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Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Lincolnshire Spirit

Lincolnshire Spirit Seekers Podcast

Podcast Expert

Why I joined LSS Lincolnshire spirit seekers .. I was looking for to be part of a UK based paranormal group who I could help with my skills in doing podcasts .
I told them about my personal paranormal experiances and why I got involved in the paranormal field.
Many years ago I was in a coma for Three weeks due to a blood sugar levels of 124,whilst I was in the coma I heard a woman's voice thatI have not heard before or ever since telling me to wake up, and I had a overwhelmingly need to wake up could this be my Guardian Angel I believe so. I am looking forward to being part of Lincolnshire Spirit Seekers journey.  
Mark Antony Raines aka ghostman

Well it real..Global warming..just look at the news 2018

I believe and am no scientists but I think facts do back up that 2018 is going to be the hottest the planet earth has got.Fires,heatwave warnings,water shortages,not confined to just a few countries but a true global warming so this is the beginning of a self inflicted problem made by man and nature biting back.Expect ward over water in the next couple of years .

My paranormal theory

Here goes ..God is schizophrenic..Both good and evil in one..why you ask because it a stated in bible we were made in same image ..and we are both good and evil.God is not man or woman but a light and we die we became like a hive..reverse for evil their become dark light.Early man is still part of us and that is why we are sensitive to paranormal..early man had to have heighten senses to exist in his or her environment.I may be wrong if so I put my hands up..yours mark Antony Raines aka ghostman of Holsworthy mark show.

Monday, 23 July 2018

Number 1 podcast station in Holsworthy Devon u.k Holsworthy mark show

Follow. .listen. be part of the journey ..the number one podcast in Holsworthy Devon u.k. ..Holsworthy mark show ...

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Legion.t.v series..season 2 a future cult classic

I have watched the second season of legion ,10 episodes in total ,a marvel based series available on Netflix.I can honestly say that it was the weirdest television i have watched since the British cult series The Prisoner Legion season 2 is baffling,you watch in awe as you try to understand what is going on a true future cult classic i would recommend that you watch.Legion tv series ..Wikipedia link

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Mark Antony Raines gets his second green belt in gesar karate Holsworthy Devon

Yesterday between 5-7 pm I like fellow students had a grading done in local college in Holsworthy Devon.It was keon, knife defence,To finish it off I need  to complete  2_ rounds of randori .I got badly out breath during but carried on.I am proud to be a second green belt and I now know it the future belts are going be tough so that's give them a try.


Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Ghostman ..recommended ...S.Rob

Born and brought up in Country Durham in the North of England, in the UK. S Rob is the author of hundreds of occult works: more than anyone else in history numbering almost 400 at the time of writing and probably far more when you read this and has probably summoned more devils, demons, angel, spirits, magical beings and ancient deities than anyone alive. Inventor of occult escapology, inside out magick: a type of magick relying on the hidden twin of magical beings and the inversion of talismans: puppet occultism and many others in addition to having written on all the usual occult areas. Member of the worlds oldest paranormal research society The Ghost Club. Is an honorary ambassador ADMIR The American diplomatic mission, ambassador at large for the Instituto Imagick in Brazil. S Rob is also a horror host: not needing to take on a strange character like the others being lucky enough to have one already. He horror hosts Magical Manifestations, where a ritual is performed to manifest the film into the world. Masterminded and performed: with two others: the first theft on the astral realm, stealing the spear of destiny: which he still has attaching its power to one Roman Pillium Spear Head. He invented humanic possession, wherein a man possesses a devil: as such he was the first person to possess the Devil.     

What is Scrying by S.Rob

What is scrying?
Scrying a method of divination. It is quite apart from other methods of divination.  It is more a technique maybe even a way of living than a tool.  The best way to describe it is to look at the tools it can use. A person predicting by looking into a crystal ball is scrying: they quite literally are having visions in the crystal ball. Also there is the scrying mirror which is a black shiny surface which when a person looks in enables them to have visions. Also a person can scry by looking into a glass of water or cola. It is this controlled visions that is scrying. Although it should be said that reading tea leaves is also a method of scrying: when interpreting the way the tea lies in the cup. Scrying is the oldest method of divination there is. It is also believed to build psychic power generally: making the person psychic, or more psychic. However scrying is not necessarily just visual: as dowsing is also a form of scrying: dowsing is finding lost objects or other things using the feel a person has when holding rods or a pendulum. This form of scrying is usually referred to as dowsing so as to avoid confusion. A person experienced in scrying and with ability, can predict the future and the past, look into different places, some even believe see past lives or people who have died and are on the other side: depending upon the beliefs. It should be noted that remote viewing is technically a form of scrying. However the older methods would seem to have more usefulness than the much newer remote viewing due to their many more uses. Scrying is a way of thinking and once this in understood then a person can use almost anything, making the world one large scrying tool. You can interpret your dreams: this is scrying. You may also use the inside of animals to see the future, or the branch of a tree.  Scrying has such ancient origins that it has mentions in the bible: when there were interpretations of dreams, or the clouds in the sky. Scryers were also of great importance in the ancient world: they were consulted on the most important of matters. Scrying was done in the past the whole world over and still is. It is as human a pastime and gift, as any other we could mention. In Europe it had a special place as druids had to learn it in order to become druids. There is little knows of the druids: most we know is from Roman tales of them. However there were three grades on the path to druidry. The first was the bardic path: the learning of tales as a way to instil wisdom. The second was the ovate path: this was scrying and perhaps other forms of divination. The third was to be a full druid and this meant you had completed your training. So for them to be wise and powerful was to be able to scry. Without it they were not complete. Maybe the true value of scrying is not in being able to see the future or even the past, but what it does for the practitioner. The way it lets us see close all the things we cannot see are. How close what we want to see is that there is more to things than just our one point:  the way it lets the practitioner connect with something larger than they are while still not getting lost. To connect to a larger self but still remain who we are. To see that we are not just a small insignificant set of beings but that we still have much to learn how we have such bigness ahead of us, such grander things ahead.  It lets us see how  good we really can be.