Thursday, 9 September 2021


A story  about a trip to the dentist, beware the werewolf 

(Come on Harry you know it has to be done )said his father.
Harry like all people going to visit the dentist was feeling very anxious a tiny bit scared.
Harry told his father how he felt but was just told put himself together and get on with it as that what the family expected.
So after a lot of shouting and arguments Harry  is frog marched out his bedroom grabbed by the scruff of his neck.
The walk to Harry  was like the one of a condemned man going on his execution, each footstep felt like he had on lead boots .

Finally Harry and his Father reached their designation place were the dentist was situated.
Harry  climbed one the stairs imagining that was Mount Everest, His Father telling  him to hurry up and stop daydreaming.
Harry went into  the waiting  room whilst his father filled in the revalent forms, Harry got bored very easily  as no radio, no television to chill and watch some catch up television.
The dental nurse then came and got Harry and took him to the Dentist office.
Harry  father  seat in the waiting  room fir he really  was more of a whimp concerning  dentist then  he let on.
The dentist asked Harry  to sit down on the chair, the chair then went as low as a bed and then the dentist explained  what she was going to do.
Harry could  feel his heart beating  to a trash metal beat .
Then the dentist  needed to take a x Ray which involved putting a special moth piece inside his opened mouth, after two attempts  due to Harry having a gagging reflex the dentist had some news for Harry  was not expecting ,The dentist told him he needed a emergency treatment due to an remain s of a wisdom  tooth.
This involved the following

A simple extraction: you will receive a local anesthetic that numbs the area around the tooth. This helps you only feel pressure, not pain, throughout the procedure. The dentist will then pull the tooth by using an instrument to loosen the tooth and forceps to pull it all the way out. 
luckily for Harry  it was not the other alternative which  was the following.

A surgical extraction: with this type of extraction, you’ll receive both local and IV anesthesia to help you feel relaxed and prevent you from feeling pain throughout the procedure. This is needed when the dentist or surgeon needs to cut into your gums or remove bone around the tooth to be extracted. 

Having a tooth pulled can make the mouth sensitive for a few days after the procedure. The main risks include dry sockets, bleeding that lasts more than 12 hours, infection, swelling, and more.
Harry  was much relieved that his wisdom  tooth  was out as this made  him feel alot more hungry and he had not eaten  in days,so as he got off the dentist chair he saw the beginning of his favourite time of the month, a full moon, this was as his father would  say his time to be wild and feed.
Before the very eyes of the dentist and the dental nurse .  Harry appears in detail, and   as being painful as his Bones forcibly elongate and change their shape, sometimes moving so drastically that they rupture a person's skin. From beginning to end, the transformation can take several minutes, and the end result is a creature who is part human and part wolf, in varying proportions. To the dentist and dental nurse it was like a real life  special effects available at the time the film  WEREWOLF was made -- and the techniques used to create them -- this  transformation  grotesque to truly scared out of your  mind can't move kinda thing.
The dentist and the dental nurse knew nothing much more after thus apart from the remaining parts of their cadavers that Harry had not eaten.
The End.

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