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Wednesday 24 October 2018


finger by ghostman 

Shadow people by Ghostman horror host

I came over long ago on a longboat which had oars and brave hero's from  the  north. I reached the shore of my new Land of devoured the crew in one night for my hunger was great. I settled  in a quiet place where I could hide amongst my food.I was part of the  census of the doops day book where the town is stalked was registered under a different name. The town  grow as I watched from the  square and beyond. The market was strong back then my food could  gorge  on fresh goods. I live among  you unseen until  the  cycle of the  moon cones to its full. I await  hidden  in the  trees in the park and watch for my food to pass by. I pounce on them; drag them back to my den where  I rip off the skin and eat all my food ;guts and all and  use the blood  to wash it down. Nearby my hunting  grounds  you  built a college and school  .This to me was a source of my power.I can  enter themail nightmares of the children ando watch from under the  bed or in the closet as thier whimper and  bolt upright and scream and I have a  silent manic laugh. My food sees me not as I lurk in the shadows but their sense fear as they  know  of my  myth. Each  full  moon in feed and  enter the dreams of the local  children to give them  nightmares. You know where  I reside for you see me each day ,i am the shadow in the day, in the moonlight. You can  run but I will find  you  .So my children of the night I shall see  you on Halloween night in my town of Holsworthy. Have nightmares on me..Ha Ha Ha  Ha Ha

Eye of the storm

modern art  by Mark Anthony Raines aka ghostman  eye of the  storm

Ghostman horror host podcast UK The Underneath place

Ghostman horror host podcast UK The Underneath place

Monday 22 October 2018

Maggie Heart..Holsworthy mark Podcast show


Maggie Heart....
         Maggie Heart is an internationally recognized talk show host, interviewer, lecturer available for public appearances, author, life path specialist and Christian ordained minister specializing in Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance, house clearings and blessings (across the country and internationally by Skype and phone),  ghost investigations, baptisms, marriages and funerals. Her fruits of the spirit manifest through prayerful sessions that have resulted in miracle healings and many positive life counseling sessions through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Her current pursuit of a two year degree in ministry adds to her background credentials. She strives to someday have a brick and mortar place of fellowship for her ever expanding ministry. Maggie has also spent years aiding, advocating for and ministering to the disadvantaged including the homeless, elderly, developmentally disabled, veterans and children. Her whistleblowing and human interest interviews on her radio show The Positude PowWow have enlightened many and shed light on much darkness and deception in the world and received critical acclaim. She also does The Positude Podcast,  which is currently on hiatus, a one hour feel good show to promote joy and negate negativity while discussing positive and inspirational stories, recipes, comedy, music and more. You can listen on Sundays at 7pm EST or archived shows click the link for The Positude Podcast.

CONTACT INFO: Email: Website: Instagram: maggieheart1 Facebook: email for request. Twitter:  @maggieheart2