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Tuesday, 1 August 2017



I guess what inspired me was the publication of "The Unexplained magazine" also people that inspired me were Arthur.C.Clarke,Harry Price and James Randi. WHAT ARE YOUR AIMS?                                         Aims are to satisfy mine and others curiosity regarding the paranormal and to collect as much evidence as I can,to help us understand all things paranormal more. WHAT PLANS DO YOU HAVE FOR THE FUTURE?                     aims are to provide people with the best evidence I can collect and to try and stay as open minded as I can but at the same time exhaust as many possible explanations and trying to be impartial.

Monday, 31 July 2017


This is in aid of dementia uk to raise awareness and money with a bit of fun inspired by the mad hatter  tea party. So if it makes you  smile  please  give by text HGOP62 1.00 to 70070.
Hi Mark,


Thank you for your email, its great to hear that you would like to fundraise for us again J


With the summer upon us – we thought it could be a great opportunity for those that can, to hold a garden party style fundraiser.

There are different things you could in order to fundraise such as, ticket sales/entry charge – and then provide nibbles, a raffle/tombola (you could speak to local businesses to see if they would donate prizes), have a theme/fancy dress, afternoon tea style food or a bbq?


Did you have any ideas with what you wanted to do?


Look forward to hearing from you & thanks again for your support!


Best wishes,




Lauren Stevens

Community and Events Fundraising Assistant

t: 020 7697 4052 |


Dementia UK, Second Floor Resource for London

356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA


Connect with us



If you’re caring for someone with dementia or if you have any other concerns or questions, please call or email the Admiral Nurses on our Helpline for specialist support and advice.


Opening hours:

Monday – Friday, 9am – 9pm

Saturday and Sunday, 9am – 5pm



To: fundraising
Subject: How do i get my garden involved



Live in Holsworthy and would like to get involved  in fundraising ty



Hi Mark,


Thanks for your reply.


Its great to hear that you want to do this for us and for those around you – thank you!

Will you be holding this in your own garden? And do you have a date for when you are hoping to hold the event?


We have a letter of authority we can send you which you can show to people to say you are fundraising for us. We also have lots of different materials to help make your event look great on the day such as balloons, posters, banners, stickers etc. Let me know if you would like me to send you some of these.


Did you also do an event for us in February this year?


Thanks for your support Mark,




Lauren Stevens

Community and Events Fundraising Assistant

t: 020 7697 4052 |


Dementia UK, Second Floor Resource for London

356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA


Connect with us

cid:image003.png@01D2B92B.6811E060 cid:image004.png@01D2B92B.6811E060


If you’re caring for someone with dementia or if you have any other concerns or questions, please call or email the Admiral Nurses on our Helpline for specialist support and advice.


Opening hours:

Monday – Friday, 9am – 9pm

Saturday and Sunday, 9am – 5pm



email signature - helpline_final


From: mark antony raines aka 
To: Lauren Stevens
Subject: My idea


I would like  to do  a garden view with an garden ornaments tea party to bring on a smile and help raise  funds for  dementia. I myself have mild small vessel disease of the brain which affects my cognitive skills. Ty for replying to  previous email. Could you please send me a link or material which shows that raising money for you.

Saturday, 29 July 2017


Scientists have identified three different kind of smiles given by us as people.Number one-reward smile to get people to do things you like.Number two -affiliative  to communicate tolerance.Number three-dominance to signify status.

Moon may have water trapped under its surface, claims new study

Moon, water on moon, moon water, life on moon, Brown UniversityA new study of satellite data found that numerous volcanic deposits distributed across the surface of the Moon contain unusually high amounts of trapped water. (Representative Image)
The Moon may have huge reservoirs of water trapped under the surface in the form of volcanic ‘glass beads’, which could be extracted and used by astronauts in future lunar colonies, scientists have found. A new study of satellite data found that numerous volcanic deposits distributed across the surface of the Moon contain unusually high amounts of trapped water.
The finding of water in these ancient deposits, which are believed to consist of glass beads formed by the explosive eruption of magma coming from the deep lunar interior, bolsters the idea that the lunar mantle is surprisingly water-rich. Scientists had assumed for years that the interior -read more


It seems weird to me that i need a  form of picture i.d to prove i am me .Is not a birth certificate or marriage certificate good enough some say its is due to raise of threat of terror but is it not 1984 being real.


Is it funny how accepting we are of pix elated  or blurred faces on news or tv shows.Being blurred or pix elated if need to hide a victim of crime or young adult and how scary would it be if this was real how would we read others.


Over a year hundreds of puppies were tracked to see how behaved in their early stages.The study found that puppies behaved like teenagers -impulsive,easily distracted ,erratic,forgot previous training.Experts concluded  their treatment as puppies changed later behavior  more then d.n.a-NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY .

Wednesday, 26 July 2017


Interview with Richard Small    July 2017
4th Dan with Takemusu Iwama Aikido Europe.

Q. What inspired you to do aiki jo?
Training with weapons needs no mats, it is something you can practise alone or with a partner, you can practise in street clothes and footwear, anywhere you go, the forest, the beach, your home or garden - you can pick up any stick, broom handle, hoe, umbrella, walking stick, even a twig and enjoy your connection with the spirit of Aikido. As a teacher moving to the area alone it was an art that lent itself to teaching beginners who had neither equipment nor experience.
It is within the reach of almost any person, regardless of their age and ability.

Q. What are the aims of martial arts?
Qualities possible from martial arts practice.
Perception; awareness; confidence; patience; friendship; communication; adaptability; resilience; loyalty; reflection; humility; perspective; compassion; honesty; empathy; discipline, (external and self); humour; co-ordination, (of mind and body); flexibility; intuition.
These are transferable skills that will serve you well in life.
            They are yours for the having.
Aiki Jo can also be used as an exercise system, training aspects of self defence, developing health defence, improving confidence, body awareness,
co-ordination, social and self awareness, balance and power, even engaging in a pathway to moving meditation and finding the path on which your spirit walks. Weapons encourage your ki (spirit energy) to extend beyond self.

Q. What  plans do you have for the future?
I started a martial art when I was in my twenties, probably for much the same reason as anyone else. I sought a security from the confrontations that often beset the minds of youths.
Martial arts are a great reality check for the Ego. You suddenly discover that the art you have taken up to defend yourself is full of people much more able than you. You try harder to catch up, to improve fitness, co-ordination and technical skills. Often, it is not for many years, when the spiritual side of the art becomes more apparent.  The mind/body/spirit connection makes you more calm, centred, and peaceful; And Yes, more powerful. Do not confuse strength with power. When you understand ‘Do nothing and everything is done,’ then you have arrived at the gateway you seek. After more than forty years of training, I plan to keep looking and try and make what I understand, possible through my actions. Still a long way to go – but the journey remains ever more important than the destination.

Links of interest.   (Information on Aiki Jo in Bideford North Devon.)    (Saito Sensei weapons video collection.)  (Ki style Aikido in the manner of the late Koichi Tohei 10th Dan. Classes in Buck’s Cross and Holsworthy.)


WHAT INSPIRED YOU?  inspiration for work - the huge variety in colours and textures of the yarns, the creativity, constantly learning new ways of doing things, WHAT ARE YOUR AIMS?aims - to get the world addicted to yarn lol, there are great benefits to be gained from doing any type of craft and if i can help people to gain confidence to have a go or progress and develope whether its in knitting and crochet or one of the other crafts we do in our workshops then that's brilliant,WHAT PLANS DO YOU HAVE FOR THE FUTURE?  future - to build up the business, the busier i am the more variety i will be able to provide also the busier i am the more the shop will turn into a little community where yarnie(probably not a real word) people can meet, and to continue converting the world to knitting one stitch at a time, not sure this is how you were wanting the questions answered, if there is anything else you want to know please ask, you are most welcome to pop into the shop if you want to take any photos or find out more about the shop 

Tuesday, 25 July 2017


Recently I have  been a  bit  down  and  out about my life and have done some revaluation of it  What conclusion have it come to is that I need to  accept it am growing older and My disabled is limiting the things I  do so I am  going to  carry on doing what I  like at my pace and accept sometimes in life you have to let go.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

The Lock House Haunting interview

What Inspired Me? I have always loved writing and have always felt that my childhood was somewhat unusual. I moved to the Forest of Dean over 23 years ago and joined the Dean Writers Circle. During conversations the members learned a little about me and confirmed that how I had grown up was intriguing and indeed unusual. So in respect of actually putting the words on paper it was the members of the Circle who inspired me to write the book. However, I also feel that it was my memories themselves that I felt needed a voice outside of my head. So many times and in so many circumstances the young are ignored and can be left to feel isolated and intimidated. I felt that, and still feel that if one person reads my book and can in some way relate to it maybe they won’t feel as belittled as I used to feel when I was growing up. What are my aims? My aim was always just to tell my story. My book sat for over ten years completed but hidden from view because I was too scared to publish it. I was scared, not that I would not be believed but that it was not good enough and would not hold people’s interest. I have been astounded at the response it has received and has far outgrown any aims that I ever had. Last year I was invited to speak at The Ghost Club in London and the audience was treble the size that I had been informed it would be. Afterwards I was amazed at how many people had (and are still having) similar paranormal experiences. The only aim that I ever had has been achieved at a far bigger scale than I ever imagined. My Future Plans? As far as writing is concerned I would love to write on a full time scale. I have two completed novels sitting on a shelf that have never seen the light of day and one partially written novel that clamours to be finished. Unfortunately, time or rather lack of it, is my enemy. I simply do not have as much time to write as I used to and so I feel that this may have to wait until retirement. In the meantime I am very busy with my Paranormal team ROPE (Researchers of Paranormal Events.) We are working very hard but unlike a lot of groups we are very quiet and don’t advertise ourselves. We are currently working on an experiment which is being conducted over a period of two years and is showing some compelling results. I have discussed the experiment with various Parapsychologists and also at length with members of the Ghost Club. All have been incredibly supportive and are keen for the experiment to reach it to reach it fruition in December this year. As for the distant future? I always like to wait until it is a little closer before I make any plans but I will for as long as I can, continue to investigate the Paranormal and meet and share our evidence and experiences with the Paranormal Community.


Recently their has been a bit of a kick up about difference between man and woman's pay  but this situation has be going on for decades so nothing new.In my humble opinion for its worth if you do exacting the same job you should be paided same wages regardless if man or woman.


I have only had brief encounters with the motor cycle gang known as the Hells Angels in my lifetime so far and all in Essex.The first was with my sister s  husband who mixed with them at a pub known as Top Alex in Southend- On- Sea .The next was when i when to a bike show in Kent British bulldog where i slept rough for 3 days and got sun burnt.The last time was at a motor head concert at Westcliff-On- sea Essex  were their was the bands road crew and security .I like the culture and music but not some of the actives their may be involved in.

Fuming residents complain they are being kept awake all night by a TALKING BENCH

Loud benchSWNS
Residents have complained that they are being kept awake all night - by a talking bench
The seat is equipped with a three-minute recorded message and teaches people history about the local area when they sit on it. 
But families nearby claim they’re kept up all night by the messages which are billowed through loud speakers. 
One resident, who lives in a neighbouring block of flats, told how it’s mostly a problem when people make use of the talking bench in the early hours. -read more

Sunday, 16 July 2017

New DR WHO A WOMAN. is of news report about the new dr who  being a woman
jodie whittaker.I never  thought that  bbc would be  brave enough to  change the  way that  the doctor from  being a  man only. Will it bring a different style of  storyline I think  so .I await  after  Xmas special to see the  new doctor  number  13 .

R.i.p George a Romero a legend of zombie genre

GHOSTMANS GHOST TALES: Chris Halton-Haunted.Earth

GHOSTMANS GHOST TALES: Chris Halton-Haunted.Earth: A Ghostly encounter ..... A few days ago (and during daylight) I was looking for the mail van which had a parcel they were earlier unable to...

Macho' switch in the brain that makes men aggressive and more competitive is pinpointed for the first time

The 'macho' switch in the brain which makes men aggressive has been discovered by scientists.
And the brain circuit could explain how some animals are able to become alpha males and exert control over others, the study found. 
Researchers found stimulating the switch significantly boosted a mouse's chance of winning aggressive encounters and moving up the social hierarchy.
The discovery could lead to brain training to boost the performance of athletes, said the researchers.
It also offers hope of developing drug targets for pathological aggression - which is a component in Alzheimer’s, autism, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Read more:
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Feng shui

Feng shui or fengshui (pinyinfēngshuǐpronounced [fə́ŋ.ʂwèi]) is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. It is closely linked to Taoism. The term feng shui literally translates as "wind-water" in English. This is a cultural shorthand taken from the passage of the now-lost Classic of Burial recorded in Guo Pu's commentary:[1] Feng shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations). The feng shui practice discusses architecture in metaphoric terms of "invisible forces" that bind the universe, earth, and humanity together, known as qi.
Historically, feng shui was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures—in an auspicious manner. Depending on the particular style of feng shui being used, an auspicious site could be determined by reference to local features such as bodies of water, stars, or a compass.
Qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water.[1]
Feng shui was suppressed in mainland China during the state-imposed Cultural Revolution of the 1960s but has since then regained popularity. Some critics have called feng shui a baseless superstition, stating there is no demonstrable evidence supporting its principles.-wiki link