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Sunday, 4 May 2014

TNA Impact Wreslting 5/1/14 FULL Review Eric Young Defends His Belt AGAIN!


Q WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT THE BAND AND THIER MUSIC? A-I DISCOVERED THEM BY ACCIDENT WHILST RESEARCHING YOUTUBE AND WAS MOVED BY THE MUSICAL TONE IT SEEMED TO SING TO MY INNER SOUL. Q-DO YOU KNOW WHO THIER ARE? A- NO AS DISGIUSE THEMSELFS TO KEEP ID A SECRET AND THIS MAKES YOU WISH TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THEM. Q- ARE YOU A FACEBOK FAN? YES AND WOULD ASK OTHERS TO JOIN AND BE PART OF THE NEW MODERN DAY EXPERIENCE .About A dying Man and a Confused Girl/ with Psychotic Gods taking on the world/ on Bealtaine night the quest begins/ good Lords forgive us for our sins Description Xtul is a little village on the Yucatan coast of Mexico. In 1966 thirty members of the Process Church of the Final Judgement settled there for a while, and during a hurricane wrote their most profound piece of neotheologising. Four years later, on the other side of the world I fell in love with a book by an eccentric English aristocrat, who based the 13 year old heroine on his eldest daughter, who... See more Impressum The Apocalypse may well be Televised-


Is it just me but on the Radio,Television and even Spellcheck seem to be more americanized than british.I have no problem with the good old u.s.a  but i dont want to lose my english i.d,quicky humour and even queueing and being polite to rude people.So i am proud to be an englishman.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

nothing to post part project: nothing to post -art project

nothing to post part project: nothing to post -art project: nothing to post -art project

XTUL: A cry in the darkness



    It says a lot, I think, about the calibre of the young people who spend some of their leisure hours working with the animals at the CFZ, that when confronted by something unquestionably strange they don’t bat an eyelid. The other afternoon I was unwell (something which happens with depressing frequency these days) and I had retired to bed. One of our volunteers, a twelve year old girl, was sitting in my study trying to count the relative numbers of Endler’s livebearers and knife livebearers in the tank on my desk, when a cacophony of canine contumely heralded the arrival of a visitor to my door.

    She remarked to me afterwards that it was strange that she didn’t hear the gate open, and that Mark Raines, who was working in the garden didn’t notice these visitors arrive. They were two tall thin bearded men wearing long, black, hooded robes. They didn’t introduce themselves, just demanded to see me. When told that I was asleep, ill in bed, they gave her an envelope containing a key drive, and without speaking, walked along the path to the gate, and left.

    When I woke up later, my volunteer had gone back to her family for tea, and I only heard the story second hand. I opened the envelope, put the key drive into the computer (which, with the benefit of hindsight was a remarkably stupid thing to do, because it could have contained any number of unimaginably horrid computer viruses) and was totally aghast at what I found.

    It was a letter and a number of sound and video files. The letter was from someone called Mister Loxodonta, who identified himself as a member of a collective called Xtul. It started off conventionally enough, but then it turned out that Mister Loxodonta was (or at least claimed to be) a terminally ill half naked man with the head of an elephant who sometimes wrote in conventional prose, but had the offputting habit of launching into regular metred rhyming couplets, of the sort that my late mother called “tum te tum te tumty tum” and the even later Rudyard Kipling was wont to indulge in.

    My name is Mr Loxodonta
    And when your mind begins to wander
    Into places that you know
    You really shouldn’t let it go
    In the gaps between your dreams
    Where you hear the idiots scream
    That’s basically where I can be found
    Playing games with light and sound

    My name is Mr Loxodonta
    I’ll find you when you don’t want to
    Explore realms of world as myth
    And pantheistic multiperson
    Solipsism 101,
    The games of chance have just begun
    I’m dying but it doesn’t matter
    My alter-ego just gets fatter

    Apparently there are five or six of them, but only three are named:

    • Mister Loxodonta
    • Dora Discordia
    • Panne

    From the badly scrawled drawings, and fantastickal photoshop constructs that I have been sent, Dora Discordia is a statuesque blonde lady with a skull for a head, and Panne is a schoolgirl dressed as a goatman, or perhaps a goatman who has taken on some of the characteristics of a schoolgirl.

    Then later that evening I got an email. It was from an old acquaintance (I won’t say ‘friend’ because although we have known each other for a third of a century so far, I don’t think either of us has ever liked the other very much. His name is Danny Miles/Danny Myles/Danny Myers (choose whichever name suits you and him best at the time). I first met him in 1981, and the circumstances of our meeting are chronicled in my 1999 book The Blackdown Mystery.

    I first met Danny Miles at an obscure North Devon rock festival during the late summer of 1981. In those days I was an innocent and not very streetwise fellow in my early twenties, and I still believed that world peace could be achieved by the ingestion of various noxious substances whilst sitting in muddy fields listening to musical ensembles make whooshing noises on (what seem to me now) to be very primitive synthesisers.

    I was, I believe, watching Hawkwind playing a spectacularly inept version of Master of the Universe, and like most of the rest of the audience, who were cold, muddy and uncomfortable, pretending that I was enjoying myself whilst in reality I was in dire need of both a lavatory and a nice cup of tea and totally unwilling to avail myself of the horribly rudimentary versions of either facility that had been laid on for our “comfort” by the euphemistically named “organisers” of the event. About a hundred yards to my right were the serried ranks of the local Hells Angel fraternity who were encamped en masse like an iron clad phalanx of doom. It was only twelve years after Altamont, and even in the bucolic wastelands of rural Devon, they felt that they had something to live up to. Unfortunately, for me at least, they had decided to set up camp immediately between the area where I had set up my tiny tent and parked my car and the main exit, and several of the nastiest and meanest looking of them were patrolling the area armed with pool cues and what I think were hollowed out pickaxe handles that had been filled with molten lead. I was therefore somewhat marooned, and feeling uncomfortable, isolated, alone and more than a little frightened.

    Suddenly, in the middle of what appeared to me to be a sea of greasy black leather jackets, emerged a delicate, fey looking figure, wearing an extraordinary array of satins and silks in a variety of peacock colours. It looked for all the world as if one of the gaily coloured inhabitants of one of Arthur Rackham`s fairy paintings had suddenly been transported into the middle of a field of leather-clad Neanderthals. The figure tripped gaily towards me, and appeared to my addled brain to be floating like a surreal, and rainbow-hued butterfly above the sea of mud and motorbikes. As it got closer I could see that it was a youth, hardly old enough to shave with an angelic halo of light brown hair surrounding a face that was covered with intricate paintings of butterflies and lotus flowers. He came and sat next to me and my companions.

    Much to my amazement everyone else who was with me seemed to take this apparition in their stride. “`Lo Danny”, one of them grunted cheerfully, “`ow are y`doing?”. Another friend asked him what the hell he had been doing wandering blithely through the middle of the taciturn, unfriendly and potentially dangerous crowd of bikers. “Ahhhhh they`re harmless.” he said, in an Irish accent that he seemed to be able to turn on and off at will, “and anyway they wouldn`t hurt me...I am legion, I am many”.

    His name was Danny Miles, and for reasons known best to himself he had recently adopted the nom-de-guerre of `Legion the Cosmic Dancer`. I got to know him reasonably well over the next few years, and he would occasionally drift into my life, causing chaos for a few weeks and then disappear as simply as he had arrived. During the years when fashions were led by Culture Club and the New Romantics, Danny was in his element. He paraded his omnisexuality for all to see like some magnificent, (if slightly deranged) bird of paradise and flirted outrageously with boys and girls alike. As the decade of Thatcherism advanced and my life became more normal, and I drifted into my disastrous marriage and the twin pitfalls of a job and a mortgage I saw less of him, but he would still turn up once in a while, and we would sit up long into the night drinking wine, gazing at the stars and talking about nothing in particular as I dreamed dreams of my lost youth. Danny never seemed to either grow any older or to settle down.

    My first wife disliked him intensely, and I don’t think my second wife has ever met him. He has turned up in my life on various occasions over the past thirty years, but I have only heard from him occasionally (and not seen him) since the turning of the millennium when he turned up at my house unexpectedly talking nonsense about succubi and clutching a gift basket of blueberry muffins for me; a gift which he then proceeded to eat entirely himself.

    But like a bad penny, he has turned up again. According to his peculiar email, which he dubbed “A CommuniquĆ© from the Xtul Underground”, he (dubbing himself Xtul’s ‘Minister for Information’ was letting me in upon “The Summer of the Great Secret” and had decided that it was my “Holy Mission” to help propagate the “Message of the Neo-Godz in the Vineyardss of Madness”, which seems to mean helping him with a Facebook page for (what appears to be) a rather interesting little band operating in much the same territory as the late lamented KLF.

    I have cautiously agreed for a number of reasons.

    • Firstly, I like the music
    • I like the challenge – this reminds me of one of the peculiar magickal art games like THE CASE that I played with Doc Shiels
    • Danny knows where the bodies are buried (in my case at least) and it would be unwise for me to cross him
    • My life has been getting a little dull recently, and if there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is that life with Danny is never dull

    So onwards and upwards. Let us see what this summer will bring.
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  2. My name is Mr Loxodonta
    And when your mind begins to wander
    Into places that you know
    You really shouldn’t let it go
    In the gaps between your dreams
    Where you hear the idiots scream... See more
    Like ·  · 


2 Female ,1 cotton top Tamarin,2 Male Emperor  Tamarin monkeys all endangered were stolen from Blackpool Zoo.The local police believe it to be a planned  and pre-meditated crime and the zoo fears the monkeys are going to be sold on the Black Market.These monkeys need around the clock attention ,strict fruit and veg diet with vitamin D,Ultra -light or may die.This is a horrible event made out of greed  and i hope the
culpits get caught and monkeys returned to zoo.


An undercover investigator  found bootleg cigarettes contained faeces ,dead animals mixed in. This is due to the practise of factories used  by them sweep up  ,dropped discarded tobacco. Mostly sold in shops,cafes,pubs ,bookmakers  and blamed on my own
favorite giant rats.

Collared Pratincole-rare sighting

A rare bird visit at Northam  Burrows  sparked interest from  local birdwatchers .The bird  was a Collared Pratincole,a rare sight in u.k  and normally occur during periods of high pressure  with southernly winds across  u.k.Breeds in Southern europe,Asia,Africa.


Marine Discovery-wildlife tour operator  are asking people to be more careful when in water.This is due to a pod of Basing Sharks ,second sighting this year.This advice is to help people not to diturb the sharks natural behaviour.


20 Wild Boar  were on the in Maesteg,South Wales after vandels let them out.The fear of the boars being wild is there might attack people  if disturbed foraging for food.During the middle ages  bars were hunted to extinction but in 1980,s reintroduced,500 are said to be breeding  and living in Sussex,Kent,Glouseshire,Dorset,Devon  mainly in woods.

Dementia Facebook app to raise awareness of the illness

Facebook users are being invited to experience what it is like to live with dementia in a bid to raise greater awareness about the disease.
The FaceDementia app, by Alzheimer's Research UK, "takes over" personal Facebook pages, and temporarily erases important memories, mimicking how dementia affects the brain.
Users can watch their personal photos, important details and status updates disappear before their eyes.
FaceDementia web page
Their real page remains intact.
The app does not hold on to any data or scramble a user's real timeline or Facebook information, instead presenting an overlay to show the effects of dementia.
People can also watch short videos featuring people affected by dementia explaining what impact the symptoms, simulated by FaceDementia, have had on them or their relative.
Rebecca Wood, chief executive of Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "Facebook's appeal is that it can gather your friends and family and keep them close, with memories and contacts all contained within one space. It also develops a diary of your life since you joined the site and documents your thoughts and musings during that time.
"We wanted to use these Facebook features to illustrate how those thoughts and memories can be confused, or forgotten altogether, as experienced by some of the hundreds of thousands of people across the UK living with dementia.
"Stigma around dementia is due in part to a lack of public awareness and understanding, so FaceDementia will be invaluable in helping people better understand the condition.


Hi dad it is hard to believe its coming up to a year soon that you passed away-12-05-2013.Daily life has been running as normal i am doing blogging/drawing/helping  and when can try to give info about cancer and dementia you suffered to help others. I ring mum up once a week ,she misses you more than she lets on,jayne  and  john  are engaged  and hope to marry in april 2015 and have asked me to give jayne away ,we wish it was you.We know in our hearts your spirit will be thier on the day,i have not spoken to nicky for awhile as fell out during your funeral and yes if you where here you would tell me to try to make up but i cant forgive yet.Your grankids are growing up fast ,xanthia is expecting a baby soon.I wish you could read this in person but i know you will in a spiritaal way .On 12-05-2014 i will go to the local churh ,sit down ,say a pray ,shed a tear,altough not perfect your stiil my dad and i miss you.


Last night of Monty Python will broadcast live across 450 cinemas in u.k on July 20th from o2 arena


In a abandoned lot in New York,Yonkers area ,u.s.a .30 dead cats hanging from a tree found.Local police believe the bizarre killings is the work of a serial cat killer


Animals you can keep with a licence in Britain under Dangerous Wild Animal Act 1976-Giant Anteater,Gorilla,Jackal,Lion,Tasmanian Devil,Giant Armadillo,Western and Eastern Grey Kangaroo.Others you only require not to have a license are-Nightowl-monkeys,Titi monkeys,Squirrel monkeys,lemurs,Foxes,Grey Seals,Domestic Reindeer.

Xtul-new band for the modern age

We are inspired by the very fabric of existence which you humans seem intent on pissing into infinity. Xtul is the beginning of the end, or at least the end of the beginning. A new age in a very real sense.
We aim to change the world by whatever means necessary. Read my lips human. By ANY means necessary
Future plans? Nothing less than the destruction of the Capitalist system, the end of all things, bringing forth a multitude of seasoned warriors to defeat the false Gods and usher in a season of something or other.
Ragnorok and roll.Posted a new song: "Mister Loxodonta"


The thing that inspired me was the quest for knowledge, to touch just a hint of understanding of what we often call the unknown. I approach Cryptozoology differently than allot of others,I'm more of a person who doesn't try to figure out what the creature is but why it is there. Everything in Nature has a reason for what it does and where it is and if you can figure that out it gives you a starting point to start looking.It also allows you to find out. My Aims are to discover as much as possible about these animals. where they live and why they live there. I would like to get a scientific team together for greater study of the phenomena and the equipment I so desperately need but no one funds fringe science. I have two books in the offing as there have been none written exclusively on New Zealand Cryptids and people ask for articles, blogs and other extras which keep me busy.what kind of organism you are dealing possibly for the future - The books are a high priority and the NZ CFZ has gone into collaboration with Auckland Paranormal on a consolatory capacity, so that should bring some interesting developments.And the research and articles continue on.....

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Star Wars: Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill reunite for latest film

Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill became household names after 1977's first Star Wars movieHarrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill as Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker in Star Wars

Related Stories

Original Star Wars actors Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill will feature in Star Wars: Episode VII, the latest film in the franchise.
Other actors confirmed are Andy Serkis and Max von Sydow, alongside relative newcomers John Boyega and Daisy Ridley, both of whom are British.
Episode VII will start shooting at Pinewood Studios, near London, in May.
Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker will also return as C-3PO, Chewbacca and R2-D2 respectively.
Star Wars castA picture of the cast was posted on
Director JJ Abrams said: "We are so excited to finally share the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. It is both thrilling and surreal to watch the beloved original cast and these brilliant new performers come together to bring this world to life, once again.
"We start shooting in a couple of weeks, and everyone is doing their best to make the fans proud."
picture of the new cast, with R2-D2 in a wooden crate, was posted on the official Star Wars site on Tuesday.
The new recruits include:
Domhnall Gleeson, Daisy Ridley, John BoyegaLeft to right: Domhnall Gleeson, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega
  • Domhnall Gleeson, son of Irish actor Brendan Gleeson, his film credits include About Time, Never Let Me Go and a recurring role as Bill Weasley in the Harry Potter films.
  • Daisy Ridley, a British actress, whose TV career has included bit parts in Casualty, Mr Selfridge and Silent Witness. According to her agent's website, she was cast in the second Inbetweeners movie last year.
  • John Boyega, a 22-year-old British actor, who previously starred in the inner-London sci-fi Attack the Block. Along with Gleeson and Ridley, he is expected to be one of the "trio of new young leads" announced by director Abrams earlier this year.
Max von Sydow, Oscar Isaac and Adam DriverLeft to right: Max von Sydow, Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver
  • Max von Sydow, an actor equally recognisable as Knight Antonius Block in Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal and Father Lankester Merrin in The Exorcist. The 85-year-old Swede was Oscar nominated for his 9/11 drama Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close in 2012 and has previous sci-fi experience as Ming the Merciless in 1980's Flash Gordon.
  • Oscar Isaac, who played the lead role in the Coen Brothers' Oscar-nominated drama Inside Llewyn Davis last year. He is reportedly in line for "a major role" in the franchise.
  • Adam Driver, best known as Adam, the frequently shirtless love interest in cult comedy drama Girls. He has been widely reported to be playing Star Wars' main antagonist.
  • Andy Serkis, a master of motion capture, famously responsible for creating Gollum in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy. Outside of CGI, his acting CV includes a Bafta-nominated turn as Ian Brady in the television film Longford.
R2-D2R2-D2 will definitely be returning in Episode VII
Open auditions for two roles in the new films were held in the UK and Ireland last November.
They were for a "street smart and strong" orphaned girl in her late teens and a "smart capable" man in his late teens or early 20s.
It has not been confirmed whether the new cast came from the auditions, but none of them are complete unknowns and all have previous experience on screen.
No announcement has been made about the specific parts each of the cast members will play.
Episode VII will be the fifth Star Wars movie to to be shot in the UK.
The original trilogy was filmed at Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire, while prequel The Phantom Menace began shooting on 26 June 1997 at Leavesden Studios in Hertfordshire.
Ford, Fisher and Hamill became household names thanks to their roles in the originals - with Ford as smuggler and rogue Han Solo, Fisher as Princess Leia and Hamill as farmhand-turned-Jedi Luke Skywalker.
The new film is due in cinemas on 18 December 2015.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Southend Pier

Southend Pier


If you walk along Southend-on-Sea's High Street, towards the sea, your eye will be drawn in a straight line towards the longest pleasure Pier in the world. Standing for over a century it extends 2.158 kilometres (1.341 miles) into the Thames Estuary, and is a well-loved and recognised symbol of Southend and the pleasures of the English seaside. Sir John Betjeman once said, "The Pier is Southend, Southend is the Pier" and it's as true today as it was when it first welcomed visitors all those years ago.

With truly stunning 360 degree views all year round, Southend Pier is the perfect place to go for a taste of the invigorating fresh air, and experience the freedom of the sea or to simply spend the day fishing at Southend pier.

At the Pier Head you can visit the active RNLI station and gift shop, relax and take in the fantastic views from the superb sun-deck or stop by The Royal Pavilion, which dominates much of the Pier Head and provides the perfect place for an afternoon tea in the inhouse cafƩ. The Pavilion also plays host to a number of fantastic events throughout the year, including Jazz and Comedy Festivals, plays, concerts, exhibitions and much more.

Throughout the year Southend on Sea Pier plays host to a number of fantastic events, from live music and puppetry, to spooktacular Halloween fun and even a visit from Santa, as well as visiting Tall Ships, which offer unique trips and a taste of the nautical life
For further details see

Opening details

Southend Pier & Visitor Information Centre are now open from Wednesday until Sunday from 9.15am until 5pm (last entrance 4pm) except school holidays from November 2013 until the end of March 2014.
From 7th April we will be open 7 days a week 8.15a.m - 6.00p.m Monday-Friday.
8.15a.m-8.00p.m Saturday and Sunday. Last entry 1 hour before closing.


Return Train Journey:
Adult - £4.00
Child / OAP / Concession / Student - £2.00
Family (2 adults and 3 Children) - £10.00
Walk & Ride:
Either walk one way and ride the other
Adult - £3.50
Child / OAP / Concession / Student - £2.00
Family (2 adults and 3 Children) - £9.00
Walk Both Ways:
Adult- £2.00
Child / OAP / Concession / Student - £1.00
I worked at southend pier arcades for 3 months plus ones on escade-fond memorys of doughts,girls in bikinis and spending time on acrade machines waiting for my mates to turn up.