Saturday, 19 December 2020


Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality.

But...there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...a dark side.

The dark side is always there, waiting for us to enter — waiting to enter us. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.

Halston was a bit confused when he received The call for his services as a Norman as The intended victim was a black cat but who was he to judge people's foolish behaviour And it was his usual £100000 Pounds fee.

Halston drives up to The mansion house of his new employer a Mr Drogan and knocks on the door to be greeted by his butler whom appeared to look down at him as if he was a bit of chewing gum on his shoe and he Leads him through to the main parlour room where he is greeted by Drogen a elderly man well dressed in a wheelchair who am a him to sit down And offers him a cigar.

 "I presume you may think it bizarre that I have asked for your services to dispatch with a mere black cat"says Drogan.

" Yeah it's a bit bizarre but work is work And your paying me to do it"says Halston.

 "Your see Mr Halston  I believe this black cat is a creature from help as it was seen at various terrible fatal accident s to m members of my pharmaceutical company from my sister,my closest friend,and recently my butler swears he keeps seeing this black cat everywhere he goes and it just states at him and let's out a disturbing meow,I believe I will then be next" says Drogan.

 "It does sound a bit paranoid And how do you know it The same black cat every time solely that's not possible but just give me a photo and I do my job and get my money And leave you to your comfortable life"says Halston.

Mr Drogan hands Halston a photo of a very cute looking jet black cat with green emerald eyes,no over defining marks,or even a simple collar,so Halston takes the photo And walks away telling  Mr  Drogan he will contact him when he has done his job.

Back at the apartment of Halston he again looks at the The black cat in the photo and decides to let it live and just wait a few days then say The deed has been done and collect a easy payday.

A few days pass,Halston gets to phone Mr Drogan to say he has done the hit and can be send the money to his Swiss bank account but he gets no reply which sparks his curiosity so he decides to go back to the mansion of Mr Drogan and demand his payment as he had a reputation to keep.

As he approach s the mansion door he realised that the door was wide open,he enters not knowing what to experience,he finds no butler to look down At him so he walks towards the main room and opens the door to findhe finds that the cat has killed Halston by climbing down his throat. The cat emerges from the corpse  of Mr Drogan and jumps at Halston, giving him a fatal heart attack.

Exactly At the same time the pharmaceutical company owed by Mr Drogan burns down to the ground,this company was known by The animal anti cruelty league to have killed 5,000 cats while testing a new drug,leaving The scene of both events was a jet black cat with green emerald eyes with a grin that looked like he had done a cosmic revenge.

The jet black cat with green emerald eyes walks into the shadow and a hole opens up with leads back to the depths of hell.

 The dark side is always there, waiting for us to enter — waiting to enter us. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.

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