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Showing posts with label Reissued by Mark antony raines. Show all posts

Friday 6 May 2022

The Honored Prophet by William E Bentley

The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Honored Prophet, by William E. Bentley

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Title: The Honored Prophet

Author: William E. Bentley

Illustrator: Virgil Finlay

Release Date: May 10, 2010 [EBook #32316]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


Produced by Sankar Viswanathan, Greg Weeks, and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at

Transcriber's Note:

This etext was produced from If Worlds of Science Fiction November 1954. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.







Illustrated by Virgil Finlay


The black dwarf sun sent its assassin on a mission which was calculated to erase the threat to its existence. But prophesies run in strange patterns and, sometimes, an act of evasion becomes an act of fulfillment....



he ruler of a planet with a black dwarf sun had called a meeting of the council. It was some time before they were assembled, and he waited patiently without thought.

When the patchwork of mentalities was complete he allowed the conclusions of the prognosticator to occupy his mind. A wall of unanimous incredulity sprang up. The statement was that when the inhabitants of a distant planet achieved space flight they would come to this planet, and use a weapon invented by an individual to destroy it. The prognosticator could not lie, and soon the facade dissolved into individual reactions as acceptance became general. Anger, fear, resignation, and greedy little thoughts of self-aggrandizement. Those thoughts were replaced by a quiescent, questioning receptivity. The questioning grew out of proportion, became hysterical, assumed the panic shape. Self-preservation demanding that there be a solution. Minor prophecies had been evaded before. Details of the individual had been supplied, could not something be done?

The Assassin was summoned.

The pattern of Dr. Simon Cartwright's encephalic emanations, and the approximate position of the center of these emanations were impressed on its mind. And in a strangely bulbous ship it plunged outward from that eternally dark and silent planet towards Earth.


A man was walking along a road. A high road. A silent, dark road. Below him on both sides of the road flat marshland swept away, and a little wind caressed him with chill fingers. His tiny world of road beneath him, darkness around him, sky above him, contained only the sound of his footsteps—and one other. A regular, liquid sound. He thought it was a sound from the marsh. He listened to it, and wondered how long it had been with him. It was close behind him on the road. He stopped, turned round in small curiosity, and bellowed in great horror. He threw up his hands against an immense bulk, a frog-like shape, a lurching, flowing movement. Then it was upon him, and stilled his futile writhings, and passed over him, and left him dead.

The Assassin continued along the road. It was aware that it had killed, but it could not contemplate the fact. It possessed all the mental powers of its race, but its conditioning had focused them in one direction, the assassination of Dr. Cartwright. It could consider only those factors which had a direct relation to that purpose.

Daylight was one of those factors.

It was not aware of the passage of time, but when the sensitive patch on its back began to contract it left the road and went to the marsh. There it burrowed into the slime until green-flecked water closed over it. And deeper until a depth of mud protected it from the sun.


Dr. Cartwright groaned and sat up in bed. He silenced the ringing telephone by putting the receiver to his ear.

"Do you know what time it is?" he asked, aggrieved.

"Hello? Doctor Cartwright? This is the police."

"It is half-past seven," continued Simon. "For me, the middle of the night. I am in no fit state to measure a drunk's reactions."

"I'm sorry, sir, but there's been an accident. On the Waverton Highway. A man is dead, Inspector Andrews is in charge of the case."

"Inspector Andrews? Is mayhem suspected? Never mind, I'll get down there, right away."

He put the receiver down and got out of bed. His wife muttered something unintelligible and wrapped his share of the blankets round her. Simon went downstairs. He made a cup of coffee and drank it while he dressed. The engine of his car was cold, but his house was on a hill and he was able to coast down to the Highway.

The road was level and straight, and after a few minutes driving a little tableau came into sight—two cars, a group of uniforms. Inspector Andrews, tall, thin, dyspeptic, greeted him with a limp handshake. "Something funny about this," he said. "See what you think."

Simon went down on one knee beside the body and began to undo the clothing. After a time he looked up into the sky. "This is very strange," he murmured.

"I know," grunted Andrews. "Can they take the body now?"

Simon stood up and nodded. He remained staring out across the marsh until the body had been removed, and the ambulance a distant object. Then he went and sat in his car. Andrews finished giving instructions to his Sergeant, and joined him. "I'll let you give me breakfast," he said.

"You're very kind," said Simon absently, and released the brake.

"Any use asking for the cause of death?" asked Andrews.

"Oh, the cause of death was crushing, but the cause of the cause of death—" Simon shook his head. "There wasn't an unbroken bone in his body. Could he have been dropped from an airplane?"

Andrews shook a ponderous head. "He was a bus driver on his way to work without an enemy in the world. And I've a feeling his death is going to keep me awake at nights. Anyway, Sergeant Bennet is going over the area with a magnifying glass. We'll put up a pretty good show. Can you suggest anything?"

"It wasn't a car," said Simon carefully. "The skin was unbroken, except from the inside. I can only imagine something like a rubber-covered steam-roller."


hat night the Assassin killed two people.

When it grew dark it heaved itself up out of the slime. A long business of bodily expansion and contraction. Two men were on the road and heard the noise it made.

"Somethin' out there."

"Stray cow, maybe."

They stood and peered into the dark, trying to see a familiar shape. The Assassin approached them, and was too big for them to see. They stood in its path and looked for a familiar object in the blackness of its body. So the instant of apprehension was small, the panic and exertion soon over. Without pausing the Assassin moved over them and continued on its way.

A little later Inspector Andrews found them. He was in a radio patrol car, and he was moving in the same direction as the Assassin. With him in the car were three large men carrying automatic rifles. Andrews stopped the car, and one of the men got out and knelt by the bodies. Andrews watched him somberly for a moment then reached for the microphone. He spoke to the station sergeant.

"Inspector Andrews here. Send an ambulance out here, will you, and phone Doctor Cartwright. Tell him the steam-roller's loose again. It may be on the road heading his way. Yes, steam-roller. He'll understand."

He put the microphone down, called to the man on the road. "I'm leaving you here, Roberts. There's an ambulance on its way. Go back with it. Get in Sergeant Bennet's car and both of you join us up ahead."

He closed the car window and released the brake. The empty road began to unwind slowly into the area of light ahead.


Simon put the receiver down and looked at his wife. She was concentrating on a sock by the fire. He went over and kissed the top of her head. "Goodbye," she said.

"Listen," he said quietly. "When I'm gone lock the door behind me and don't go out. If you hear any funny noises go down to the cellar. Understand?"

She was a little frightened. "Honey, what is it?"

He smiled. "It's nothing. Long John Andrews is out hunting. I'm going along in case he shoots himself."

He took his shot-gun off the mantle and stuffed his pockets with cartridges.

"I'll bring you back a rabbit," he said. "So long."

He drove down slowly. He was scared, but he was still young enough to find it exhilarating. The loaded shot-gun was a great help.

He turned on to the highway, and slowed to walking pace. He stared into the darkness ahead until his eyes burned, and imagination peopled his surroundings with writhing shapes.

Then he saw it, and the muscles across his chest trembled convulsively. Fear clutched his stomach. He slammed his foot down on the brake and gaped up at it. It was standing still in the middle of the road, a giant, pear shaped body, looking something like a man kneeling upright. At the front, turned inwards, were a number of arm-like appendages.

The shot-gun was ridiculous now, the car made of paper. To get out and run was impossible, and he longed to be able to sit still and do nothing. And the seconds dragged by. Time for contemplation built up, and a strange realization dropped into his seething mind. He sensed something about its attitude. A cringing, a withdrawal. "God," he whispered. "It doesn't like the light."

He might have relaxed then, but it moved. One of its arms unfolded, swung outward holding something metallic. Simon yelled. He grabbed the shot-gun, shoved the door catch down, threw his weight sideways. He landed on his shoulder and kept on rolling. He reached the other side of the road, straightened up, and saw the roof of the car fly off with a roar. He fired then, from a crouching position and without taking aim. A lucky shot that hit the end of the weapon arm and shattered it. Then he ran, and the Assassin followed.

He ran in the direction he'd been heading, and gave himself up to terror. He was primaeval man fleeing from sabre-tooth. He was living a nightmare. His brain reeled, air burnt his lungs, and his pounding heart echoed in his temples. Then he was running into a blaze of light, between headlights that enfolded him like a mother's arms, and he was clinging to a radiator cap. Dimly he heard the crash of high powered rifles about him. A black figure came into his haven of light, began to loosen his tie.

"Get out of the light," he gasped. "It doesn't like the light."

"Who invited you?" grunted Andrews. He put Simon's arm round his neck, and half carried him round to the side of the car, pushed him into the front seat.

"I'll be all right in a minute," said Simon.

"Yeah," said Andrews, and left him.

After a little while the trembling in his limbs began to subside, breathing became easier. He leaned forward and watched a strange battle. The Assassin was about seventy yards ahead, moving slowly nearer. Two men stood on the right hand side of the car, pumping bullets into the grey, indistinct mass. Andrews stood watching with his hands in his jacket pockets. Suddenly he said, "All right, let go. You're only wasting bullets."

Simon looked at him in alarm. "Hey, you're not just going to stand there. It doesn't like the light, but light can't kill it."

"Lie down on the floor," said Andrews dourly, without looking at him.


Andrews ignored him, stepped two paces forward. The Assassin was about twenty yards away now, seeming to have to fight against the stream of light. Andrews took his hands from his pockets. Simon saw what he was holding, and dived for the floor. He clasped his hands over the back of his neck as the night exploded with a gigantic crash.

When his ears had stopped screaming he got up. Andrews, an elbow on the window ledge, was watching him expressionlessly.

"You might have left me something to dissect," complained Simon. "Somebody's got to, you know."

"I'll mop you up a sponge full," said Andrews.

"Oh, no, you won't. You and your men stay back here. It's probably crawling with alien bacteria."

Actually, quite a lot of the Assassin was left, but decomposition was very rapid. Simon did the best he could with a magnifying glass and a penknife. He found that the body was almost entirely composed of bone and flesh in a honey-comb like structure. The bone being highly flexible, and the cavities filled with grey flesh. Flesh which quickly liquified and drained away from the bone. There was no blood, and Simon could find no trace of internal organs.

While he worked two more cars drove up, and gave him a little more light, but soon he had to give up. As he walked slowly back a spotlight sprang suddenly to life, and a pleasant authoritative voice spoke.

"Will you stay where you are, please, Doctor Cartwright."

Simon obeyed. Hell, he thought wearily. Officialdom has arrived. He shaded his eyes against the light, but he could see nothing.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"Commanding officer in charge of operations in this emergency. You've made an examination?"

"As far as I could. There's complete decomposition now."

"Oh, I see." A slight pause, then; "Perhaps I'd better put you in the picture. This is armed aggression, Doctor Cartwright. In any language it says war. Do you understand? We're at war, now.

"We found the vessel your friend came in several days ago. It was in the sea, twenty miles from here. Its discovery was kept secret because we weren't sure of its point of origin. Our people are engaged in finding the method of propulsion. They say it will give us the ability to travel in space. They also say that they can find the approximate position of its home planet. All that is top priority, of course, but in the meanwhile we must have an emergency line of defence against these things. We want to know how to find them and how to destroy them with the least possible expenditure of life and material. You understand?"

"Yes. I've got an idea about light waves. I fired a shot at it back there. The bone structure—"

"Don't tell me," interrupted the voice sharply. "Remember it. You realize, Doctor Cartwright, that you are just about the most important man alive. You know how fast it can move. You have fought it, you have examined it. So you can be sure that very good care will be taken of you."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm sorry, but you must see that you have to go into strict quarantine now. We dare not risk a plague. After quarantine you will go to work with our people. Now will you please get into the car at the extreme right, and follow the police."

"Where am I going?"

"Please hurry. There is a team of incendiaries waiting to clear the area."

"Oh, damnation," sighed The Most Important Man Alive, and walked towards the waiting car.


hen the ruler consulted the prognosticator again, after the Assassin's failure had been recorded, he found that a qualification had been added. The prophecy was now being fulfilled. He considered this dispassionately. He visualised the complex pattern of implication almost with pleasure. Was the machine alive? Certainly it could contemplate itself. It had calculated the effect of its existence, and had used the knowledge to destroy them. Or had they condemned themselves? By losing the ability to question. For the information on which the prophecy was based could have been available to them. Or was the machine only obeying a greater Fate? A Decree, stating that any life-form that surrendered itself to the dictates of a machine was doomed.

One thing alone was left to him. A choice. Without haste he began the preliminaries to thinking himself to death.

End of Project Gutenberg's The Honored Prophet, by William E. Bentley


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Advabit se Snit

by Mark Antony Raines 

Comedy Friendly Zombie Ltd 


Temný muž

Můj dědeček leží na svém smrtelném loži, přitahuje mě blízko a vypráví mi o hrozném zločinu, kterého spáchal před mnoha lety a utekl. Také mi říká, že jeho svoboda byla výsledkem kouzla, které provedl, a že bych měl očekávat návštěvu tmavého muže. „Vystoupí ze stínů,“ jsou jeho poslední slova, když odešel a nechal mě přemýšlet, co očekávat. “Frank, můj milovaný vnuk, musím ti něco říct, než půjdu dál. V roce 1921 jsem se dopustil nejhroznějšího zločinu, dostal jsem se do boje s rakouským mužem s černými vlasy a malými knírky o něm, který se mi pokoušel prodat obraz, který by dítěti dvou dokázal udělat bez velkého úsilí. Během tohoto boje se mi ho podařilo zabít, když mu udeřil hlavou proti krb si okamžitě zlomil krk. Běžel jsem ze scény a zpanikařil, pak jsem si vzpomněl na staré kouzlo z mého dětství v Rumunsku, tak jsem volal skrz věčné brány pekla Temného muže. Temný muž stál přede mnou, pravá noha vysoká nejtemnější temného stínu bytosti, kterou jsem kdy viděl. Temný muž mi řekl prostřednictvím sdělování myšlenek do mého mozku, zachráním tě před tvým současným osudem výměnou za cenu tvé smrti, kterou bude tvůj prvorozený syn myslet převzít mysl, tělo a duše, aby byli mezi lidským světem více způsobovat chaos a další světovou válku. Takže to byl Temný muž, který obrátil čas zády, než jsem se zapojil do boje s rakouským chlapem, kterého žila dál, takže vidíte, že jsem zabil Adolfa Hitlera, ale kvůli mé panice jsem ho přes Dark Man nechal žít a vy, jak to otočil jsem se. “Přešel jsem znovu a znovu po svých dědečkových slovech, dokud se před ním neobjevil temný muž, popadl ho za krk a jednou rukou ho nezvedl ze země. Temný muž mluví:„ Vaše duše je moje, ale pokud si přejete žít Přál bych si, abys mi sporela nového diktátora, který je více nedotknutelný, Jaká je vaše odpověď, jedno mrknutí pro ano, dva pro ne "Dávám jedno mrknutí, Dark Man mě pomalu staví zpět na zem. Dark Man pak položí mi ruku na srdce a řekne: „Udělal jsi správné rozhodnutí, pane Trump.“

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Jsem uvězněn v podivné sněhové bouři, kterou jsem zvládl po velké fyzické snaze najít úkryt ve staré jeskyni více štěstí než soudu. Týdny ubíhají a pořád silně sněží a vstup do staré jeskyně, kterou jsem našel, je v tuto chvíli uzavřen, mám hlad. Voda není problém, protože mohu použít kapky vody ze sněhu, ale jsem jedlík a začínám se dívat na spodní nohu. "Na spodní noze je spousta dobrých svalů." Natáhl jsem nůž a připravil jsem se na to, co je potřeba k přežití. “„ Dobře, trochu svalnatý, trošku lámaný. krev tekoucí na zemi, rozhodl jsem se ochutnat, že je teplo, když mi spadne do krku. Proč nejsem rušen svými činy, musí to být moje potřeba přežít, překonává můj normální morální kompas, to pro nás lidi není normální, ale vzpomínám si na článek o havárii letadla, v níž kvůli poloze došlo téměř nemožné pro záchranu a po několika dnech vyčerpání jídla se rozhodl jíst lidi, kteří zemřeli. Slyšel jsem hlas volající: „Tohle je Horská záchrana, jsme tu, abychom tě zachránili před tvým utrpením.“ Než vykřiknu svou odpověď, vložím nůž do kapsy, vyčistím si bar a nohu, kterou vidím, že je blízko na kost, tak jsem popadl nedalekou skálu a zdvihl ji na plný úsek a snesl ji dolů se všemi silami, které jsem mohl sbírat a zvládl jsem to. „Ano, jsem tady, má zlomenou nohu.“ Záchranáři se ke mně přiblíží, zdá se, že zní mladě, konečně čerstvé maso.


On je jen dítě. 

Malé dítě zvané Simon se začíná velmi zajímat o hororové filmy až k zděšení rodičů, kteří se obávají, že mu to přinese noční můry. Simon rád experimentuje s malými zvířaty nejrůznějšími hroznými brutálními mučeními. nakonec se rozhodne promoci na člověka. Jeho jediným rozhodnutím je zaměřit se na dospělé nebo jiné děti. Pravidelně se pak v nočních hodinách noční klanové hlavy vynoří v noci jako černoch jako ninja válečník, aby se nezaměnil s druhem herní show. Zprávy o zprávách o zmizení dětí a také strachu mezi tuláckou komunitou, protože se bojí malého ninja stínu noci. Simon si rád hraje se svými oběťmi, protože je to tak zábavné sledovat je, jak křičí, když pomalu prořezává jejich končetiny a vydává maniakální smích. Bylo příliš snadné zajmout jeho oběti, protože zatímco tam stáli zmatení při pohledu na malou postavu oblečenou v černém, Simon zvedl ruku, aby odhalil údernou pistoli, která při vystřelení uvolnila peletu schopnou vyřadit slona, ​​Simon byl tak potěšen, že zjistil, že zákon při nákupu střelné šipky byl uvolněný, pokud jste tvrdili, že jste veterinář online.



Proč jsem se dopustil toho hloupého zločinu, že se v supermarketu chlastal, takže na chlapce zapůsobilo dlouhé blond vlasy, modré ocelové oči a tělo Adonis. Ano, Mary Sue, dostal jsi se do další pěkné nepořádky, teď jsi zametl slona hnaného z písčité prstencové podlahy putujícího cirkusu, alespoň nejsem nikde poblíž klaunů. Mary Sue se zastavila a odpočívala, když se opřela o koště a vypadala jako čarodějnice chudého muže. Mary Sue nenáviděla klauni s vášní kvůli tomu, že se cítili vyděšeni kvůli malovaným obličejům, obrovským botám a pestrobarevným oblečením právě způsobily, že její úrovně úzkosti procházely střechou. Pak uslyšela hluk, který přinesl okamžitý strach, troubení na rohu, pískání nadměrných oděvů, šustění šatů, vůni mastnoty ve vzduchu. Ve skupině čerstvých klaunů, kteří dokončili svůj velký vrchol, připravená posadit se možná kouřit vape.Mary Sue srdce bušilo tak rychle, že si myslela, že její srdce exploduje mimo její tělo, podvědomě zvedla vidlici a nechala vykřiknout krve, aby zaútočila na klauni vidle způsobující krvavou masu klaunů, kteří jsou těžce zraněni, jiní mrtví jako dveře. Mary Sue měla na tváři stále ještě žertovný úsměv na tváři, když ji vzali muži v bílých pláštích, které ji táhli za kliky její rovné Bunda.


Válka je fena

Nikdo vás neslyší, jak křičíte ve vesmíru, ale zkuste říct kosmonautovi a kosmonautovi, kteří jsou na Mezinárodní vesmírné stanici, kteří jsou svědky toho, jak jejich retrospektivní země jdou mezi sebou do jaderné války jako ostatní. Both jim zasílá řadu kódovaných zpráv bývalý vládní s.So Alexander a Sam se oba rozhodli, že se navzájem nezabijí. Alex a Sam debatují o tom, jak je jejich čas vyrovnán ve oslavené plechové krabičce, která se vznáší v plutonské temnotě vesmíru s výhledem na hvězdy a modrou zalitá planeta, která se nazývala domů. Řekl jsem Alexandrovi: „Vždycky jsem ti chtěl říci, že tě miluji Alexandře; věděl jsem, že jsem tě viděl,“ Alexander jen dává Samovi a velmi zlým pohledem a pak skočí směrem k Samovi, který popadl potrubní připojení k jeho helma bílá zlatá rybka. Uvnitř Sam začíná cítit nezbytný vzduch, který mu pomáhá přežít, a zmizel a ve svých posledních bolestech smrti odvetí tím, že udělal totéž zpět jeho milovaný z dalekého Alexandra. Když se na sebe zaskřípějí pochmurní žáci, náhle klepe na jejich dveře, tady se ozve hlasový signál v reproduktorech informační stanice „Následující série událostí byla testovací jízda, která testovala reakční doby na tento možný budoucí scénář; prosím, vraťte se k normální službě. “Nyní v mezinárodní vesmírné stanici jsou dvě plovoucí rozkládající se těla, která čekají na další příjmy se změnou směn. Válka je fena .

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Lovec pokladů najde hrobku pohřbenou pod špínu uprostřed dříve neobjeveného hrobky královny Enidové, která byla kvůli její sadistické vládě vynechána z většiny egyptských dějin, já profesor Mark Hughes byl tím, kdo náhodou našel zapomenuté svitky, zatímco pracuje v muzeu. Uvnitř svitků byla kódovaná zpráva, která říkala, že královna Enid ukryla poklad v hrobce, která byla umístěna na míle daleko od údolí králů: v nejhlubší nejtemnější části pouště, kde se dokonce i místní nomádové odváží šlapat. Profesor Mark Hughes kráčel směrem k pohřební komoře hrobů a pomalu a stabilně se díval nahoru a dolů, díval se nahoru a dolů, protože nechtěl vyrazit na starobylé Bobby pasti. Je uvnitř pohřební komory. Profesor se blíží rakvi v hrobce. Řecká etymologie „sarkofágu“ je „jedlík masa“. Nejedná se však o egyptský výklad. ... Tato hříčka je posílena slovem suhet, které se používá pro „vnitřní rakve“ nebo snad „mumii“. Profesor skenuje hrobku

Mumie byly často pohřbeny s mnoha jejich věcmi, které by mohly být potřebné v posmrtném životě. Protože to byla hrobka královny Enidové, znamenalo to

  velmi bohatá osoba, jako je faraon, by byla pohřbena předměty vyrobenými ze zlata, například šperkem. Ale profesorům zděšilo všechno, co bylo v této pohřební komoře, sarkofág uprostřed komory. Profesor se tedy rozhodne přiblížit k sarkofágu a je na něm kombinace různých stylů. Byla to kletba (Je to s mým posledním přáním, aby ten, kdo shledá tento sarkofág při otevření, byl odměněn největším pokladem, který jim mohu dát.) Zájmem byl zájem o Marka Hughese; svalová síla, která se má používat díky hmotnosti víka Sarcophagus. Víko sarkofágu je otevřené a uvnitř namísto nalezení obvyklých zbytků zabalených do obvazů vypadajících jako mumie; uvnitř bylo dokonalé tělo královny Enidové s dlouhými blonďatými vlasy a zakřiveným tělem úplně nahým, které ji vystavovalo jeho nyní zářivým myšlenkám. Profesor se snaží dát zářivé myšlenky dozadu, ale zjistí, že Queen Enid se dívá hypnoticky a přísahá, že na její tváři vidí záblesk úsměvu, ale to by bylo nemožné, protože královna Enid je po tisíce let mrtvá . Najednou bez varování sedí královna Enid vzpřímeně a dívá se přímo na něj. Profesorka je přilepená k podlaze ze strachu a strachu z toho, že přijde na hrůzou smrtící konec jako něco ze starého filmu Hammer House of Horror. Quen Enid otevře ústa promluvte: „Vítejte ve vašem novém domově a čekejte dlouhou dobu, až někdo přijde na místo mého pokladu.“ Mlha zaplní pohřební komoru a vzdálené výkřiky jsou ale zapomenuté ozvěny v poušti, když se dveře zavírají a stojící venku je žena oblečená v pánských šatech s dlouhými blonďatými vlasy.



Nyní jsou zde děti definice stvoření. cokoli vytvořeného, ​​ať už živého nebo neživého.

osoba; lidské bytosti: Je to okouzlující stvoření. Řidič autobusu je někdy podrážděný tvor.

animovaná bytost.

osoba, jejíž postavení nebo jmění dluží někomu nebo něčemu, kdo pokračuje pod kontrolou nebo vlivem této osoby nebo věci: Kardinál byl stvořením Ludvíka XI.

Skot. a starší US Use.intoxifying liquor, zejména whisky (obvykle předchází): Pije trochu tvora před spaním.

Budu zkoumat a vysvětlit každý z těchto významů jako součást toho, že znáte jeho původ a co to pro nás znamená dnes sedět v této mé třídě. To začíná na začátku všeho, co bylo vytvořeno, ať už se živí nebo živí lidé kdysi zabývali masami a ve většině literatury, že bytost byla živá nebo neživá, a dokonalým příkladem je příběh Frankensteina, i když, jak víte z předchozích lekcí, Frankenstein byl ve skutečnosti vědecký mozek za tvorem, který byl neživou mrtvolou šitou spolu s různými částmi těla. od vykopaných mrtvol běžnou praxí za starých časů. Takže to pokračuje k dalšímu, který říká, že je

osoba; lidské bytosti: Je to okouzlující stvoření. Řidič autobusu je někdy podrážděný tvor, protože nezastavuje na autobusové zastávce atd. Animovanou bytostí je to zombie, o kterém se kdysi myslelo, že postrádá inteligenci jakéhokoli druhu. Pokud jde o další dva důvody, nyní existují jen některé městské příběhy, které bytosti zvané lidé rádi zapisují do žánru hrůzy. Učitel se dívá na svou třídu jako dobrý mix termínu, který byl kdysi použit. Žáci se skládali z zombie; Vlkodlaci; Upíři, ghúlové a další pro vás nestvůry nejsou noční můrou, pouze průměrnými běžnými bytostmi, které se ve škole učí o lidské historii a jak jsou jejich skutečnými příšerami nebo tvory.


Poslední objednávky

Barman v Holsworthy Arms zazvoní mosazný zvonek, který vydává mohutný zvuk, aby signalizoval konec dne doprovázený výkřikem posledních objednávek jeden a všechny, čas vypít a jít domů. Tmavý stín sedí v plutonské temnotě v rohu rožně a piliny. Barman „Promiňte, že je čas pít a jít domů, když musím bar vyčistit a zavřít a jít domů“ přilepená na židli bez náznaku pohybu. Barman se začíná cítit rozrušený směrem k tomuto temnému stínu muže nebo ženy a jde dál a vstupuje do osobního prostoru temných stínů. Temný stín se dívá přímo na barmana, který padá v šoku, protože je to muž, kterého tak dávno zabil, když byl teenager, který pil příliš mnoho, řídil auto a přejel ho a opustil scénu, než byl chycen policií. "Co tady děláš? Tvoji mrtví; musí to být ilustrace," řekl Bartender. Temný stín se jen postavil a dal mu, zeptal se úšklebku a mrknutí očí a pak řekl: „Já sem vyzvednu tvou duši za to, že jsi tvá smrt nebo ponurá sklízečka, jak bychom řekli v obchodě.“ Barman pak má masivní srdeční infarkt a umírá na místě.


Strašidelné dítě pod postelí

Strašidelné dítě, které žije nad jeho postelí, monstrum děsí, když četl v hrůzostrašných příbězích starých, jak je jedí celé,

Jeho máma a táta říkají, aby udržovali světlo, které odvádí strašidelné dítě, které žije pod jeho postelí,

Táta říká, že pokud chytí dítě, bude mu kousnout z hlavy,

Jeho matka by raději udělala chat, aby zjistila, proč se tak dítě schovává pod postelí svých malých příšer.

Dítě se směje, když mu připadá zábavné, jak mu řekla jeho máma a táta, aby nebyl tak pošetilý, protože monstrum nahoře je postel, je jen výplodem jeho živých snů. Takže je děsivé dítě monstrum nebo monstrum vrcholem strašidelné dětské postele je hádanka tohoto podivného příběhu psaného ve formě blesku mužem, který má v kroucené mysli červa.

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Můj strašák vyrobený ze zlaté žluté slámy pro jeho tělo a slaměný klobouk na hlavě: na sobě kostkovanou košili a kalhoty červené připevněné na limetkově zelené šle a žádné boty ani boty na slaměných nohou. Sedí na poli na slunci; déšť ; sníh, vítr, který čeká na to, jak jeho subjekt přijal práci, pro kterou byl vytvořen, a to je vyděsit zvířátka od údolí a pole, které chrání jídlo, musí žít. Zajímalo by mě, jestli byl schopen žít to, co řekl nebo přemýšlet o tom, že je celý den na poli a čeká na vystrašení plutonské temnoty skromných vran, které vědci poskytli, jsou opravdu velmi chytří. Strašák viděl vše a sledoval, jak roste jeho mrtvýma očima si přeji, aby byl někdy naživu, abych mohl strávit jeden den tancem; mluví a jen trávím čas se svým přítelem naplněným slámou. Slyšel jsem, že klepání na mé dveře se zvedá z postele, když jsem zvědavý, kdo je u mých dveří. Odpovídám na dveře a vidím, že je můj přítel Strašák, který přišel hrát, ale jeho oči jsou červené a proč má vidle v jeho slaměných pažích, je to poslední myšlenka, kterou jsem měl, když vrhl vidle do mých mrtvých.

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Temný muž


Je to jen dítě


Válka je fena



Poslední objednávky

Strašidelné dítě pod postelí



Cartoon s are us


Keyworker by Mark Antony Raines


By Mark Antony Raines

Comedy Friendly Zombie Ltd.



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10.


It started as a living nightmare as if humanity had stepped headfirst into a Zombie Apocalypse film.

It was also like nature was copying from the book by H. G Wells, War of  The Worlds  in which the common cold killed the Martian invasion.

This time it was the reverse as a smaller than a very tiny speck of a dot with spears surrounding it looking under the telescope like a set of trumpets.

This was not a germ which has been with humanity since the beginning of our creation from ape to man, this was a virus which became to be known by two names, Covert -19, Coronavirus.

This was going to change everything about Tom  our hero a world and the rest of the world with him.

No one truly knew where the virus started but many a conspiracy theory were produced from a monkey escaping a secret lab then biting an unexpecting passer-by and then transferred from this host to others.

The other was its mutations of the various virus inside bats, it seems it was the bats turn to take the rap for a global plague, at least the rats were having a party as it was normally their fault.

Perhaps it was just destiny as if you studied your history books instead of thinking about completing the next level if your latest video game you would see that history has a habit like the British Broadcasting Corporation for repeating it's self.

Chapter 1

Where to start I suppose I could go for the classic once upon a time or one of my favourites from the world of film.

Far away in a far off galaxy but that goes against the accepted norm for writing a book for this about an event that changed all we knew about our world and all the concepts of society as we once knew it.

People soon developed into two groups almost like living out their inner Lord of the Flies inner scenario.

The two groups were as follows the one's willing to accept what their government was doing in dealing with this modern-day plague by doing their best to make sure to put ideas into action.

The others were the ones who knew what was going on but always thinking of a loophole's of getting past the bases of the government outlines for their own benefit of pleasure, money.

I going to go of piece here and rant a little so if you have brought this book or reading free via app please just skip this part I really don't mind.

So here comes the rant bit, when did going out or earning money become more important than all our most important thing Life, never thought I would see that in my limited time frame on this planet Earth.

You can't take money or having a good time with you when you go on your trip to the other realm, I wonder if Heaven or Hell practice social distancing of 6 metres or from people like myself two shopping trolleys in distance.

Right back to the book folks about bloody time I hear you say.

Tom was just sitting in his broom cupboard thinking of ways to avoid doing hard graft as he had done since he was a child, his school report read well at least you attended school well except for every Friday as you liked a long weekend. Pity you were just too busy scheming ways of getting out if lessons as it may explain your grades which were all a sound F.

Tom was just dunking his chocolate biscuit into his time when over the local radio station a news report came in of a man in China dying of mystery virus which affected his breathing.

To put this in the back of his head as he only really enjoyed the sports news except for when his football team he had been supporting losing again and you got is the distant memory Hoe hum such is the glory of life.

So Tom went back to his cup of tea and biscuit in his broom cupboard.

Many miles away and a very long swim and tiring on your arms and legs and an awfully long time to wait for your clothes to dry out if the sun has got its sun out and has come out to play.

A thin man wearing metal-rimmed glasses and thinning hair; reached over to buy his annual bit of fruit from the market when he lets out a spray of a cough; inside this coughing is a very small virus totally invisible, none judgement who it jumps onto to be its next host.

The Market Trader went home from a successful day of trading, over the next couple of days he developed a continuous cough, high fever and was struggling to speak due to being out of breath, he put this to the back of his head and carried on working at his stall until one day he failed to turn up for his market pitch.

So the new plague began

Chapter 2

Over next couple of weeks, rumours were all over the social media about a new plague about to hit the world as some saga wise old man and just to be politically correct in this world woman said some six hundred years ago that something awful was going to happen in 2020 expect if you were going to be a bit of a stickler you should read the last book of the Bible which has been telling us about the end of the world and the four horsemen, sorry no mention of it being woman, of the Apocalypse.

So the virus who really wanted to be known by a much cooler name then coronavirus as he thought Vcough was a more high class and he thought he and his kind had been getting a bit of a bad rap so he talked to a nice man who had goat feet and played pan pipes and after some bargaining, a plan was hatched, he Vcough would become as famous as his distant cousins Spanish and Black and that fellow he made a deal with I think his name was morningstar would boast his soul account, win, win situation for the both of them.


Chapter 3

Tom finished up for the day, left his broom cupboard, closed and locked the door and then walked pass the headmistress office door and nearly got away from not seeing her when he heard her golden brummie accent saying.

"Tom can I see you for a moment please!"

Tom thought about just legging it and dealing with the hassle the next day but it was far too late for that as Ms Reid with her fading red hair do yourself hair dye, thick metal rimmed glasses, and pear shaped body was stood right in front of him.

Vcough was getting a bit lonely inside his host bodies plus he wanted to be infamous in the annals of historical events so he did what his family always told him to do in times of need he self replicate himself a thousand fold and by giving the host a nasty cough he knew that droplets produced would infect the next host if within two metres or in old money ,just looking up on Google Chrome other web browsing sites are available,6 feet 6.74  inches 

So now Vcough had company of mini version s of himself; he loved this because he was a bit of a egoist .

Tomorrow sitting in Ms Reid office  felt to him like the  old days when  he was a much younger and better looking  version of himself. 

He was forever  being  sent to  the Headmaster s office  normally  to get the cane but surely  that not the case  this very moment of time in the realities of the theory of time which  is could include  in this  book  but it be very long and boring and no doubt  like me you will fall asleep and never  come back to my book.

Ms Reid spoke.

"I am sorry Tom to inform  you  due the current global events in am going to have to furlough you "

Furlong care of Wikipedia  

leave of absence, especially that granted to a 

member of the services or a missionary.

"a civil servant home on furlough"


grant leave of absence to.

"furloughed workers"

Tom just  let out a sigh  of  relief  at least  he was not given the sack or even  worse  smacked  against  his hand or his bottom. 

Chapter 4 


Coughing; breathlessness can be heard  around the  world .

Vcough sitting in his Red leather chair with its twenty four caret gold leaf and gothic wooden background if you the reader are wandering  how this is possible it's a book and my imaginationings  from my Manic ;Parnoid :O.C.D ;Small vessel disease of the brain which affects my cognitive skills brain  so thier ;at this point  of writing  in am poking  my tongue attached you  the reader :yes it's pretty. 

Tom has been sitting at home  watching  endless  back to back  Netflix and Amazon  boxsets and films;eating junk food and just  generally feeling  self dissatisfied with his and really grating  on his partners nerves; Tom not the marriage type  more the if times get too hard I please excuse my french  fuck  off.

One one of his really  extra lazy days he even urinates  into an empty  water bottle as getting  up and walking  the stairs is like real hard effort man.

Vcough dispite his godly status among  his fellow  virus chums was just  getting a little  bored as the infamy  he seeked was not coming as quickly as he frist  thought so he thought seeing  he was a virus and told by no less then orange hair and faced fellow by the  name of Donald Trump that he was very smart .

Vcough let's change the  game  to when my hosts finally  succumb to my virus friends  I make so is more fifty fifty  just  to throw the scent off the top scientific research communities of the world by one person  gets a weaker version the other a nice three weeks stay at your  nearest  intense  care unit ending on ventilation and a high risk of knocking  on St .Peters Pearly Gates. 

Tom was snorting and speaking  in his sleep  due to the weird dream. 

The dream 

"White Clouds on a bright blue sky ;birds flying : only the sounds  of  birds song  in the atmosphere. A black shadow  is in the far corner saying  these  words rerekrow a emoceb backwards  I sure the more intelligent  among the  readers would  notice that was a classic form of backwards  writing. '

It really say become a keyworker and with that he startled back  from  his slumber either that or the cold water poured over him by his partner out of frustration. 

Chapter 5

To celebrate the fact   Tom found  his way of being  a keyworker as the person  who  wipes down the shelves in a supermarket.

He made his partner  go with  him against  the government's  advice of essential travel  only:go to  the  nearest  twenty miles  away  Iceland s to get 50 burgers 50 pre cooked chicken wings and thighs so thier could  cook it all up for  thier neighbourhood; you  may think this was a noble gesture but it was a massive flop as not one soul turn up which meant  rather then throw away  valuable  food it's was cold burgers or chicken  for  the  next couple of days :yummy  for your  tummy  not!

Vcough finally had his army of  mini me;s ready to break into  thier hosts ;he had come up with a cunning plan to  fool the hosts who were called Scientist .

Vcough plan was a simple  but ingenious  idea ;instead  of  affecting the  host bodies with the  same symptoms he made it a fifty  _fifty by giving some hosts just a mild form and others authorised more life  threatening form. 

Vcough knew  this would  make him  more scary as no one would know  what version thier would get,he let out a maniacal laugh. 

Tom was just about to get ready for his very first day on his new job at Way get 

Supermarket when as he was sitting  in his kitchen eating his three wheatabix; at this point  I told to tell you other breakfast cereals are available due product placement  rules;don't you  hate red tape.

I always thought if red tape  has its superior who tells  it what  to do .

"This is the Superior  of the Red Tape I like  mention  that red tape  is want made this country great as without  be total anarchy "

Tom could feel a drop of water dripping down  from  the  ceiling :he rushed  upstairs like a greyhound on heat:turned off the shower then went back downstairs back to the kitchen .

In the kitchen was a small  puddle of water, Tom looking at his ceiling realised  he have to sort it out and take down  the lights and switch the power off the shower and oven and kitchen lights.

Just at this very moment as if she had some built in radar for knowing  something was  up. 

Toms partner walked into the  kitchen and all hell was let loose giving poor Tom;well in Toms mind; 

After a severe bashing of the ears and much grovelling and up teen cups of tea and I am sorry it was all my fault, Tom did try to blame the shower  being on due to the cat leaping  onto the shower cord causing  it to turn on due to the cats bodyweight which  in turn  frightened said cat who leap into  the  air and whilst in mid landing  caught  the shower head and as  the cat fell one its paws hit the on stitch button which in turn turned sad shower on.

Wow that was worthy  of filming it for You Been Framed_ This bit is care of my old pal Wikipedia _Viewers around the UK send in their home videos of friends, family and pets doing amusing or embarrassing things. 

All this would have  been a wonderful  but for one thing that Tom forgot  in his Cock and Bull tale_far-fetched and fanciful story or tale of highly dubious validity also cock-and-bull story.

Here comes the butt I reckon most readers  of this book probably saw a mile away.

Tom and his Partner Endha did not owe a cat and never had.

So Tom went to his frist job with two very red ears and a quiet dismeanor. 

Chapter 6

Tom frist  job was to get the reels of red and white striped tape placed on the supermarket  lino floor ; place said  tape in a straight line then do the same again at a distance of two metres _or six foot and seven inches in old imperial. 

The distance of two metres is deemed  to be a same distance as a cough or a sneezing normally gets weakened  by time it gets to the next person although like all science  it gets debated  to death  of right  or wrong  ;anyway thought Tom he is just  going to  do his job and this time just keep  is wild conspiracy theories to myself. 

Tom did not really understand the social distancing as most of his life spent thier time avoiding  him so he thought  it was quite  normal. 

Vcough was liked the  idea  that the hosts had little  graphics showing  his progress as he was awaiting  his moment  of being historic virus epidemic. 

Vcough  was a genuinely get a bit worried  when one of his inhabitanted hosts a old fellow  with a dodgy wig and orange skin who told the people under  him about  how we clever viruses were becoming  but Vcough soon sighed  with  relief of this president being  taken seriously when  he told the word that if you  injected yourself  with bleach it would  get rid of his Vcough disciplines. 

"Disclaimer Please do not inject your body  with bleach as you  will get very  ill or dead.

As thier say in wrestling don't try this at home _I the author of this book in no way legally advise you  do anything  with  bleach  bar following information and instructions laided out by the manufacturer :Wow sorry  about that just  want to get sued or worse  some idiot did something stupid. "

Vcough sensed  his powers  were  becoming  stronger as he knew only in complete military or police state that lowdown  for some was a way to be against society and thought  Vcough was just a very  bad cold and did not understand all the  fuss.

Tom finished his really really really really really exciting day at the supermarket and hoped never time see red and white  striped  tape again as his eyes were a bit fuzzy si he was glad to get home and listen  to  some tunes_oh my god that makes me sound  old well I am nearly sixty ;I should  say some 


Chapter 7

Tom was getting a bit weary  of the news as it felt like  he was in the film Groundhog Day_Phil, a self-centred weatherman, goes to the town of Punxsutawney for an assignment. He is later shocked when he wakes up the next morning and realises that he is reliving the same day over and over_ but Toms was PPE; Testing; Death Tolls :NHS ;Care Homes every single  day and what made the whole  situation  worse for  him was he could  not watch  his favourite football team win or lose on Match  Of The Day .

Vcough  was  very pleased  that he was responsible  for people  staying at home but was a bit pissed off by the those media  chaps or ladies as he is a political correct  virus 

Meanwhile  as the lock downs around the  world were  getting  into sixth week thier is a sign of anarchy and the greed of wanting  to earn money and some countries were experiencing protests  from  people  demanding  thier liberty and for the economy

to restart. 

People  beginning  to waver well just the normal  twenty per  cent  you now them as the idiots  who think  it never happened to me or its just a bit of flu.

Tom after watching  his  marathon  of box sets set about  his daily  exercise until  as he was doing a bicep curl_The biceps curl is a general title for a series of strength exercises that involve brachioradialis, front deltoid and the main target on biceps brachii. Includes variations using barbell, dumbbell and resistance band_weight on bar a mere 66  lbs which  he had been he thought back  over training  due to  boredom his left arm popped and now he has to rest  which is a another  reason to  him to stop critiquing  the idiot s as his wife  said he was  one too and for once  

he totally  agreed. 

Chapter 8 

Vcough  was starting  to think  he was losing  his battle but got surprised  by some apathy  among the hosts as thier talked  of economic recovery was now required as millions  were loss thier jobs .

Vcough liked the fact  that some  thought  he was not even  real and he turns to  me the writer and asks the following. 

"What direction are you  going as you seem  to be all over the place  with the plot to the  point I think you run out  of ideas  what to do,how am I going  to  conquer and be the worst  epidemic in history? "

Tom "Hey dude have  you  forgotten  I an your hero  of this book; not cool man"

Author ps that's me Mark Antony :ás a child  is hated my middle name so much  as when I was in junior  school  I was asked to play Mark Antony and kiss and girl  at this thought  I run out of the  class and school but I already  done a autobiography so to answer  your questions  Vcough and Tom I been having  writers  block ...Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. This loss of ability to write and produce new work is not a result of commitment problems or lack of writing skills. Wikipedia"

Both  Vcough and Tom reply. 

"So we here in limbo  still  in your  head  awaiting  for you  to carry on with  this  book  you  started  even  if  no one  reads it"

Author "Bit Harsh  but true "

At this point  I decided  to  stop writing  and recharge  my battery and write  the next  chapter  soon. 

Chapter 9

Tom was listening to  the  television  in the background before  his daily  one hour exercise per day ;as per usual  it was that man who is marmite  to marry :either  you love  or hate a certain Mr .Peirs  Morgan  who was plumping myself  like a peacock  about the daily  dig at the government  of the day.

But  dispite  the doom and gloom or as Private Fraser would  say in an old British Television Series Dads Army "We all Doomed"

A bit of side if information  for those readers whom may be interested. 

Dads Army _In World War II, with a German invasion looming, the defence of Walmington-on-Sea rests in the hands of the local bank manager and a motley collection of volunteers in the Home Guard unit. Despite being woefully ill-equipped, the rag-tag crew is ready to take on invading troops from across the Channel.

Tom decides to do a bit of voluntary work; to the reader yes text style change  due to unforeseen circumstances ie I messed up doh;back to  the corner for me wearing  my dunce hat with  a capital  D.

Tom goes to the local volunteers office were getting meets a blonde ;blue eyed ;buxom  woman with a voice like  listening  to chalk being scrapped  upon a blackboard. 

Tom joins Holsworthy Mutual Aid were he walks dogs :does shopping although  when dropping  it off at the doorstep the elderly  person : or he or she or maybe of neutral gender normally spend about  ten minutes  having a natter which  is ok but it involves a lot of speaking loudly due a wearing  a mask muffles his voice and b social distancing.;Tom also  collects thier medication which  means a lot of queueing; if queueing  was an Olympic sport we have a gold medal.

Meanwhile Vcough was  really  liking  the fact that the country of England was beginning  to open up again because  his powers were becoming weak due to people  being  goody two shoes; ps not the song by Adam Ant.

Vcough had a cunning plan hatching  in his brain. 

The next chapter  is going to be the last part  of this small book  or is it really  a novelette _According  to the font of all knowledge Wikipedia. ..a short novel, typically one that is light and romantic or sentimental in character.:etc  that I not got any romance or sentiment  in this book so I don't  know  why I add it in.

OK back to next Chapter. 

Chapter 10

This is what  is known as in the trade as the concluding chapter in plain English where  I rap the whole  story up .

I was unsure  in which way to  end this book but it watched a strange  Japanese man ja cartoon  or if you are posh animation way which  give me the idea how to  end it  

Hopefully it not going  to disappoint  you  like the end of the series Lost_The survivors of a plane crash find themselves stranded on a mysterious island. They are forced to work together for their survival when they realise that they are not alone on the island:which  took  the God ending and really  pissed  off a lot of fans 

Vcough had a cunning plan and it was to infect  our hero  Tom and mix with  his D.N.A to create a  totally  immune  human whom would  never show  any symptoms  of him despite all the  tests and this would  allow  to retravel  the globe reinfecting all those whom thought  survived.

Vcough would  give it to man only so that all was left were woman and children and to some this would  be the prefect  world. 

This is not the end just the  new world  we live in from the  year of  our Lord 2020