Friday, 18 December 2020

Tales From The Crypt-Blind Alley by Mark Antony Raines


The residents At The Home for the Blind care home were wondering what the new owner was going to be like as the old one treated them with great respect and it was a shame his family had no intention of taking over the business .
The new owner turns out to be an ex military man by the name of Major Tom Rodgers who with his loyal German Shepherd dog ,Shane begin slowly to make financial cut backs,less food,turns off the heating,takes the television away from the lounge area as sees this as result total waste as their pants see it anyway.
All this was done while we lived in luxury of of life he fought he deserved.
When One of the residents died of hypothermia a rebellious spirit is sparked by the other residents lead by Patrick who has devised a plan for revenge against the Major.
The Major asks around as his dog Shane bras gone missing,he reports it to the local police who say will.let him know if anything comes up.
Patrick asks The Major to see him as he has information about his dog Shane,as The Major enters the room he is subdued by the residents And locked in basement where for days and nights all be can hear is loud hammering,movement of heavy boards,and the whining of poor old Shane.
The Major heard his temporary prison door open to nothing but blackness,no lights of any kind,as he slowly walked forward to feel his way around he realised he was a construction of a small man made corridor.
Then out of nowhere he heard a voice over a make shift speaker.
It was Patrick.
"Major Tom you have treated us all cruelly and sit contempt and lived a life of luxury while we suffered"
Major Tom replies.
"Come now let me go and all be forgiven"
" I am afraid not as we want see how you will cope in our world,some days ago we took your beloved Shane and starved him to the point he has reverted back to his origins of a wolf like status and he is ravenously hungry "
"What is that to do with me "
"We are going to release him,we going to give you a fighting chance,if you reach the end of the corridor in the next ten minutes I open the exit door And let you go,so I advise you to RUN!"
AS the Major true to  find his way around the man made dark  corridor as he touched the walls he quickly realised their were covered in broken razor blades which inflict many burning wounds causing him to bleed his own sweet smelling,iron rich ,crimson blood.
The Major finally reached the end of this horrific corridor And moved to to feel for the exit.
Suddenly bright light fills the room ,he sayings his eyes to readjust when heard the loud panting of his dog Shane,he looks at Shane and sees that means best friend had disappeared and in its place was a now-ravenously hungry Shane.
O nly for Patrick  to turn the lights off,  to a cheers  and claps of joy for the baying residents with that  Major Tom Rodgers is  heard screaming as the starving Shane  catches up with him and tips him to pieces in a savage frenzy.

The next month the Home for The Blind had a new manager by the name of Patrick who treated all his fellow residents with the respect and kindness their deserved.

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