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Thursday 1 November 2018

David Arkenstone Barnett Holsworthy Mark Podcast Show

David Arkenstone Barrett

What is happening in Antarctica? Why is the ice melting and what is it revealing?

And why has there been so much interest in the Antarctic recently and what might we soon learn. And do these 'ancient pyramids of Antarctica' hold secrets that are still being hidden from us?

Why is there suddenly so much interest in this world of ice? And might there be evidence of an advanced, ancient civilization at the 'bottom of the world'?

Something Very Strange Is Going On In Antarctica, but how and why is this connected to the city of Christchurch?

And what if it was possible that New Zealand now occupies the same area, location and energy as Atlantis once did... and if so how?

Metaphysical entrepreneur David Arkenstone Barnett has been a researcher into the UFO phenomena for over 30 years. From his first official encounter with a USO (Unidentified Submerged Object) whilst serving in the Navy in 1987 to his own personal close encounter of the third kind in the South Island of New Zealand, David has had contact with intelligent beings both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial in origin who have helped him to uncover and understand the UFO/Atlantis connection in both Antarctica and in Canterbury NZ.
He has spent 30 years in the security industry, but is also a photographer, artist, professional singer and lover of life, and has lived in Christchurch NZ for over 20 years.

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