Sunday, 22 May 2016

Documentary reveals secret life of human pups

A NEW documentary takes a look at the hidden world of human pups: a secretive subculture of men who dress and behave like dogs. Why do they covet doggie treats, belly rubs and squeaky toys?
“Puppy play is definitely not about sex, it is a form of escapism,” says Kye, a 28-year-old Oxford graduate who enjoys dressing up as a dog, reports the Daily Mail.Channel 4’s Secret Life of the Human Pups focuses mainly on men like Kye but he says: “Females who are into pet play are usually into kitten play as they identify more with kittens than pups.”
The program also features the sad story of Tom, 32, a theatre technician from Tring, Hertforshire, who split up with his fiancee Rachel because of his yearning to dress up as a dalmatian.
He says: “You disappear and start chasing puppy toys. You go so deep into the head space, you crave it and want it. It’s just magic.”-read more

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