Friday, 13 April 2018

Adventure in hospital land involving my wife Enid

My wife Enid on April 12th 2018 had a bit of an adventure at North District Hospital in Barnstaple North Devon United kingdom which involved her hospital bed.Enid told me how her hospital bed mechanism had failed causing the bed to elevate to more then average height She had to have 2 paramedics  to be with her due too health and safety issues and had to have her meals,tablets,drinks via a step ladder when her bed was moved she could be transferred to another hospital bed was only working on 3 wheels .To make the situation worse she had to wait for a air mattress to inflation to then moved on her another hospital bed this was from 8am to 5 pm on the day,so who said staying in hospital was boring I even did a bit on my podcast Holsworthy mark show about the event .Listen to too podcast

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