .H opethose whi did thier balkbelts got them ,see you monday wayne for the norsml lessions ,mark aka ghostmanraines. No belt for me as just went to practice as see what needed to be improved ,next assessment i hope to go for a belt ,more work .from my tutor mr wayne ley-Hey mark, me Andy were talking after. And he said you done really well and impressed him. So he's said If you like you can go onto Yellow belt as you would of passed if you done the grading officially, but he requested that you pay for the grading to get your belt, which would of been £15 if not don't worry go for it again in 6 months, well done tho. Regards Wayne