Friday 9 July 2021

Acid Reflux advice from Radio 5 libe

From Carol:

Following on from last night's show when you mentioned your acid reflux problem, I thought I'd send you a link to a video by a Clinical Nutritionist which has excellent tips on gut health, which apparently affects so many areas of the body including the digestive system. It's almost an hour long including Q&A's at the end, but I think you'll find it well worth the time, as I did when I came across it recently.


From Charles:

A straightforward cure to reflux Jim is having Melon slices, any type. It soaks up all the acid instantly.


From Denise:

I agree 100% with melon, I eat the  honey dew variety and they totally relieve my discomfort. You can also try DGL chewable licorice tablets from Holland and Barrett, I find they help too.

You may need to change your diet, less sugar, processed, acidic and greasy foods.


From Jenn:

An apple after a meal will help the acidity and it works quickly for me


From Matthew:

I’ve tried many remedies as you can imagine over these years. Ones that I found work very well, its. Peppermint and Mint Teas. They help soothe this very well. And when you sleep, sleep on your left side. It speeds up digestion and alleviates heartburn and reflux.

And stay away from gassy drinks, they can cause all sorts of trouble.


From Kay:

May I recommend "The Hay Diet, Food Combining for Health." (Don't mix foods that fight.)

This was the original diet that William Howard Hay suggested in the 1920s.

My parents followed it for years and it solved my aunt's heartburn problems in the 1970s.  The  actor Sir John Mills was a great advocate.

As one of your callers mentioned earlier, it has been reproduced in various books by various authors which probably make it more accessible.


From Monica:

1. Chew your food well helps the stomach digest

2. Have head of your bed up at 45 degree angle this is to prevent aspiration of food at night.

3. Make it as least 1 hour between lying down 2-3 hours is best

4. Finally something everyone is telling you avoid spicy foods, I have another take; avoid the foods that cause a heart burn because not all spicy foods like Mexican heat gives me the burn but the curry spice doesn’t.

5. Eat your favorite foods but have your medicine available if at night!

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