Saturday, 19 December 2020



This year has been the scariest I have ever encountered in my life as it has completely changed my outlook on life and at one point drove me to the verge of a paranoid thought s overload and made me realise how scary I get when the dragon inside me takes over. 

So I have had revaluable myself into thinking whom am I and what do I give to the world as I mentioned at my worst paranoid thought s in even felt for the frIst time in years suicidal and felt I was losing my identity I found the frist lock down the hardest as it gives me the sense of grief of losing the things I did not realise until much later meant at lot to me and not anyone else.

I  dread Coronavirus or Covid 19 as you don't know which version you will get and I remember the times my wife was told to expect the worst when I was in a coma due to a high sugar levels of 124 and other when my wife had possible sepies  and I was told to expect the worst both events affected both of us and it took along time to recover and I don't know if I have that fight in me anymore. 

It's getting hard to have Hope as everytime something comes along to challenge that thought process; is this the beginning of society breaking down ?the true Apocalypse? Or will history prove it's self again as the human race tends to a hardy one who knows not me

Wear a mask _wash your hands _social distance _open a window _

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