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Friday 29 April 2022

I Never Go To Sleep by Mark Antony Raines #Horror

As I lay in my warm comfortable bed I realise in a state of semi_dream that I never seem to sleep, I keep waking up. 
Was it because of the cat staring at me with her dark plutonium eyes that seemed to have the ability to peer into my very soul,or was she seeing something behind me. 
I was then distributed by a knocking on the window glass, or was it from my mirror in the corner of my room. 
So wearily I force my body out of my pit ,walk  zombie like to the light switch, I reach to put it on ,but another hand is already there. 
The hand is on the left side but I am right handed ,is someone who escaped from the other  side of the  mirror in my room with me,no its just my brain precieving the mirror image of my body the wrong way. 
I decided it was time to get myself dressed and go for my daily walk down the local  park. 
As I reached the park I do my most favourite thing of my day, I people watch. 
I await that  certain person that will get my blood pumping, and perspiration running down my body. 
I follow my intended target like a lion hunting its prey in the African jungle s.
In amongst the shadow s I follow until their and me are the only ones around, then I procede to pounce on them,this surprises so much thier do not have  time to react when I sink my protruding fangs into thier necks to drink the necar  of thier iron rich blood. 
When I finished sucking thier life force dry I carry the cadaver and place it amongst the underground catacombs placed deep in the underground Crypt, were amongst the many long dead I was meant to be buried hundreds of years ago. 
For you see I might be the most successful unknown serial killer in history and best bit is I am the only one who knows. 
So I must go back to my bed as dawn is nearly upon me ,thier I await the restless sleep until the midnight hour arrives once more 

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