Wednesday, 11 September 2013

the big sleep or offline to the world

well it started with me feeling tired and sick .went to the doctor who said it was an eae infection so i tried to carry on as normal  but began to get worse  to the stage i had to go to bed.i keep being sick and very thristy drinking orange juice and lucazade then my wife became concerned about my wellbeing,from this moment on i rely on my wife-enid-eye witness account.any way the doctor came out  i was talking rubbish and he smelt anitone smell on my breath then called an ambulance.when the ambulance arrrived the frist attempt to get a blood sugar reading did not show so i was rushed to barnstaple hospital a and e a and e my blood sugar reading was 124 so i went to icu.i was in icu -at one point my iwfe was told to expect the worse-ie  was the 3rd week in when i heardd a female voice telling me to wake up then had the most overwhelming feeling to wake up-to this day i dont know who the female voice was or is also i have a tattoo on my right arm with a tribal black sun with karma written in the the hospital i  had to learn how to inject insulin itto my stomach.i  ended up back home where i had to learn to walk again-3 weeeks wastes your musles-and learn about diabetic from the internet ,i then decided to stop eating anyform of pastry,soft drinks,sweets,cakes andd eat more vegiation food-lost weight wentonto metiforrin tabets for  a couple of months  lost more weight now on diet control,i forgot to say i had to go on pure potassium for a short time in hospital as worried about my kidneys.better now but life i s  short so make  it  sweet.mark-ghostmanraines

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